Installing AIM1.5 on MDK10


Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2004
Well, I got Mandrake 10 downloaded and installed, and once I got AIM1.5 for Linux downloaded, i logged into my root accoutn and tried to install it. After trying to install it, it keeps looking for "Mandrake 10 CD 4" Is there anything that I can do to get around this problem?

I assume that it needs the CD for a dependecy that needs installing, but I don't know what else I can do.
that's strange,
did you you a generic package? or distrobution specific package?

.... and at the risk of being off topic: i like gaim, even if yahoo won't co-operate.
i just found gaim, so im using that now.

and yes, i downloaded a distro-specific app.