How fast is your reaction time?

I usually average around .220, with several in the .170 range.

One time, though, I jumped the gun on the first one, so I just rapidly hit the button to get to the next round... 3 of the others were 3 seconds but one of them was 0.0000 seconds! I'm sure I didn't actually get 0 but there must be a minimum amount of time the game can measure and I got below that.

Edit: I just got 0.0000 again, legitimately but with luck. I think it's a bug, the sheep was out about half a body length.

Edit #2: and in the very next game, I got another 0.0000, and distinctly saw the sheep get a full body-length out, then jump back to a half-body length. It's a bug.
I know pics or thread is fail but somehow I ended up with .0000 seconds for the first sheep.
.168 the 1st, 2nd times and .162 the 3rd time one on my first try. After that i seem to get slower and slower.
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it measures in incriments, it's not going to be that accurate because of it, I keep getting 222 exactly where as in real life it's going to be deviating slightly
Heres my score :cool:

0.82 seconds the first time...


and 0.196 seconds the second time...
0.2326 for me. It was going betetr but I got .330 for one of them which hurt my average.
.2000, once I stopped shooting them too soon, but after all the best strategy would be to shoot them before they run. ;)

hows this for consistence.. :p

ok after 50 attempts.. this is the best i could get for single reaction time.. so im quitting while im ahead.. :p

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1st try: 0.266
2nd try: 0.22
3rd try: 0.2344

I would love to see some one score 0.0XX in first three times.
Do I have to post it or can you just believe me?


Now you all should believe me when I say I can tell the difference when I use a Killer NIC, I find LCD's too slow compared to CRT's, and I can tell when my framerates drop below 60Hz. Lol.

edit: Just got 0.100, 0.109, 0.161, 0.123, and 0.135... Ill have to try this tommorow when Im actually awake... bet I get under 0.10!

2nd edit: okay, that thing is on crack because I just got a 0.000.
My best was 0.1234s (still rocketing rabbit only :(). The trick is to listen for the running sound. With this trick I can consistently get under 0.16s
Do I have to post it or can you just believe me?


Now you all should believe me when I say I can tell the difference when I use a Killer NIC,

You could be using dial up, and it wouldn't make a difference. Once the game is downloaded to memory, your ping and network speed don't matter. You can unplug your ethernet cable and it wouldn't affect the game once it's in memory.

So your Killer NIC advantage is all in your head.

I WIN! (no I didn't cheat. If you manage to get the sheep before it crosses the first line then its an automatic 0.00s :eek:)
You could be using dial up, and it wouldn't make a difference. Once the game is downloaded to memory, your ping and network speed don't matter. You can unplug your ethernet cable and it wouldn't affect the game once it's in memory.

So your Killer NIC advantage is all in your head.

A Killer or hardware NIC cant help your ping and network speed, only your provider and other things 'upstream' can help that. Calling up and havng things like interleaving removed/reduced is one way. Otherwise, I dont want to take this thread off its topic, but you should really look into what a Killer NIC really does before you say its 'all in someone's head'. What it does is at least as significant as the interface lag that LCD's have (not their pixel response). A simple way to put it is this: way back when, hardware modems were the dial-up method of choice because they off-loaded the processing/sorting of data as it came in... now, broadband has increased the speed and width of our internet, but we instead defer to using the integrated LAN controllers which depend on the CPU to actually process/sort info. On some cheaper integrated LAN controllers, like the Atheros L1e that Asus put on my last mobo, the CPU use was so high that I noticed the 'chop' because although alone it shouldnt have been much, the CPU was also taking care of crossfire/SLi operations, as well as the onboard audio. When I tested the LAN, it was putting a good 30% load on one of the phenom's CPU's! Dont hardware NIC's for our PC's make sense?
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I blame the slow reaction time on my mouse. As everyone knows, wireless mice are all terribly laggy including the MX700 despite it's the only mouse I use on my main system which includes gaming. :p

A Killer or hardware NIC cant help your ping and network speed, only your provider and other things 'upstream' can help that. Calling up and havng things like interleaving removed/reduced is one way. Otherwise, I dont want to take this thread off its topic, but you should really look into what a Killer NIC really does before you say its 'all in someone's head'. What it does is at least as significant as the interface lag that LCD's have (not their pixel response). A simple way to put it is this: way back when, hardware modems were the dial-up method of choice because they off-loaded the processing/sorting of data as it came in... now, broadband has increased the speed and width of our internet, but we instead defer to using the integrated LAN controllers which depend on the CPU to actually process/sort info. On some cheaper integrated LAN controllers, like the Atheros L1e that Asus put on my last mobo, the CPU use was so high that I noticed the 'chop' because although alone it shouldnt have been much, the CPU was also taking care of crossfire/SLi operations, as well as the onboard audio. When I tested the LAN, it was putting a good 30% load on one of the phenom's CPU's! Dont hardware NIC's for our PC's make sense?

except BladeVenom is completely correct.. the killer NIC has no effect on a flash game.. since the games pre-loaded into your memory/temp data.. so its all in the guys head..
except BladeVenom is completely correct.. the killer NIC has no effect on a flash game.. since the games pre-loaded into your memory/temp data.. so its all in the guys head..

Oh, okay, I see whats wrong here... I NEVER SAID THAT THE KILLER NIC was having ANY effect on THIS game right here... thats something that is in your two heads!

I was only stating that with such an amped up reflex time, I am more likely to notice these things (Killer NIC, LCD lag, etc) than most...>>> "with other games". I know the NIC doesnt matter here. I just meant in general.
Oh, okay, I see whats wrong here... I NEVER SAID THAT THE KILLER NIC was having ANY effect on THIS game right here... thats something that is in your two heads!

I was only stating that with such an amped up reflex time, I am more likely to notice these things (Killer NIC, LCD lag, etc) than most...>>> "with other games". I know the NIC doesnt matter here. I just meant in general.

or you should just relize its a game.. and no one really cares.. but eh.. what ever..
Dude watch out!

He can tell when his FPS drops below 60Hz which makes him srs bizness.

i can tell when my fps drops from 100 to 50, I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to feel the difference, that is, unless you are mentally retarded with downs. :rolleyes:

anyways, different people think different things can impact their performance in certain things, its all a mental thing.
.1924 on my first run....

eh, I think i could get it down when I have time to focus