[H]Kameo Review


Jun 17, 2005
A very nice review of Kameo on the 360 guys. I'd like to add that the co-op is really good for playing with the kids but as stated...it is frustrating to have to "unlock" co-op levels before being able to play them. The second (maybe it's third) co-op level where you get to use Deep Blue is frustrating as hell. I had a very hard time controlling Deep Blue and it was near impossible for the kids to get.

Other than those minor two gripes it is a great "family" game.
Thank you sir!

Personally, we feel that it was important to point out who the game IS best suited for as well as as who it ISN'T. More often than not, reviewers tend to forget anyone who isn't a hard core gamer or forget the fact that a lot of us hard core gamers are parents now too :eek:
Kevl4R said:
I had a very hard time controlling Deep Blue and it was near impossible for the kids to get.

Controlling Deep Blue can be a pain in the arse, but I don't think there is any other way they could have him control. Since the game only uses the left and right triggers for attacks and the analog sticks for manuvering, it hurts the controls quite a bit.

Regardless, it's a decent game, although I was a bit disappointed by it. It was my most anticipated launch title, and I've enjoyed it the least (I've played PDZ, COD2, Kong, and NFS:MW). I haven't finished the game yet, but I've put in a good 7 hours or so. Only a little more left and I'll have completed it.
I disagree...

I think Kameo is a fantastic game ---- It doesn't have the ewws and awwws that FNR3 has, but it's a better crafted game...and personally in my top 10 games I've ever played - I've been a computer/console gamer since my first pong console in the 80's, so I don't think I have an uniformed opinion.

The story is engaging, the levels are fun and creative, the sound and music is epic, and it's got some of the best graphics I've ever seen on any game PC or Console.

I would wholly recommend it to anyone!
Archaea said:
I think Kameo is a fantastic game ---- It doesn't have the ewws and awwws that FNR3 has, but it's a better crafted game...and personally in my top 10 games I've ever played - I've been a computer/console gamer since my first pong console in the 80's, so I don't think I have an uniformed opinion.

I dunno, I thought seeing hundreds upon hundreds of characters fighting a war on screen was pretty nice. It may not have the most realistic graphics, but it still looks amazing and has a few moments of its own.

BTW, I think I think I came off wrong in my post (oops :p)

I'll agree that Rare has done an amazing job on the presentation of the game, the visuals and the audio are great, and the story is good enough to get the job done. My main problem was with the gameplay, I couldn't really get into the game before (I was about 4:30 into it), but I'm starting to like it more now that I've reached the 7 hour mark. I can't say it's anywhere on my list of best games of all time, but its definitely a worthwhile purchase.
I thought Kameo was great. It was a nice change of pace for a Xbox title... I hope there is more to come with games like this.
I really enjoyed this game, I thought the graphics were stunning (even on my non-HD CRT) I did find the video playback for the intro a little bit stuttery (image only, sound was fine) but I thought that might be more down to me not using a HD display.

Most of the achievements were easy enough to get too with many being unlocked throughout the course of the game or through completing the co-oplevels, although I am left with the 5 High Score achievents which I think are impossible to get (I've tried a few times and got sick of re-playing the same levels without so much as getting even remotely near the scores needed to unlock them).

The Deep Blue levels were definitly the weakest part of the game (including the quest in the village which involved trying to push pearls onto the starfish holders).
The trick with Deep Blue is to not touch the camera conrol (right analog stick) and let the game set the camera for you. Try it. Jump in the water and move around with him and DON'T touch the right stick! It's a hell of a lot easier. I really liked Kameo and my wife had a blast playing it as well.. It kinda sucks we beat it and unlocked a lot of the stuff.. Now I have to go back and finish up those levels to get A ranking. Damn you, Forbidden Forrest!
Controlling Deep Blue can be a pain in the arse


Kameo was a really fun game. A little on the easy side, but still a really fun, beautiful game. Go to the tropical level, and go to free look mode and look up at the rocks. It looks simply amazing with the heat haze effects. The game the ridges look almost real on that level.
Kevl4R said:
A very nice review of Kameo on the 360 guys. I'd like to add that the co-op is really good for playing with the kids but as stated...it is frustrating to have to "unlock" co-op levels before being able to play them. The second (maybe it's third) co-op level where you get to use Deep Blue is frustrating as hell. I had a very hard time controlling Deep Blue and it was near impossible for the kids to get.

Other than those minor two gripes it is a great "family" game.

That really was a great review. I'm just thrilled that these fine editors are finally reviewing more than just hardware, especially since i'm becoming a huge console fan these days. I also agree that I HATE Deep Blue as it's frustrating controlling him under water. Heh, you should see how frustrated some of these kids are getting when you get to fighting Corallis and Lork Drok.
I just beat Kameo about an hour ago, and man, I feel so satisfied. After completing the game it's gone from being my least favorite Xbox 360 title to one of my favorites. I spent the first 4 hours or so not being very interested in the game, and then when I hit the 5 hour mark I just couldn't put it down. Not sure why, but I'm not complaining. Usually when I can't get into a game/am not enjoying a game within 3-4 hours, it means I'm not going to enjoy it and I'll put it down to never touch it again. Good thing I decided to give Kameo another shot. :)

Here's hoping for a sequel (story leaves the option open)