Gear VR - Worth the Limited Experience?


Nov 11, 2011
I'm sure it's been asked a million times on this forum, but my wife told me I'm just throwing away money. Can you guys that have used it give me some ammunition to use on her to throw away $100 on this?
After trying the Rift at Best Buy I can safely say that, wow, glad I only paid $100 for a similar experience.
The experience was worth it last year.. but since moving on to the vive it pales in comparison and it'll end up collecting dust. In my case i got the innovator edition a while back and im keeping it for collectors sake. Not much i can do with it, Especially if i ever sell my note 4.
It really depends on how you use it. I love mine for watching TV , It's lower res than you are used to for sure but the immersion makes up for it. If games are all you care about it might not be the best, but there is still some fun stuff. If you have a phone that works with it I think it's absolutely worth it. Don't buy a phone just for it though.

Fake edit - I tried CV1 at the Tokyo Games Show as was sold on it instantly. Later I got the Gear VR and decided it was good enough until second gen stuff was out.
I got one for free with my S7. Played with it for a couple hours and it was pretty cool, but haven't used it since. I wouldn't pay $100 for it.

I'm waiting for Vive/Rift to mature and I may spring for one of those.