F@H Service Installer (Local)


Dec 12, 2003
I have finished my Folding@Home Service Installer. It is a pretty simple program, and I made it very easy to use. After you have configured Folding@Home on the machine you want it set as a service on, simply "Drag-and-Drop" it onto this, and it is added into the Services list. Running this program without any arguments removes it from the Services list. Please note that this only works on Windows NT/2K/XP since Windows 9x doesn't have a "Services" thing. It makes no checks to see if you are an Administrator when installing a service, so it could fail adding as a service. When removing it makes a check, so if you are unsure try to add, then run it alone, and see if it successfully removed it, or if it doesn't exist. If it works, then re-add the file. Please note that this version doesn't start the service after installing it - you will need to restart the computer for it to take effect.

Note that it does not automatically add any command-line options/optimizations, such as -ForceASM or anything else. You will need to go into Admin Tools / Services to add this information. It is listed as "Folding@Home Distributed Computing Client" in the Services List.

I have included all of the souce code so you can customize it. I also included the icon I made, along with a .BMP and .XCF (Gimp) format so you can customize the icon. Read the comments in the main.cpp file regarding customizing this. This was developed in BloodShed DevC++. Enjoy.


Updated - this now links you to version 1.1, which is named "folding_home2.zip"
Thanks for the addition. I might be able to use the source to change my DOS install script to C. :)

However it didn't work on my system. It added a service which starts your FAH.exe.

Adding service Folding@Home Distributed Computing Client (D:\Downloads\folding_home\Folding@Home\FaH.exe)...

I dragged and dropped "C:\folding3\FAH4Console.exe" onto your "FAH.exe" which was located in "D:\Downloads\folding_home\Folding@Home\FaH.exe".

Seems the wrong argv is being used. Taking the path to FAH.exe instead of the path to the file that was dropped. Running FAH with no arguments removed the service so no harm done.
Thanks for finding that turmelle! I got so excited after getting it to read an argument I completely missed that it read the wrong one. I've updated the code so that with fewer than 2 arguments it will uninstall. With two arguments or more, it adds the second argument as the service, as was originally intended. I updated the link on my end, so now you get the folding_home2.zip file instead of the first one. Again, thanks for finding that. It's awesome that your script can do remote installations. I haven't found anything on doing that sort of stuff yet. Keep it up and feel free to use anything from my program. :)