easiest linux??


Jan 17, 2003
many moons ago i started this thread. i had a difficult time getting everything going. i didn't understand well, my burner quit working, so on and so on. i got my new burner Wed. of last week. tonight i remembered that i had downloaded knoppix onto my system and i decided to give it one last try. well now i am writing this post from my mozilla browser trhough knoppix!!!! so a big thanks goes out to everyone for helping me out. knoppix is very cool. i am enjoying it so far. this is the first thing thati have done in knoppix so off i go to explore, wish me luck!
I am writing this from within Xandros on my VMWare workstation. So far, it's terrific. Picked up all of my hardware and even using CrossOver Office was a breeze. I already have MS Office, Photoshop, and Macromedia StudioMX working perfectly and the system has only been running about ten minutes.

So far, this is my distro of recommendation from now on. Of course, it costs. But, you get what you pay for. The UI is clear, easy to use, and consistent. It's heavily modified KDE, so GNOME wizards will probably feel a bit off using it, but I recommend everyone at least try it once.

This is what Linux really could be. I might have to use my mom as a guinea pig with it...
Redhat usually installs about as easy as windows 2k or XP, though there are certain types of hardware that can give it trouble- usually sound doesn't work out of the box. SATA and also RAID's can also be sources of complication when installing Linux.

One thing I recommend is choosing the custom option when selecting packages, read about the stuff it wants to install and deselect some things you think you won't need. Redhat is a bit bloated by default so read the descriptions and make a guess as to whether or not you want them. You can always install off the CD or download rpms for packages you want to add after the install is done. Installing software is one of those crucial things for a noob to learn anyway, so trim down the initial install a little.
I think of all of the linux Distro's that i've used.. the "easiest" would be either Mandrake or Fedora Core.

they've been a real turn on toward Linux in a lot of different ways for me.. I've become more daring latly though and have installed slackware and finally have things working right for me. (lots of reading and tinkering). But anyways a simple answer to the question I guess would be Either Mandrake or Fedora Core.
I use debian....... i have found no distro to be easy nor sumple. unless you like to stare at the base installl =\