

Dec 3, 2003
Hello to all have a couple of questions about duplicators

1.what hardware do you need to build a duplicator(for now just looking to use cd writers)

2.I want to have a standalone no mb/cpu involved, is that ok or is it better to have mb/cpu included?

3. wheres the best place to get the parts(best price,and products)

4.have a case that I found it has a power supply(250 watts) for an old AT mb connection (p1/p2), will I have to get another power supply?

5.Is there any sites out there that can walk me through the building process of a duplicator?

please asap you can im me @ msn [email protected]

thanks in advance
1. Besides the drives, you'll need an enclosure, power supply, and a controller.
2. You don't need a motherboard/CPU. There are controller boards designed for CD duplicators.
3. I don't know. When this thread gets moved to Data Storage, someone will probably have a link to some good retailers. There was a thread on this topic posted a few months ago. Someone will likely have the thread bookmarked, or at least have more information. If the search weren't down, I'd be able to help more.

The rest of your questions will be answered in due time.
Sure. You should probably PM a mod to get it moved over to Data Storage. The sooner it gets moved there, the sooner you'll get your answers.

The pics are down, but I am trying to get Sarver to put 'em back up. But they look like any other dupe tower you have seen.

If you want to see one or buy a barbones model....here

Or to make one, you need the following....
Power supply(300W is fine for up to a 1:5 duper, anything over that would need a bigger power supply)
CD-ROM Drive, same speed as burners(or just another burner)
Controller Card(google it, read up as much as you can, as some only support cetain drives.)
and so on to as many as your case can fit.

Most good controller cards, when adding an optional harddrive, will automatically make partitions on the drive to store the images so you can just continue to put in the blank media with out the originating media.

I have a 1:10 stuck to my wall right now, couldn't find a case on the cheap to fit it all in.
Do you have a link where I can check those pics out? wheres a good place to get the parts (good parts) controller card, powersupply,etc. not drives will go to newegg. also I have a case, it has a 250watt power supply so base on your post I know I have to change that(going to install 7burners & 1 cdrom, 1controller card).

And thanks tiny, for the help :D
PM SarverSystems; I'm sure he can arrange for you to see the pictures.
Sorry no link yet, still trying to get Sarver to give 'em up.
But they are just a case with the power supply and all the drives and controller in 'em. Simple, but it aids in the explination of things.

First, don't buy ANY burners til you know what controller card you are going to get, since controller cards tend to like only certain burners.

Second, if you want to go 'ghetto'(that is how I started out) try going the SCSI route since you can have way more daisy chains on SCSI than you can IDE, but if you want to go IDE then you can read a bit by taking a look at this article.

Third, if you want to go the semi-pro route(I say semi since full pro would be just purchasing a highend duper) I can only suggest what I have used and what I have used is only Wytron products, they seem to have a good rep around the net. This is the exact one I use , since it has the ability to 'track select'. They have phased it out of production but you can still find it here . Or you could search through what Wytron has to offer now, here.

As for power supply, go with a name brand unit that is at least at 350W for a 1:7 system, some would say 300W is fine, but I tend to error on the safe side. Harddrive is optional, but I must tell you that I have never built one without a HD, well I have built them, but never used them more than once without a HD.

As for a case, you said you have one, and it really doesn't take much to mod one if you have to. Also, if you are going to be running it pretty consistantly than I suggest a few fans in there. Never hurts.

I will see if I can round up some pics and links for you, but really, a google search will net you what you want, for both pics and links.
Just do what I do.....read everything you can get your hands on!:D

Almost forgot....if you want to read a user manual(yeah yeah more reading) here is a link to one in a PDF. Or Microboards.com has downloadable user manuals for all their products(that is where I purchased my first system, since I can actually walk to their place:D )
thanks tiny, for the links info everything Now Iam on my jurney will update when I finish.