Drunken master with a jigsaw


Jan 12, 2004
Recently I've been creating a prototype (using 1/4in pressed board in place of the 1/4in acrylic which is an expensive medium to learn on) for a case I dreamed up, but i keep running into one problem that I hope to rectify by the time I start working on the finished copy and that being my cuts look like I'm hammered.

No matter how slow I cut or how hard I pay attention, the holes I make never are quite square.

So now my question is, does anyone have any advice for a newbie modder with what tools I should use and when? The outside cuts are easy, I can just use a table saw, but like cutting out things like drive bay holes made me almost say screw it and give up.

Try using a piece of paper with the holes printed on it taped to the material. If that doesn't work, go old-fashioned and use a good square and scribe all the marks into the case before cutting.
I have been marking everything out... It looks fine when I'm cutting but when I finish and pull the saw away, all I can say is wtf.

Maybe I should down a few shots before I start :D

Measure the distance from the middle of the blade cutting edge to the edge of the "foot" on the saw. Place a 1"x1" (or larger) peice of wood at that distance from your line, making sure it is square to the line you want to cut. Clamp it down tight and then use some pressure when cutting to insure that the saw foot stays snugly against the wood guide.

Voila! Perfect cuts.
Originally posted by [nCn]Preacher
Measure the distance from the middle of the blade cutting edge to the edge of the "foot" on the saw. Place a 1"x1" (or larger) peice of wood at that distance from your line, making sure it is square to the line you want to cut. Clamp it down tight and then use some pressure when cutting to insure that the saw foot stays snugly against the wood guide.

Voila! Perfect cuts.

yea, what he said. A.K.A a jig.
Thats the exact kind of tip I needed.
Thanks much!

~I'll post pics if I ever get around to ordering all the rest of the parts instead of my computer living in the prototype box.

Originally posted by [nCn]Preacher
Measure the distance from the middle of the blade cutting edge to the edge of the "foot" on the saw. Place a 1"x1" (or larger) peice of wood at that distance from your line, making sure it is square to the line you want to cut. Clamp it down tight and then use some pressure when cutting to insure that the saw foot stays snugly against the wood guide.

Voila! Perfect cuts.

hmm who what of thought of using a jig with a jig saw ;)
If it wasnt for it being January and being NJ, making so cold out I would of searched through the sheds full of power tools for what I needed. But being quite chilly, I opted not to hand numerus metal objects in fear of becoming stuck to them. (ie: Christmas Story stuck minus the tongue part.) :( That and I dont like frost bite:D

Plus I'm not that smart to put a Jig with a Jigsaw.
Originally posted by Naquani
No matter how slow I cut or how hard I pay attention, the holes I make never are quite square.


How come I laughed when i read that.