Can all ram run in Duel Channel???

Jun 2, 2004
ok looking at building a new system in a month or so. I have 2x512 3200 i got about 2 years about running on a system that cant do Duel channel. With my new system duel channel will be there do i needed new ram for it to work right.
If the sticks are really identical, I think you have a very high chance of success.

Keep in mind that matched sticks are not manufactured differently, just tested for dual channel operation. I'd think it would be very rare for identical sticks to not run in DChannel applications.

Regards - B.B.S.
Yep it should work no problem. And a little extra voltage to the ram can almost always solve problems with sticks not making it upto speed
As B.B.S. said, dual channel kits are pre-tested...nothing more. If your memory is the same, meaning same brand, timings, speed, etc I can't see why it would not work.
Bwahaha, duel channel memory, is that like when the two sticks fight it out until the other ones explodes in purple smoke? :D

Anyways, what the above people said is right.