Beat MGS3 in 1 day *SPOILERS*


Jul 3, 2004
I got subsistence and never got snake eater originaly since i didn't have a ps2 till just a few months ago. But i got subsistence on friday and wanted to beat it before i got oblivion, so i sat down this morning and played though the game from beginning to end, 15:35 hours. Man it's a damn fine game. can't wait for 4 :)
Yes it is. I can still remember my jaw hitting the floor when I realized the 'bad guy' was never bad at all from the previous games. He just knew more than everyone else. ;)
yeah MGS4 is going to be great i hope. Hopefully nothing like MGS2

i loved mgs1 and 2, what didn't you like about 2?

Did you guys know who was on the phone at the end of the game, the guy who was ADAM. He didn't sound like ocelot but he's the only one i could think of who it might be, unless it's someone we never met in the game. And is it the snake from this game who is big boss in mgs1 and one of the sons of boss is solid snake then?
I'll be picking up mgs3 in a few days soon as my PS2 comes (damn seller is taking forever to ship it). :mad:. I thought MGS2 was awesome, I know alot of people didnt like the whole raiden thing but I didnt mind too much.
First of all if we're going to openly discuss the plot we should mention that there are spoilers. ;) I put that in the title. :)

Yes Snake in 3 is Big Boss. Solid and Liquid were clones of Big Boss.

If you think about it, Big Boss wasn't ever revolting against the govenment because he knew that was a sham. He was going against The Patriots. Solid at the time never knew of the Patriots because it doesn't even come out that the whole world is controlled by them until MGS2.
Thanks for title change rich, sorry for not thinking about that. Did you ever figure out who ADAM is?
Metal Gear Solid 3 is my favorite game ever.

I don't think i need to go into specifics.

but man that is a great game. its hard to beleive its already over a year since it was released.
ima mgs fanatic, but i just couldnt get into 3. i think its because i played 1 and 2 before getting into pc games. after playing games like far cry and half life 2, ps2 games really really start to look bad. ive been thinking about getting substinence, cuz i wanna beat it, plus i heard its better. i got to the old guy in the woods in snake eater, but then started growing tired of it. the plot couldnt even hold my attention.

ill give it another try because everyone keeps saying how good it is.
Wait, wait Big Boss isn't really this "bad guy" we've all come to know of? All this time, he's been fighting against the Patriots? My wonder...and there goes our beloved "current" Solid Snake again....being used as the pawn.... :p Man, I need to get a PS2 again and play this game. I know for sure I will be picking up a PS3 and MGS4, that's a given!
Mgs 3 has an awesome story! And the motorcycle scene at the end is one of the best scenes ever in a game! So dramatic, with catchy music. :D
Yeah that chase scene with the giant shagohad was sweet. The whole time i was just thinking "man this is way cooler than the chase scene at the end of MGS1!"
If I had an modem adapter ( have the older model ps2 ), I would buy subs.
But I won't..30$ for the game and 40$ for the adapter... Plus I already have regular mgs3.


It seems that the trend of MGS is if you wait a year after it is released, they come out with a newer version with more stuff.
UnlimitedMP said:
If I had an modem adapter ( have the older model ps2 ), I would buy subs.
But I won't..30$ for the game and 40$ for the adapter... Plus I already have regular mgs3.


It seems that the trend of MGS is if you wait a year after it is released, they come out with a newer version with more stuff.

You can head to your local gamestop or whatever and get a used PS2 network adapter for ~$15.

Yes Ocelot is ADAM.. kind of says it at the end... where he explains what happens to eva and the legacy and such... plus is real name is Adamska :p .