Anybody miss me...


Apr 6, 2001
I'm back.

Got a better job in the Govt... and I manage a series of Apartments. What comes with that is free utilities and a more payola.

No longer shall I bane the summer heat here in Arizona because a garden raises the cooling bills and the boxen turn the electric meter into a box fan.

I have a whole shop with FREE electricity to set up my garden. nothing a 100 foot section of CAT5 and another hub cant fix. I finally have a nice cable service now so I dont have to work a garden on a shared modem anymore...

I have gotten some things back in order and have added a box when I can. I am still putting resources back in shape.

I'm glad to be back. I hope to instill motivation again when I can and help hold the spear that finally lays the monster to rest.

Fold on my brothers...
Welcome back ....I've been wondering where you were.

Now I'm wondering where Relic has disappeared to.

Originally posted by jkstang
Now I'm wondering where Relic has disappeared to.

he should be back soon hopefully :)

and nice to have you back! i wish i had free power!!! :eek:

powering my farm costs me a lot of $$$ :(
Welcome back. Sounds like you got things coming together. far as the relic hunt, try digging in IRC. ;)
You were gone????

J/K, good to have you back dude;)

Fold on forever

wow and they had once written that the dead shall one day rise. and hell look at this!!
Welcome Back, I bet that Red now has a little Gray as well ;)
Brother Red....
It's been a while. Good to see you back. :D

Still roasting CPUs in that Arizona heat? ;)
Welcome back Red. Been a long time man!
Welcome back Red!!! Glad to see you back in the forums. Now drag your rump back into IRC and we'll terrorize the neighborhood again. :D
I had a feeling we'd see you around sometime soon. Welcome back, RedShred!
Either I'm bad with names, or I haven't been around long enough (a year?) to remember.

Either way, take advantage of that free juice and get to work

Fold her in half like a pretzel. :eek:
Hey thanks !

I know its been a really long time and to be honest, I'm pretty shocked that some of you remember me.

I'm pushing 170ish points a week. Not what it was when my world fell apart... but we'll get it right.

Fold on !