A64 64-bit to be 30% faster in HL2

New D-0 stepping for the Prescotts is supposed to be released in March. Retailers should have them before summer. Intel will probably modify their power consumption specs once that happens. The new stepping will probably have lower consumption considering they haven't released a P4 3.4E with the current stepping. Maybe they'll finally reach 4gHz on air. Too bad they're only hitting 3.5-3.6gHz on air right now.

I am an AMD fanboy and will forever be. I am never going back to Intel unless I need a dedicated P4 rig for video encoding. I still like staying updated on the latest from both sides though. As for nVidia, I have always preferred them because of their better tech support and service in general. I also respect them for releasing an AMD chipset at a time when Via was the only viable solution. I have a feeling they're going to make a comeback when the next-gen cards come out. But as for right now, ATI has better performance (especially with AA or AS on) so I have an ATI card.

Even if ATI is in conspiracy with Intel, they still need to release a better chipset. The IGP wasn't even that good and was released toward the end of the Northwood life-time. I guess ATI wants to cash in on the integrated graphics market that Intel is in control of.