90 degree molex available in the UK

Wired up 4 of these plugs plus a floopy connector and it took me over 3 hours but at least now that part of my case is tidy.

uhm... any adresses in The Netherlands by any chance? :D

and show us the pics ;)
Okay I think I put the wires in wrongly but it still works. The wires are loose. Didn't work out you just push the wires down into the connectors instead of removing the outer plastic.

Will do it propery when I buy an extension cable.

those 90 degree ones are a pain in the ass. If they were like the ones I had a while back, the cap on back is supposed to push them into the connector (no crimping involved) but its a pain to actually get it to cut into the 18-20gauge wire.
Are you supposed to have the connectors in a vice or something because I had trouble trying to get the wire in and using a small screwdriver to push the bare wire in?

Have to be careful don't want small bits of wire in my case.

when I switched over to right angle molex connectors, I just used an old blank expansion slot cover to push the 18ga wires in. i didn't want to use a screwdriver and slip and cut through the wires.