8MB Cache worth it over Network?


Apr 20, 2003
I plan on getting a new HDD for my media server which is connected to the network by 10/100. The whole network is 10/100 btw. My question is whether or not the performance would be any better if I used an 8MB cache drive over one with 2MB? I will be watching movies over it occasional (.vob files of backed up DVDs) and I will have to copy DVD backups over to it via the network since my main computer has the DVD drive. TIA!
LOL... I seriously doubt it. Your Maximum transfer over 100baseT is 100/8 = 12.5 Megabytes/sec. That doesn't include overhead etc..
Bitrate on your DVD's is usually ~5Mbps (~0.625MegaBytes/sec). Maybe up to 8Mbps (1MBps)

You have plenty of extra bandwidth. I've played DVD's over 10baseT no problem. ;)
All of this isn't even close to what you're drive can do. The cache is only 2 or 8 megabytes, which helps when you're moving the same file over and over, or little files. moving a large file off the drive, it doesn't matter how big the cache is, 'cause the file is bigger than the cache.

Currently my linux box is my file server, using old UDMA33 drives, and I transfer files at about max speed for 100BaseT. :)