52c before it was 45c 1.6a


Mar 22, 2002
is 52c hot for a cpu? I have a good aftermarket cooler (the name escapes me right now) its just as good as the swiftech cooper one. It used to be only 45 now it jumped for some reason maybe its my cpu I used to be able to oc to 2.56ghz now it will only go to 2.48 but its been ocing @1.75 volts for a year now it can only do 1.7 and its not my mb because I just got a replacement and it does the same thing.
edit: its a alpha pal8942t with a zalman 80mm fan
Maybe your heatsink has a bunch of dust in it... mine slowly rises temps untill i clean it out every couple of weeks.
definatly resaet it/clean it, and if you get that much dust in your case that you have to clean it every few weeks, you definatly need filters/more intakes or something... because you shouldnt have to do that