
  1. Nebell


    Believe it or not, I don't watch porn and I certainly don't want to pay for it. But after seeing a post about how awesome porn is on Quest 3 with passthrough, I figured what the hell. I downloaded DeoVR (free) and purchased a month of SLR membership (you could just google it and add VR porn)...
  2. nodle

    First layer porn pics

    Ok boys let's see those first layer porn pics, we all love them. :love:
  3. AlphaAtlas

    Scientists Say a Quarter of Tumblr Users Visit the Site for Porn

    Tumblr recently announced a plan to remove all porn from their site, and naturally, the decision has sparked some controversy. Some users claim that the automatic filters are removing "benign" content while leaving explicit content alone. Nevertheless, Tumblr still has a lot of porn, a topic...
  4. cageymaru

    Tumblr Bans All Porn from Its Service

    The staff at Tumblr has announced a ban on all explicit sexual adult content and nudity on the website starting December 17, 2018. The explanation behind the change is to create a more diverse and welcoming community. The community guidelines can be found here. Over the past several months, and...
  5. AlphaAtlas

    Amazon Gets Heat for Posting Hardcore Porn in "Dad Gifts" Category

    Amazon UK is under fire for listing hardcore pornography among the top results of the "Dad Gifts" category. While the listing has since been taken down, Google managed to cache it beforehand, and I can confirm the listing featured explicit language and censored imagery on the product page...
  6. DooKey

    Parents, Your Porn Filters Don’t Keep Your Kids Away From Porn

    A study by eggheads at Oxford Internet Institute has confirmed what most of us already know. Porn filters just aren't effective in preventing children form viewing pr0n on the internet. Parents out there need to realize the only way to prevent them from viewing pr0n is to supervise them when...
  7. R

    Personalized Fake Porn Now For Sale On Reddit

    The Reddit community deepfakes" which has been creating fake porn videos of celebrities using machine learning is now letter you make custom requests for a donation of bitcoin. While the legality of what they were doing was questionable at best, bringing commercial use into the mix could very...
  8. R

    Eclipse Causes Pr0n Traffic To Plummet

    Porn site xHamster has announced in a blog post that cities that were in the path of the complete eclipse, or nearly complete dropped as much as fifty percent, with Nashville traffic dropping 43%. Cities that were not in the path of the complete eclipse saw much smaller declines in traffic, with...
  9. U

    PornHub Announces VR Category

    Woo! How did front page news not pick this up earlier?? The free goggles give away has already ended :(