new zealand

  1. DooKey

    New Zealand Scientists Perform First-Ever 3-D Color X-ray on a Human

    Scientists in New Zealand have performed the first-ever 3-D Color X-Ray on a human being. This new technology provides an accurate picture of the x-ray site that will allow for more accurate diagnosis of medical conditions. What makes this technology unique is it's use of particle-tracking...
  2. DooKey

    Flying Taxis Getting Closer to Reality

    Larry Page, co-founder of Google, and his Kitty Hawk startup are testing a self-flying taxi in New Zealand. It's electric, takes off vertically, has a range of 60 miles and a top speed of 95 mph. Other companies are working on similar ideas, but it looks like Kitty Hawk might have the lead...
  3. M

    New Zealand Tourist Dies After Being Hit by Jet Blast

    Mark this one as another honoree for this year's Darwin Award. A tourist was killed by jet blast from an airliner at Maho Beach in St. Maarten. Located next to Princess Juliana Airport, the beach is a tourism spot known for approaching low-flying jet aircraft. The 57-year-old woman was "knocked...