Search results

  1. P

    Ryzen choices

    Thanks for the reply. Absolutely on the SSD. It was the first part I chose. Been using an 840 evo 120g but it's just not enough space for the growing programs sizes. I was initially going to go with an NVME since my new mobo has an M.2 on it but decided to go with a Sata M.2. The speeds are...
  2. P

    Ryzen choices

    Thanks. My mistake. Not enough sleep. I'll fix the OP
  3. P

    Ryzen choices

    Thanks for the replies. 144khz refresh rate. Sorry I wasn't clear. 144khz gaming seems to be the thing now so I was just trying to be clear it wasn't a priority for me. I understand it's mostly GPU now but it seemed important to my sleep starved brain to mention it. ;) I don't mean to...
  4. P

    Ryzen choices

    I hope this is in the right section. I don't post a lot, mostly a lurker. So, after a long time on an FX 6300 I have the opportunity to upgrade (I'm very excited). For the last 5 months I've been reading everything I can get my hands on, watching endless YT vids (some of questionable...
  5. P

    I think somethings wrong

    Spammers... *sigh* Apologies, I should have assumed it was some asshat doing something like that.
  6. P

    I think somethings wrong

    I checked on 3 different computers across a couple of ISPs and I still see this. Thought it was me at first but now I'm not so sure. I'm in the USA (Illinois) btw.
  7. P

    AMD Radeon HD 7770 CrossFire Bundle Lucky Draw

    I like that it kicks the crap out of my current video card!
  8. P

    iTunes Hacked, PayPal Accounts Drained!

    I had my iTunes account hacked as well. Though I didn't have it linked with Paypal (I refuse to use Paypal after they screwed me a few years ago). After (Changing my password) talking to Apple's customer support my iTunes account is locked until I provide proof who I am. If I ever bothered to...
  9. P

    Symantec Acquires PC Tools

    Goodbye PC Tools. You once made decent software.
  10. P

    BFGTech GeForce 9800 GTX OCX @ [H]

    Wow, it looked like it would be a good review. To bad the article is totally fuster clucked in every browser I have on both computers. lol Thank god the ads show up though! :p
  11. P

    Windows XP SP3 Secret Details

    I read that 72 meg DL thing and thought... "Wow, either TechARP is stoned or they got something wrong or they are right and I downloaded and installed 300 megs worth of malware." Since I got the DL link from right here on the [H] I doubt it's 300 megs of malware. I guess they are on some sort...
  12. P

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    GIMME! ;)
  13. P

    Commentary On AMD’s Next-Gen GPU

    Hip-fricking-hooray for someone finally saying that. Jeez, I'm so sick of Vista and DX10 blah blah blah. I know a lot of computer nerds where I am and none will touch Vista for another year or two. Some even go so far as to say they'll (Microsoft) pry WinXP Pro from their cold dead hands...
  14. P

    Acer 2423WDR -vs- Dell 2407FPW

    Just got my 2423wdr a couple days ago and I have to say, it's one slick monitor. Looks beautiful. It's what I've come to expect from Acer (this is my 3rd Acer) on thier monitors. I don't think anyone could go wrong with the 2423Wdr. I Dell has a ..uh... "following" but the 2407 really...
  15. P

    Asus 590 SLI Motherboard @ Tigerdirect

    Yeah I just read that the yesterday. It's good to know and I'm glad both chipsets aren't using the same chip. Let's hope it's a good OCer. I know I'm hoping it is. :D I have 4 C2D mobos and I'm not really happy with any of them. I'm really hoping for a great 590 board.
  16. P

    First purchase from a PC "boutique"...what do you think?

    Looks like a great system John. Interestingly the system I've been contemplating is very close to the one you chose. I'm very interested in your experience when you finally turn the system on. :p This would be the first system I've ever bought (I've built all my systems so far) and for me...
  17. P

    More info on Abit AW9D-MAX

    Great find, thanks for posting the link. Could Abit have stopped sucking? Looks promising for sure.
  18. P

    Just bought Acers new 24" Display, Acer AL2423Wdr, Anyone know about this model?

    According to what I understand the 2423w models use the P-MVA panel not the PVA (Acer AL2416Ws (widescreen) has a 24 inch 6 ms (g2g) PVA (Samsung LTM240M1) panel) of the 2416 models. Link Course the website could be baked. :D
  19. P

    OCing Intel

    Thanks, that helps a lot. I have an E6600 btw. I guess one thing that started making my brain hurt was the ratios. 1:1, 3:4 etc.... I don't quite get what they mean. For instance, 1:1. Does that mean that mem and cpu are raised together? Also you mention the mem dividers. Is this just...
  20. P

    OCing Intel

    Greetings First let me apologize if this is the wrong section for this. I figured since I'm asking for OCing advice this would be a good place. Ok, like many here I'm jumping ship and going (actually already gone) Intel. Thing is, OCing intel seems a tad more complicated than my old AMD...
  21. P

    best motherboard

    Some good choices so far. I hear Biostar is making some solid and stable boards lately (nice change for them). Only thing additional I can suggest is stay well away from VIA.
  22. P

    Noob Question(pcie x1)

    There always seems to be some kind of slot that never get's used. I remember the what was it called... MNR slot? Anyhow, it's current generation, but no one really bothers to make cards for it. As previously stated, there are a few but mostly it's pointless. Not sure if it's a...
  23. P

    Abit AW9D-Max Released

    Ooooooo.... :eek:
  24. P

    Not Greedy. Will most 975x boards be adequate for E6600@333fsb?

    Asus seems to be the choice for OCing boards for intel at the moment. The P5W DH is a very decent board. The BIOS revisions are coming in hot and heavy and new functionality with each one (Usually). I've heard some decent things about the Intel 975 board as well. Doing a simple little mod to...
  25. P

    Asus 590 SLI Motherboard @ Tigerdirect

    I haven't had to bad a luck with Tigerdirect. Only bought from them twice though and never had to return anything to them. Their reseller ratings sucks though.
  26. P

    ASUS finally posted their nForce 590 board.

    Actually, the black and blue are x16 and the middle (yellow) one is x8 (For a Physics card maybe?) It's not the worst layout I've ever seen. That would have to be the AB9 Pro or Epox (I love their boards) with the idiotic power connectors.
  27. P

    ASUS finally posted their nForce 590 board.

    You know, Asus seems to be going a tad nuts with the lights and stuff. It's like having an ambulance inside your case without the siren. Now if only they'd put a siren on the motherboard! heh :D
  28. P

    Asus 590 SLI Motherboard @ Tigerdirect

    Unless ATi pulled the plug recently and didn't tell anyone (which is entirely likely)... Link
  29. P

    Where can I get Abit AB9 Pro

    Monarch computer seems to have the AB9 Pro Link If you still want one that is. :D
  30. P

    Foxconn 975AB

    Normally don't quote pics but I had to point something out I found funny. Perhaps the SOL on the front of the box is an indicator. :p Not a rip on Foxconn so no one freak out. Just thought that was funny.
  31. P

    ASUS finally posted their nForce 590 board.

    Looks nice. I'm almost scared to know what they will charge for it when it finally get's released. I was wondering about the "Republic of Gamers" thing as well. The Crosshair is a very interesting board. If I had the slightest interest in AMD that would probably be a board I'd be very...
  32. P

    Asus 590 SLI Motherboard @ Tigerdirect

    I never question the wisdom of marketing people in these companies. :D
  33. P

    Asus 590 SLI Motherboard @ Tigerdirect

    Well, people are claiming that the new ATi chipset will be all that and a bag of chips. Again though, no one has tested or used the new ATi chipset as far as I know so who knows? The 975 and 965 seem the best bet at the moment. Both asus and gigabyte have decent offereings. I think as the...
  34. P

    Asus 590 SLI Motherboard @ Tigerdirect

    Apologies right back at ya for the Smart ass comment. I try my best not to f@nboi to hard on the products I like but rather read as much as I can and make a best guess. Honestly, I hope the 590 intel's DO OC well because quite frankly, I've been using nForce chipsets for a long time now and...
  35. P

    Asus 590 SLI Motherboard @ Tigerdirect

    No smart-ass I can read. So let me clarify my statement. They probably won't be stellar OCers. There is a chance nVidia will have done a lot with the newer versions and it will OC well, but judging from previous efforts it won't be a stellar OCer. And just to be clear before the ...
  36. P

    P5B Deluxe vs DQ6

    Someone with both boards needs to take a thermal pic for comparisons! :D
  37. P

    Asus 590 SLI Motherboard @ Tigerdirect

    In the description on the TigerDirect website.... 590 sadly isn't out yet. although they have a placeholder for it on their page. The 570 has more info on the Asus site which includes a picture and I've seen the 570 as an option for a system builder already. So, hopefully we'll see the...
  38. P

    Still no 590SLI Intel Board

    No one has a clue when the intel 590's will be out. If they do they aren't talking
  39. P

    Asus P5B or Abit AB9 Pro

    P5B already has 7950 support. The AB9 Pro was rushed big time. The Bios is a mess and needs serveral revisions imho. I'd dropped the extra cash and grabbed a P5B Deluxe AND a P5W DH just incase. I normally avoid Asus like the plague but both these boards have been super solid and Asus...