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  1. S

    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Nice setup Do you mind posting more pictures of your place?
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    HD Audio Content - Why are we so behind?

    This is interesting how much do you have to spend on speakers before you can't tell the difference ?
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    Hi-End PC Sound System

    I was looking at the monitors a little while ago curious What makes them bad for music listening? and What would be a better setup for mixing music in that same price range? thanks
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    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    What are the main advantages of using studio monitors like those mackies or KRK rockits as oppose to using high end mains(I guess you would call them mains not sure) like the Martin Logans or B&W. The main purpose for studio monitors is to get a flat sound natural sound. What are the goals of...
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    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Cinderblocks are suppose to keep sound inside? I have cinderblock walls and everyone seems to complain :/
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    Check This Out! (anyone with headphones)

    Thats pretty cool I guess it would be hard to record music like this or remaster a song
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    Check This Out! (anyone with headphones)

    So how do they do this? and which headphones make this sound better? and how do the headphones differ to make its own distinct sound?
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    Do HT receivers amp headphones?

    I"ve heard only a few high end brands amp the headphone jack
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    Well now that both my speakers are broken...

    What exactly do you mean enclosure the actual speaker box? thanks for the info guys sorry about multiple post is there a way to easily qoute multiple people in one post?
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    Well now that both my speakers are broken...

    ok thanks for the info aluminum tweeters just dont cut it anymore?
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    Well now that both my speakers are broken...

    How can I tweak the cross over? this is getting very interesting :)
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    Well now that both my speakers are broken...

    Can you basically replace any driver you want? I own these speakers and I think it would be fun to change the mid range driver out and see if I can achieve a better sound what do you think?
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    iPod a lil too expensive, if not an iPod ... then what?

    I've heard good things about the Zen M
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    Workstation build now or later?

    I can answer your question about raid basically its taking both of your harddrives (two 400GB ) and making them work together which will help speed up your edititing experience question for you What adobe product are you using that uses openGL
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    Ghetto Systems! Post Yours!

    thanks for the info and higher quality pics would be nice do you know how heavy they are?
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    Ghetto Systems! Post Yours!

    I"m really tempted to buy those I"m just wondering how do they sound compared to something like the athena as b1
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    Anything that can handle FLAC files with better library than Foobar?

    What type of headphones and or speakers should someone get to take advantage of the quality of DVD audio or Super audio cds
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    Ghetto Systems! Post Yours!

    What speakers are those? and how do they sound?
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    How do I make WinXP look nice? (skin/customization/theme/etc.)

    the uxtheme is basically a way to change just the theme of windowsXP WindowsBlinds adds more customized themes and special effects; such as 3d shadows I believe. This is a pretty good forum to look at if you're interested in making your...
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    Listen to this!

    I think the method used to create the sounds were two microphones facing opposite from each other and the sound source circling around the microphones
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    Unshielded Speakers.

    how do you use those magnet things?
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    Which speaker would YOU choose?

    Is there a big difference between mains and studio monitors when listening to music?
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    Which speaker would YOU choose?

    Are these type of speakers basically like studio monitors but for large rooms?
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    Minimalist setup...

    are the events tr8 better than the krk rocket8 i've noticed they are in the same price range
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    Ear Bud "monitors"

    how does one get their music to sound so good. their audio enginner did a nice job i'm using sony mdr v600 i can only imagine what this would sound like on nicer headphones with a wide sound stage quick questions i think i've asked this before but forgot what determines the sound stage...
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    Anyone using studio monitors?

    oh ok what kinda specs do you look at when comparing monitors i've had my eye on KRK rocket 8's for a while i had the money to get em but wasnt sure now the money is gone
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    Anyone using studio monitors?

    since all studio monitors are ment to have flat respones how do you go about comparing them?
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    z-5500 vs HT Speakers

    ur building a surround system using studio monitors? i'd like to know a lil more on this setup
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    speakers 150-200 $ range

    ok thanks for the replies i think i'll just save up a lil more
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    speakers 150-200 $ range

    i already have a reciver and i want to get some speakers must have nice mid range and not too much highs these are for music
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    Amd Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core CPU - Photoshop Test

    nvm they are using a different image
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    Amd Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core CPU - Photoshop Test

    either all those guys have super tweaked systems to the guys here or half of them are lying about their timings
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    Sony or Sennheiser

    ok i c thanks for the info
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    Sony or Sennheiser

    how much better are the 280s vs the mdr v6 or what differences do you hear?
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    any one use SonicStage 3.1?

    oh i see are md players still cheap ? i remeber seeing a few of them around
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    any one use SonicStage 3.1?

    what were the advantages of the MD player?
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    Monitor Speakers 400-600 opinions

    what do you guys look at when comparing these monitors?
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    cant install some programs

    i had some unallocated space on the harddrive, so i made it active and called it the F; drive and all programs i've tried to install worked except for java sdk this is the error i get
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    cant install some programs

    when i try to install some programs it says looking for F: for some reason even tho i'm not trying to install on it, does windows thing that the F: is my temp drive or something? a while back i decided to change the letters of two of my harddrives then i took one of the harddrives out i have...
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    Best sound quality MP3 player...

    i thought hte sony mdr v6 were suppose to be good headphones