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    Radiator Fans: Push or Pull through the rad?

    lol ... external radiator ... too much stuff to deal with when throwing into the car to lan at friends houses ... i already thought how cool of a radiator an auto AC radiator would make .. but i thought it would just be way too much trouble
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    Post your "which mobo, which cpu" questions here!

    personally dont drop big cash right now ... 64 bit is looming .... get a kind of older system if you really need it .. or maybe look for a $100 ebay 9600xt to give some pep to your current, knowing what you had right now would be helpful
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    Radiator Fans: Push or Pull through the rad?

    well my two cents here, think about what is happening with the air in your system since all my comp is water cooled (except the vid card) and uses otes to disperse the heat from the power rail, I opted to set my fans up pulling air from inside the case, through the top out of the case (koolance...
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    Post your "which mobo, which cpu" questions here!

    Yea look at my system specs for a so far really nice system. If windows dont mess stuff up i get constant uptime (seems as though windows messes one thing up every install, something different, but something that will bring you comp to a screechin halt) too bad they didnt make more games for...
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    Post your "which mobo, which cpu" questions here!

    i would vote on the second ... ive heard the prescotts run really hot... but honestly i would just hang out for a couple more years or take the least expensive route (2.4C) at this time cuz intel just got into the ring with 32/64 bit cpu for us normal folks, let the 64bit come in and mature ...
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    IS7 vs. IC7: The true story, stock vs. overclocked

    oh yea ... matt small ... dont forget abit boards tend to undervolt the vcore ... i have to set mine at 1.6 to have it actually at 1.525 ... so up the vcore and double check with motherboard monitor
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    Post your "which mobo, which cpu" questions here!

    Hyper-Threading is great, put your cpu to work .. and still do other simple tasks like you are not working the CPU. well the rambus memory (if i remember correctly) you are using now is dual channel memory, the ddr sdram just happens to be a lot more cost effective, but that is just my own...
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    Post your "which mobo, which cpu" questions here!

    well at least you got the 200fsb lol ... keeps everything peppy and running faster also
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    Post your "which mobo, which cpu" questions here!

    raid is much love for games ... the game and different levels load sooo much quicker. and you do not need 2 perfectly identical drives to set up a raid 0 . its just the most space effective, say you have an 80GB and 120GB sata drives ... raid 0 would be the smallest of the array times the number...
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    2.8C hits a 3.2 ghz brick wall...any tips?

    yea i found it easier to just remove the intergrated heat spreader ... there is a 1/16th to 1/8th gap between the core and the heat spreader thats filled with some jnk thermal compound. but for the more saftey minded ... lap that IHS as you are lapping it you will most likely notice how it has...
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    Ignorance - stupid people = teh suck

    man .. just get a sata adapter and pray it works fine for ya ... be much better when trying to upgrade in a couple more years when pata has gone the way of the dodo
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    Did Abit screw me out on the IC7-Max3?

    well i knew it was an I*7 board that was completely legacy free , lmao but that kinda covers about every abit board out there .... and these forums are showing me why I had a month long out of stock wait on my ic7-max3
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    Did Abit screw me out on the IC7-Max3?

    yea abit is all about no legacy support ... i believe it was the original ic7 that didnt have mouse and keyboard ps2 ports, well really high oc's kinda mess up the usb and the ps2 will still be functional, but that is just my own opinion as to why we see ps2 legacy support on abit mobo's
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    Disabling LEDs on an IC7 MAX3

    reply .. well most leds are not used for voltage regulation simply as notification, but they are surface mount leds so it would require unsoldering them (no easy feat. but better than cutting a trace and the risks involved in it) ) im planning on replacing the leds myself (havent even gotten the...
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    Ignorance - stupid people = teh suck

    umm about windows ME ... a friend of mine was having to repair this guys comp, it had windows ME on wasnt in that bad of shape just ran really slow for the hardware it had (nothing to write home about but more than enough to run xp on it. well it was fully cleaned defragged etc, and it was...
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    Ignorance - stupid people = teh suck

    ahhh more dumb ramblings from me ... but the very first sign that you are in for trouble is when your friends computer boots and you see Windows ME my advice....move to a different state (change of name optional based upon your friends ability to pay long distance phone charges)
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    Ignorance - stupid people = teh suck

    yea ... my previous post was about a decision on the newer line of nvidia cards. a buddy of mine pointed out also that a geforce 2 overclocked a bit would have dusted my fx5600 ... maybe this 6800 series from nvidia is a different story, but i could under no circumstances recommend the fx5***...
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    quick asus 9800xt question

    ummm yea .. will i still have VIVO features if I use the ati catalyst drivers, and also would it mess with freebiee programs from asus (digital vcr and dvd player). cuz this card seems to perform about on par with my sapphire 9600xt in games (but i dont want to lose the vivo and dual monitor)
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    Overclocking 9600xt???

    umm yea AtiTool tried to kill both my vid cards ... i did the find max .. but the darn thing never stopped and backed off and the whole screen was pure atrifacts. so i would suggest you sit and watch the atitool, bit boring watchin a fuzzy box but i about wet myself cuz i had it running on 2...
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    Ignorance - stupid people = teh suck

    my story is one of actual learning. a long long time ago (6 months) i was running a radeon 7200 32mb ram vid card 4xAGP and i didnt fully have the cash to get me a high end video card.. so i decided upon the nvidia fx5600, knowing my radeon 7200 could actually play all these new games and was a...
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    2.8C hits a 3.2 ghz brick wall...any tips?

    well then i would have to agree its prolly just the limit for the cpu ... i can get 3.60 stable (never long term tested it at this speed) out of this 2.8 but it dies within seconds of booting at 3.64. I have also never taken the vCore past 1.7 volts. maybe RMA the cpu lol, tell them it wont...
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    Post your "which mobo, which cpu" questions here!

    okay man ... like what i just told previous dude ... about the best value for your cash atm would be a 2.4c (800mhz fsb) and if you browse around here you will find that these cpu's (with other good components) have no problem breaking 3GHz cpu running speed
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    Post your "which mobo, which cpu" questions here!

    i would recommend the ic7-max3 but skip the prescott and dont really bother getting a faster cpu unless you are really worried about a few hundred MHz since they seem to be toping out around the same speeds ... well just my opinions (sata raid is lovely btw)
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    IS7 vs. IC7: The true story, stock vs. overclocked

    bought my IC7-Max3 for $250 when they first came out.... knowing what i know now ... I would have paid $350. *well maybe not but you get the point lol now all i need is some faster ram
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    NB cooler fell off, eek!

    well my ic7-max3 clips are still holding strong since august (knock on wood) and back in january i switched too a koolance NB waterblock and the clips have held that too. and for a long while there mycomp was getting moved weekly to game with some friends.... just my personal experience
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    2.8C hits a 3.2 ghz brick wall...any tips?

    Allright fella .. well what kind of ram are you using and what-not ... cuz 3.2 is crap my 2.8c will run stable at 3.6. So post out your systems specs .. ie complete configuration just getting a better power supply took my max from 3.3 to 3.6 (those little bumps of vcore seem to be a huge hit too...