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  1. M

    Canadian Themed XboX *Pics inside*

    thanks guys :)
  2. M

    Canadian Themed XboX *Pics inside*

    Regarding the LEDS: Yeah i've been planning to, the controller ports will be LED'd as well as the jewel and all the leafs. Regarding the dvd window: yep doing that too ;) Regarding the crap ass yellow skin that was on there before: that was just some sticker kit that the previous owner...
  3. M

    Canadian Themed XboX *Pics inside*

    I posted this in a different section about a week ago, and like noone saw it :( praise me!!! lol. Heres what i started with just over a day ago when i was planning I"m essentially done Other than painting my controllers, but one is in the process and finished tommorow, when its fully...
  4. M

    Master's Canadian Themed Xbox <Done> *Pics*

    thx for the propage guys :)
  5. M

    Master's Canadian Themed Xbox <Done> *Pics*

    Hehe thanks for the offer, but i must decline after all that work, i gotta take a break :eek: And yeah thats a Maxtor Harddrive, its a 120GB 7200RPm 8MB Cache Drive I also have the SmartXX V2 Modchip and like 30 games that i own backed up on the hdd.
  6. M

    Master's Canadian Themed Xbox <Done> *Pics*

    Heres what i started with just over a day ago when i was planning I"m essentially done Other than painting my controllers, but one is in the process and finished tommorow, when its fully dry i'll move onto the new controller. I had to turn the flash off as it reflected the residue left...
  7. M

    Nice to see ATI soundly on top again.

    i love how in the picture it shows an agp xt and a pcie 6800 lol toms hardware is a joke
  8. M

    The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

    I'm In New Brunswick. I might paint the inside of the case, but i'[m not as much into modding as i used to be, i think i'll cut the side pannel and leave it at that, univiersity has started, and i dont have much time anymore ;(
  9. M

    The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

    Haha, yeha man, can you guess what my favorite color is lol? red _and_ blue actually ;) But in all seriousness, i got those pcb colors because my case is canada themed, i have a wicked window design planed out i'll post it up here once i'm done cutting it ;D
  10. M

    The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

    Well i got bored so i dremeled up my old p1 coolermaster heatsyncs and came up with this after a little superglue and artic silver 5 sorry if there a little big :D
  11. M

    FS: Moving Sale!

    dibs on 120 maxtor if Qwertyman falls through. Please pm with s/n number on the drive. :D
  12. M

    Help with my new WD 160gb

    One more question. Would my power supply be large enough to handle all these devices: AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Two cd burners (one is quieter than the other, so i use the quieter one for cd's for games) 4 fans 2 ccfl's 4 hdd's Full size atx mobo (MSI KT3 Ultra) sound card (Sound blaster...
  13. M

    Help with my new WD 160gb

    Excellent. I will wait untill i get home to format it. Pretty sure my bios is quite recent as i remember flashing it a while back. Thank you very much.
  14. M

    Help with my new WD 160gb

    Okay so i bought a 160gig drive yesterday (i'm on vacation and just testing the drive in a friends computer) When i plug it in, it detects it fine, its unformatted and completely brand new. (OEM drive) anyway it only detects it as a 128mb drive. My question is where is the rest of the...
  15. M

    Soldner: Secret Wars release date

    Already released in Europe this past may 30th soldner secret wars will be comming to the us and canada on June 22nd. I dont know about you guys, but i'm fkin stoiked for this game, its amazing, it blew my mind with the amount of guns, vehicles, and terrain there is in this game: Simply...
  16. M

    Is this typical of the ATi RMA process?

    cant rma a non bba ati card to ati can you?
  17. M

    [PICS] 6800's from various manufacturers

    is it just me or does the PCB look retardedly big, like so big it wouldent even fit between the case and the harddrive if you have say an antec case. because i know with my 9800pro theres only about an 1inch of room, which is taken up by IDE cables.
  18. M

    Vidcard makes game turn off????

    does it do this in any other games? Are you running the latest version of the game Latest drivers for vid card? via? ect ect?
  19. M

    Geforce 5600 Ultra overclock...

    find the max each individually
  20. M

    Oem or retail 9800 pro?

    sapphires oem cards come with a 1 year warrenty. The sapphire oem cards come with all the cables and driver cd as well as power dvd in some cases (like mine).
  21. M

    not overclocked but still hot...

    mine runs really hot as well, but dont be worried, i'm sure its soppost to run hot like that. and unless you have the 256 mb version of the 9800pro with the r360 core and flash it to 9800xt u cant see the temps.
  22. M

    Masters For Sale List

    good afternoon bump
  23. M

    Bad Fps in Counter Strike

    the human eye cannot differentiate between anything above 30fps.
  24. M

    Bad Fps in Counter Strike

    man u guys are complaning on fps drops that are impossible for the human eye to even tell the difference between.... who cares if its 65 or 100.. either way its still perfect motion video.
  25. M

    9800 pro settings

    True form = always off AA should be on like 4x af should be on 8x, i havent heard of vs before. GL
  26. M

    Just got a 30'' samsung and I want to put it to good use.

    yes, select monitor #2 in the properties menu (your tv) and change the resolution and color quality and all that. You need the enter driver suite from ati, not just the bare drivers to do tv out and all that stuff. I cant even remember if the new ati drivers support cloning, i think it might...
  27. M

    Masters For Sale List

    good night bump....
  28. M

    Just got a 30'' samsung and I want to put it to good use.

    yep if your tv has the RCA jacks or even the svideo composit cable (this is way better) than hook it up to your tv directly. If it does not have a svideo jack, take the svideo cord that came with your card, insert the converter on the end of it, attach it to the normal RCA jacks and plug it...
  29. M

    Radeon 9800 Pro problem

    hehe nice ;)
  30. M

    Masters For Sale List

    bump... Typo error on the battery, its actually 50$ cdn not 5....
  31. M

    Radeon 9800 Pro problem

    Sounds like it could be a heating issue. I'd ram it...
  32. M

    Masters For Sale List

    bump... Pm's replied to.
  33. M

    Masters For Sale List

    morning bump... i'll have to think about it, making that little money off it doesent even seem worth while. I'll get back to u
  34. M

    Masters For Sale List

    Some of these items may be included in a trade with a person on another forum, but that is mostly going to fall through to i'm open to offers. My For sale list: I'm located in Canada All prices are in canadian funds All prices do not include shipping All prices are OBO If you have any...
  35. M

    Nexus controller hookup to case fans? Strange?

    hahahaha oh man i laughed out loud and almost spit up my salad, something about picturing your keeled over your computer dumping your paste on while your cpu is on fire lol
  36. M

    Koolance arrived, need help!!!

    man did this kit no come with a manual or something lol?
  37. M

    9800 Pro keeps creating 9800 Pro - Secondary?

    For someone who bought an enthusists card, you'd think you woulda known a little more about it :rolleyes: Hehe but life is a learning experence, suck it all up and enjoy yourself :D
  38. M

    Poor Performance on my upgrade

    read the post i said i turned off all aa and af down to Pure performance on the slider. And i ran battlefield 1942, dc and all the other mods fine, as well as bfv on my computer just fine like flat 100+fps, his computer isent that below mine, so something is wrong, but i just cant figure out...
  39. M

    3rd Party Shiznit

    sapphire makes nice ati cards
  40. M

    Poor Performance on my upgrade

    yeah i formatted, and still getting less than desireable performance, like the fps will drop to 10 quite frequently and never really goes over 30, also it sketches sometimes and lags for a second after changing weapons for the first time. This is after a fresh format and a complete re-install...