Search results

  1. F

    Best wifi router for bridging to an existing wifi network?

    My friend already has an existing combined ADSL modem & wifi access point, not sure of the exact make and model. Could I use the DWL-2100AP that you recommended only on my end connecting to his access point as a client and achieve the setup I'm after?
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    Best wifi router for bridging to an existing wifi network?

    A friend has an existing 802.11g ADSL modem router and is willing to share his broadband line with me. I'm looking for a wifi router that can connect to my friend's existing wifi access point wirelessly as a client and provide web access to my machines, which I plan on connecting to my router...
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    Fan controller; which one?

    Thanks for the replies, I'll most likely get the Nexus controller as the ability to turn the fans off is a must. The Rheobus looks good but I can't find it for sale in the UK. Just out of interest, is there a fan controller that has a smaller range of adjustment (say, down to 7V only) and...
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    Fan controller; which one?

    I'm looking for a low cost four-channel fan controller with simple rotary controls that makes it simple to switch four 12V fans to 7V or 5V and back again. Any suggestions?
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    Loudest/Fastest fans

    Sorry for hijacking your thread, but I was just about to start a similar topic... I'm building a rack mounted rig which will be used in harsh (read: hot) environments and as a result will need a few high speed fans to cool the thing. Noise isn't an issue at all. The server case I'm using...
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    Monsoon II CPU Cooler Review

    How can open testbed results be compared to those inside a fully kitted out case? :rolleyes: This is a terrible review. The only cooler that was compared was a stock AMD one... aside from watercooling, what about comparing other, cheaper, high-end air coolers? The numbers in the review are...
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    Wireless AP with working WDS repeater function

    Thanks for the explanation, but I don't think MIMO is for me; as I mentioned originally, I'm looking for an AP costing around £50 (~$70-80 once you take into account the higher prices over here) with the option of adding another by means of WDS if I need extended range, preferably without too...
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    Wireless AP with working WDS repeater function

    Thanks for the replies and recommendations, although I haven't gota clue what MIMO is, how it compares to WDS, and which solution is better for me. All I want is a unit that'll simply work without any fuss if the times comes to add another AP to extend range. Speed isn't the be all and end...
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    Wireless AP with working WDS repeater function

    I'm looking to buy a simple 802.11g access point with a view to getting another if the signal can't cover my entire house. I've had a look online and it seems that WDS/repeater features are a bit hit and miss, even when it comes to Linksys gear. So, are there any sub-£50 APs out there that...
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    XP SP2 freezing upon clicking Shut Down

    I've just built a new machine running XP SP2. Everything's running well, no ad/spy/malware, minimal startup items etc. Only one annoying issue: upon clicking "Turn Off Computer" on the start menu Explorer freezes with an hourglass for around two minutes. The mouse can be moved but the whole...
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    VNC client for WinCE.Net

    Many thanks for the replies, but: There's a perfectly good RDP client already on the CE terminal, but the target machine is running XP Home. If there's a way of getting RDP working with an XP Home machine then that would be perfect, but I haven't managed to find any indication that it can. .
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    VNC client for WinCE.Net

    Anyone? I'm sure there must be something out there, I would have thought CE.Net would have been one of the most obvious platforms for a VNC port...
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    VNC client for WinCE.Net

    I need to control an XP Home machine using an x86 based HP t5520 thin client running WinCE.Net 4.2. Seeing as the PC is running XP Home, using the RDP client built in to CE is a non starter. I've found a working VNC server for CE, but no client as of yet. Is there one available that...
  14. F

    Water Cooled Xbox 360 @ [H]

    No need for that, I was only after a pic :) As I mentioned in my last post, I am aware that the waterblock was swapped for a lower profile version, but just don't see how the mounting hardware for it could fit under the DVD drive, and how the tubing was arranged either. It just doesn't look...
  15. F

    Water Cooled Xbox 360 @ [H]

    Thanks for the pic, but I've just noticed something else I'm not clear on. Does the GPU block you used fit under the DVD drive when mounted? Here's a pic from Anandtech showing that there's next to no space between the bottom of the DVD drive and the stock GPU heatsink...
  16. F

    Water Cooled Xbox 360 @ [H]

    I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. What I, and I assume jebo, would like to see is the complete setup with all tubing connected, with the casing off, and when routed through the holes drilled in the case. This is the "money shot" I was expecting to see, and was disappointed by...
  17. F

    Water Cooled Xbox 360 @ [H]

    Kyle/Steve: Any pictures of the tubing holes in the casing? I'm not 100% clear on where they've been drilled. I'm looking to watercool my 360 using a Zalman Reserator and it would be helpful to see pictures of the rear of your unit showing the tubing, both with the casing on and off.
  18. F

    Using Credit Cards For Age Verification Online?

    Only in america :rolleyes: What a load of shite. Simply click on any other region at the Activision start page and you won't be insulted with such preposterous measures only a litigious yank society could bring about.
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    Compact CD-bootable Linux distro? Which one?

    Sorry mate, should have made it clear that networking is out of the question. Had a gander at BartPE and it looks to be the best option. Should come in handy in the future as well. Cheers for the info :)
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    Compact CD-bootable Linux distro? Which one?

    Read my first post. There is no OS on the laptop ;) It also has no network adapter, neither built in nor PCMCIA. Like I said, if only it were that easy. Many thanks for the advice Dokein. Judging by what you've written, I assume Knoppix does not boot with a GUI by default? If not...
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    Compact CD-bootable Linux distro? Which one?

    But how would I get the Ghost image off the laptop? ;) If only it were that easy... There's no way of connecting the thing to any systems I've got. The only solution I can see is to boot into an OS that supports FAT32 partitions and USB storage controllers...
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    Compact CD-bootable Linux distro? Which one?

    I'm in a bit of a predicament. I've got an old laptop from which I must retrieve a folder full of files. For some convoluted reason, Windows (both XP and 98) refuse to install. The laptop will be going in the dustbin shortly so I am not too fussed, but the files are important. Using a...
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    PSP Emulators

    Exactly. Never say never ;) With all the recent developments, the PSP hacking scene is looking rosy. Oh, and just to point out, a PC Dreamcast emulator that plays many games perfectly has been around for quite a while ;)
  24. F

    Best MP3 splitting software?

    Which is the best freeware MP3 splitting software? I've found a few, but they all convert the MP3 into WAV first, then re-encode it. I'm looking for something which doesn't need to re-encode the file, just splits it into whatever size chunks I specify.
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    xbox project (dead metel)

    Sorry, but I think this looks terrible. Really poor paint job and illogical holes. I don't like putting people's work down, but this is anything but "clean".
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    Aquasphere - WaterCOOLing Construction

    What the fook is it? Does it hurt? :confused:
  27. F

    X800XT/PE far

    You, my friend, are talking out of your arse. Although I will be pleased if it turns out you are not.
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    PGWare GameBoost v1.9.6.2004

    Load of shite. That's all you need to know.
  29. F

    my SB65G2

    So whose Golf R32 did you nick them badges off? ;)
  30. F

    Doom 3 - soft shadows?

    Found the screen I was on about: Has anyone seen shadows like that in the actual game?
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    Doom 3 - soft shadows?

    I haven't had a chance to play Doom 3 yet (released on the 13th in the UK), but have noticed something strange in all the screenshots I've seen so far. All the in-game shadows have been razor-edged, regardless of how far they are cast; e.g. you shine your torch at an imp that's standing 20...
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    Doom 3 looks horrible

    Reasonably-sized version of that huge screenshot: Quality looks the same as any other Doom 3 screens. And to those hoping that's an Xbox shot... a 4000x3000, Xbox shot... yes, riiiight...
  33. F

    Flash-based MP3 player with EXPANSION SLOT? (Sorry for crosspost)

    This is doing my head in. For the past few weeks I've been looking for an EXPANDABLE portable flash MP3 player, with a line-in jack. I've previously relied on mates recording the sets whenever I play out with their Minidiscs. I then have to wait for them to rip and encode the files to post on...
  34. F

    Counterstrike / Half Life licensing?

    Thanks for all the replies, will have to look into their cafe pricing structure. Seems like overkill for what we've got here though... Would simply getting hold of 5 more individual Half-Life copies as midget suggested work for simple online CS play? I've never heard of Steam, I take it it's...
  35. F

    Flash-based MP3 player with EXPANSION SLOT?

    This is doing my head in. For the past few weeks I've been looking for an EXPANDABLE portable flash MP3 player, with a line-in jack. I've previously relied on mates recording the sets whenever I play out with their Minidiscs. I then have to wait for them to rip and encode the files to post on...
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    Nvidia SLI, SLI's back with a vengeance

    Haha, check this: Got to admire the bait and switch here, scan line interleaving my arse! ;)
  37. F

    Nvidia SLI, SLI's back with a vengeance

    ATI has been able to scale the R300 series of chips to 256 GPU's from the beginning. There are high-end cards and systems available with 2, 4, 8, even 32 R3xx chips. SGI and Evans & Sutherland (simulator hardware suppliers) have been using parallel R3xx GPU solutions for years. Astronomically...
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    Counterstrike / Half Life licensing?

    I've recently set up a small internet access/gaming network at a charity youth project, with Quake 3 and GTA Vice City installed for the gaming side. However, as expected, I've had many kids asking for Counterstrike. Unfortunately my experience with Half Life extends to playing through the...
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    VNC problem, help!

    Reinstalling Windows? Surely theres another way, removing registry entries perhaps? I don't suppose any of the authors of VNC would reply to support questions...