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  1. R

    Robotic Insects Make First Controlled Flight

    Not unless they can figure out how to cut that power cord and utilize a sufficient battery source. Seems like battery tech is holding all the cool things back these days.
  2. R

    Happy Birthday, Manned Spaceflight!

    Actually, Yuri was supposedly the first man to survive spaceflight. Vladimir Ilyushin was the first human in space. The USSR covered up his flight because, while being the first human to go to space, he was also the first human to die in space.
  3. R

    Robot Swarms The Servants of the Future?

    We are on the verge of some real breakthroughs in robot tech. I'm not too worried about bots taking over the world, so much that I'm more worried about the human in charge of the bots orchestrating them to take over the world. I'm investing my free time and money on robot swarm tech. Me and a...
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    Strange Quote of the Day

    For years I've been wishing HBO would provide a service like HBOgo but without having to subscribe to a cable network. Hopefully this nudges them closer to making this a reality. Nothing wrong with a little competition IMO...
  5. R

    iPhone Quick-Draw System

    It's Data for The Goonies all growed up. "I'm setting iphone booty traps"
  6. R

    Google Sheltering $10B In Bermuda

    Well at least they're using the money to roll out free fiber internet in US cities and working on self driving cars. Sure beats letting it go toward cost overrun R&D to kill brown people in mud huts... I'm ok with this given Google's track record.
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    Lian Li PC-X2000FN Enclosure

    I came...
  8. R

    Foxconn Says It's Tough To Cope With iPhone Demand

    Not hardly. Their business leaders are laughing all the way to the bank. It's the common worker who is getting the shit end of the stick here. When you have 1/5th of the worlds population competing for jobs at these factories, you get who ever is willing to work the cheapest, and that sets...
  9. R

    Microsoft Killing Off Windows Live Messenger?

    So would all this ultimately be under MS Lync? Says here at this totally reliable source that Lync is to replace Windows Messenger. A lot of departments at my job use WLM to chat amongst the group and we're having to research all this Lync bs to...
  10. R

    Crooks Steal $12k Worth of Diablo III Games

    I bought the game at release. Installed it, played to lvl 10 Barb and thought it was meh. Just recently my die-hard Diablo 2 friend finally convinced me to try it again after the latest patch, and I have to say I've been enjoying it now that I have the mechanics worked out. It's not a single...
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    Linux Is A Lemon On The Retina MacBook Pro

    The sheer smugness of running a free OS on overpriced hardware...
  12. R

    Ubisoft CEO Ready For New Consoles

    I understand your frustration in what your asking. Hell, I've been asking the same question for the past 10 years. In that time I've learned that this video game business has a LOT to do with money.....well, more to do with profit. Profit potential to be exact. I was prepared to type up...
  13. R

    Ubisoft CEO Ready For New Consoles

    Would be nice, but where is the ass-raping profit motive in that? Wouldn't a company make more money buy re-releasing the titles for the next gen console? The key here is to make your customers repurchase the same thing over and over again. Of course all the game dev CEO's can't wait for...
  14. R

    Samsung Most Preferred Consumer Electronics Brand

    Quoting my college OMA professor: "Korea is Japanese quality at Chinese prices"
  15. R

    Smart Grid Implementation Rises 25% in the Past Year

    I've gotten a little confused on this smartgrid tech. I was under the impression that smartgrid would allow me, the user, access to information on usage of any light or wall socket in the house. Someone could use this info to see how much energy their devices use through out the day, and give...
  16. R

    US Lawmaker Slams China for Cyber Spying

    I like this idea.
  17. R

    Two-Thirds of U.S. Tech Firms Send Jobs Offshore

    And then what? What happens when the economy crashes? Seems like no one has any money anyway... So who will be affected by this? The rich? All I've got is a job that allows me to live paycheck-to-paycheck. If I lost that I would probably move back home to the family farm and live off the...
  18. R

    The Post Pics Of Your Rig Thread! - ABSOLUTELY NO COMMENTS

    Nice setup, s0urce! lol the vaporizer on the left is a nice touch :cool:
  19. R

    Guitar Oscillations Captured with iPhone 4

    Guitar strings look the same way when played under a strobe light. It's really fascinating to see for the first time, especially if you have no prior knowledge of it. If anything, this shows you how good the iPhone4 camera isn't.
  20. R

    The Whole Planet Almost DIED!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the things velocity has something to do with it as well. A very fast moving 100ft wide object could do some damage given the speed of impact.
  21. R

    Online Video Viewers Watch Less TV

    I've found that my old routine of flipping from channel to channel for hours on end, trying disparately to find something to watch has been replaced with constantly browsing through each category that Netflix thinks aspires to my taste for hours on end.
  22. R

    CEO Pay in 2010 Jumped 11%

    So when is that money supposed to trickle down to everyone else? More millionaires have been made in the past 10 years but the economy has went to crap.
  23. R

    3dfx Voodoo 590

    And I'm reminded why I hate nvidia.
  24. R

    U.S. Preparing to Challenge Google ITA Deal?

    Not necessarily more money. Comcast just spends their money *differently* than google.
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    Driver Crashes While Inhaling Computer Cleaner

    WTF? He's in California! Weed's better...
  26. R

    BitTorrent Hit 100 Million Monthly Users

    Ah! I see my efforts to educate my family and friends on how to use BitTorrent are showing. Has anyone else had luck explaining how to use Torrents to people who are used to the interfaces of Napster and Kazaa? "No, you have to DOWNLOAD the torrent file first, then you download the files you...
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    Craigslist Crime of the Day

    Wow it's really not that hard to sell adderall especially around a college campus during finals week.
  28. R

    Americans Don't Want the FCC to Regulate the Internet

    It's when other peoples businesses start to interfere in everyone's everyday lives for the sake of maximizing profits that society should establish rules and regulations to protect everyone's common interests. I think the invention of the internet is a great service (which was actually...
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    Steve Jobs’ Desk

    Finally someone can put that beer-pong app to practical use!
  30. R

    Why U.S. Broadband Service Is So Awful

    My argument wasn't for bringing broadband to the masses at societies expense. I was generally making reference to the idea you have that free market with no government is this utopia of fairness for everybody. Don't get me wrong, I think free enterprise is one of the best things about America...
  31. R

    Why U.S. Broadband Service Is So Awful

    Yeah, I bet you work real hard driving on that public road to your job where you manage a hand full of people who were educated by a public school system. I'd really like to see how you make any money out of anything you've done all by yourself. Unless you're digging raw materials off of...
  32. R

    Kindle Owners Rich, iPad Owners Young and Male

    There has to be something wrong with poor people buying Apple products. My roommate for example bought a new MacBook Pro just to install Windows 7 on it... Can someone tell me if there is really any benefit to doing this other than the "hey look, I have a Mac! :p" ??? Also, they guy boasts...
  33. R

    Are Intel, AMD Six-Core Chips Worth It?

    Today? Probably not. Tomorrow? Yes. Multi-threaded apps are the wave of the future.
  34. R

    Starcraft Addiction Treated with Drugs

    As someone who has taken Bupropion, I fail to see how this will counter anything! To me, Bupropion was basically a sugar pill. Pot, on the other hand, would work quite nice on helping a person avoid a game like StarCraft. I've tried playing SC while high and I become slow reacting and...
  35. R

    More Billionaires Sign the Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge

    I know this is going to attract a lot of negative responses, but... Good news! Guess the supper rich came to their senses and realized how retarded it is to hold on to more money than they, or their next several generations could every imagine spending in a lifetime. Besides, if they're so...
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    HULC Exoskeleton System Ready for Soldier Tests

    I wonder how long until soldiers start wrapping armor around these things and mounting .50 cal machine guns on the shoulders. Future war is going to be horrifically brutal, but very awesome!
  37. R

    San Francisco Passes Cellphone Radiation Law

    Oh, I see. It all comes down to Conservative Ideas vs Liberal Ideas.
  38. R

    San Francisco Passes Cellphone Radiation Law

    So you're saying that all the bitching is due to showing empathy for those people?
  39. R

    San Francisco Passes Cellphone Radiation Law

    California is like the beta testers of government regulations. I find it odd that people bitch about what they do on the west coast when those bitching don't even live there and are not affected by it. Can someone clear this up for me?
  40. R

    Computer Gamers Have 'Bodies of Chain Smokers'

    With the rise in popularity of UAV's, this won't mean much. Welcome to the chair force!