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  1. P

    8 invites

    p3ngu1nb0y >> <<
  2. P

    yay for batch files

    Have you tried <command> >> <location / file to output to > EX, dir >> booger.txt This would create a text file called booger.txt with the output of the dir command. Not quite sure if this is what your looking for, but hope it helps.
  3. P

    Looking for feedback on Website

    Looks good, only suggestion I have is to change the color of the text on the right so it doesn't get 'lost' by the background image. Oh and maybe a link to google maps? :D
  4. P

    How do you guys develop sites depending on different resolutions?

    Instead of changing resolutions to view my sites I just use This tool bar for firefox that convientley lets me resize the browser to any resolution I specify.
  5. P

    Design critique? (some one please make me cry!)

    Okay the dotted line is going to go, now as for using <div>s with the list of links I didn't go that route because I really didn't want to spend a lot of time messing around with positioning. I built what is up now within a week, so it's more of a lazy - need for speed type of thing that I...
  6. P

    Design critique? (some one please make me cry!)

    All right it's late I've just finished uploading the last page to the web server. So far I like my design I just am a little bit unsure about the color usage maybe? It's been groing on me as I keep working on it but, there's just a little bit of doubt. Either way it's supposed to be a...
  7. P

    Merchant Account/Shopping Cart system?? Wasn't on the list but it should be. as for the merch account I'll tell you when I find one my self.
  8. P

    FREE 3,000 MB Free Webspace 1st two thousand people

    If you need picture hosting or just random stuff hosting I say sign up. Just remember you get what you pay for... Now I'm off to upload a crap load of pics! I'd like to add I didn't intend to scare any one away. Again I only wanted to inform those who wanted to possibly pay for their...
  9. P

    FREE 3,000 MB Free Webspace 1st two thousand people

    Well pending the owner doesn't crap bricks when they realize that every one caught on. I'm still more than willing to take some spam and crappy service as long as it runs for a few. Just don't expect any thing you put on there to last... :D
  10. P

    FREE 3,000 MB Free Webspace 1st two thousand people

    The forums over there are full of topics about how their account is getting deleted. Now before people get in an uproar let's review facts. I'm going to just state them plain and simply and let every one else make a decision. Domain Name.......... Creation Date...
  11. P

    FREE 3,000 MB Free Webspace 1st two thousand people

    Yeah their upload system is different, honestly I wouldn't even bother with the ftp option until it becomes more secure. They do have a web based uploading solution through the browser, thank god. For some reason I just don't want other people to have access to my files until I want them to...
  12. P

    FREE 3,000 MB Free Webspace 1st two thousand people

    If your waiting for the valadation email, it'll come sounds like they are doing it manually form what they site's fourm's say....
  13. P

    Free Yahoo 360 Invites

    thank you TTP!
  14. P

    My modded case :) (NO 56K TRUST ME)

    Like the case and all even though the color is seared into my retina's I can still see you need to work on some airflow issues if you ask me.