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  1. R

    New Roku Media Streamers May Be Imminent

    Let's add up all the power those HTPCs have used over those 10 years and compare it to the 4 watts a Roku 3 uses. Then, let's add up the costs of all the computers and compare it to the $99 a Roku 3 costs. Now who is laughing?
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    Notch's Housewarming Party

    You do realize that there are many people in 3rd world countries that look to even the poorest of Americans and think the same way as some of you here. We have roofs over our heads, food to eat, etc. Anything else can be considered "excess". It's all relative. Also, at the end of the day...
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    If The Internet Becomes A Public Utility, You’ll Pay More Taxes

    I would gladly pay extra if it actually meant my Internet would improve. What we really need is more competition. If classifying it as a utility increases the chances of new providers moving in, I'm all for it. If it does nothing to promote competition, I'm against it. If there are only a few...
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    zpool replace question

    According to this thread: You can replace all at once as long as you have all old and new disks hooked up (which you do).
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    zpool replace question

    Interesting. Your pool shows as online (and not degraded, which is what it would say if you had one or more disks missing from the pool). I don't know if I've ever heard of anyone trying to do a replace on all disks at once. The only use case I've done it is to replace a failed disk. I...
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    zpool replace question

    You could take a snapshot, send everything up to the point of that snapshot. Then, take another snapshot, and send that to get all the changes since the initial send.
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    zpool replace question

    If are able to have ALL disks hooked up at the same time, you could just do a ZFS send/receive to get your data on the new disks. That'd be the best way. Since you are using raidz2, I wouldn't be too concerned about doing a disk at a time. It'll take an extremely long time tough. I'm not sure...
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    Share Your Intel Pentium G3258 OC and Settings

    I'm getting this chip this week. It's going to be used in a plex server. I hear the CPU can do 2 1080p transcodes simultaneously, but just barely. I'm looking to bump up the speed, but not by much (just to give a bit of breathing room). I was wondering what a realistic expectation would be on...
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    PC Gaming: Not Just Still Alive, But Still Dominant

    There are WAY more games released on PC than consoles. Perhaps you meant AAA titles?
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    MSI North America Responds to Intel 6 Series Chipset Issue

    You do not have to RMA. Only 3 the Gb sata ports are affected. The 6 Gb ports are not. Also, Intel states only about 15% of boards will experience the problem within 3 years. You could also purchase a sata add-in card as well. If no-downtime is a priority, then I'd go that route rather than...
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    OMG Post for card!
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    Service Puts iTunes On Any Phone

    W T F??? To stream the songs YOU ALREADY OWN, that you have ALREADY PAID FOR, using YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION, to YOUR PHONE, the company that provides this service has to PAY a fee of .1 cents per song streamed to the RIAA? THIS IS THE BIGGEST PILE OF BS I HAVE EVER HEARD. It'd be like...
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    Gates Lashes Out Against Mac Ads

    I should clarify. The video was posted in response to this claim by Piako: It's to show that yes, indeed, people do this.
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    Gates Lashes Out Against Mac Ads

    Did you even watch the video? I don't see how it is "fake". Perhaps you are one of those people that constantly criticize things without even seeing or thinking about them? The point is, Enthusiasts are different kinds of computer users than the average Joe. The Average Joe would never...
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    Gates Lashes Out Against Mac Ads

    Well, I can't link to something on HardForum, but I can show an example of what I'm talking about: People like to tinker and do stuff like this. The amount of hardware freedom on the PC is much more appealing to these types. There are other people...
  16. R

    Gates Lashes Out Against Mac Ads

    You can run Windows on a Mac. People that say there is more software for PCs are liars. You get the Mac library PLUS the Windows software library if you want it. Many people don’t factor in time, or additional costs in. The average Joe goes out, buys Symantec AV and pays a monthly fee. The...
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    The Apple Philosophy @ [H] Consumer

    What the heck is this article? I was trying to find "Page 2" and finally realized there wasn't one. This has to be the most pointless thing I have ever read ever.
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    Send Sapphire a message

    The site is now allowing for people to sign up saying that they will boycott.
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    Send Sapphire a message

    Whoo Hooo! I personally can't wait for the 64-bit edition. That'd probably knock off another 20 bucks.
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    Send Sapphire a message

    What if you bought "Pepsi" for about 10% less than normal pepsi and you opened the can and drank it and it was the store brand labeled as pepsi. You then look at the fine print and it says it's an imitation of Pepsi. Well, it's your fault for not reading the fine print I guess (yeah right)...
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    Send Sapphire a message

    Here is a PERFECT example as to the confusion this causes. It said it was a 9800pro, so bigstusexy assumed it was like all other 9800pros. In past experiances when Sapphire labeled a product it followed ATI's advertised specs. Sure, an OEM card may have lower clock speeds, but that would have...
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    Send Sapphire a message

    No, it's not the same thing. I mean, back in the 9700/9500pro days, a 9500pro was the SAME as a 9700 except the memory interface was 128-bit. What would you have done if you bought a 9700 and received a 9500pro? I bet you'd be a little mad. Again, I stress, this is not going to fool most of...
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    Send Sapphire a message

    If anyone is curious on how exactly these cards look, here is a link of the product at newegg. It is marked 128-bit so Newegg has done its part. It's the people that don't know the difference that will be shafted. For only around 20-30 more you can get a REAL 9800 pro.
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    Send Sapphire a message

    Blackwind, even if on ATI's own website it states all Radoen 9800's are 256-bit? I think it's misleading the un-informed consumer. If they do research and find out they want a 9800pro, but do not know the difference between 128 and 256 bits, they get burned. Different product, different...
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    Send Sapphire a message

    Blackwind, This has been discussed a little before. The problem is not for you or me. It's for the people that aren't into the industry. They probably research and determine they want a 9800 pro. They go to their local shop and see the sapphire for a little bit cheaper than the others and buy...
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    Send Sapphire a message

    I know RivaTuner at Guru3d will tell you. Simply double click on the icon it installs in your tray, then on the main tab a little over halfway up it'll say how much RAM the card has, the Core revision, and the memory bus width. As an example, mine says: "256-bit R300 (8x1) with 128MB DDR...
  27. R

    Send Sapphire a message

    This post got me thinking on how this could be related to other areas of the hardware industry. For instance, Intel has different 3.0 GHz chips based on different manufacturing processes. Intel gives them a name like Pentium 4 3.0C or something to that matter. The fact remains that the chips...
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    Send Sapphire a message

    The problem arises when a person who does not know a lot about computer hardware buys the card expecting the same performance as Johnny down the street who has a real 9800pro. Granted, this person probably won't even realize his card is crippled, but it's still wrong for sapphire to take...
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    I am not entirely sure, this is an educated guess. I'm guessing that the 86 means that there are 86 instructions the processor could use. For instance, add, sub, mult, etc etc (assembly level instructions). In order to maintain compatibility, a processor must support these 86...
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    new soundcard choices

    Man, Soundcards are so EXPENSIVE. My Abit NF7-S Could almost be considered a soundcard with an integrated motherboard! Anyways, I'd go with the Fort III. That's just me. And if you ask why I'll say because i HATE Creative. But that's just me.
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    VIA / ApeXtreme Gaming Console

    Lol... Well, YEAH, but... Uhh... Well, this one will do this right out of the box. No modding etc. ;-) Plus it's specs for NON-GAMING are better than the X-box. Edit: And it supports Progessive Scan DVD Playback. Xbox doesn't do that, unless there is some hack I don't know about.
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    Why Video Cards Price Getting So High?

    Cards today have over 100 MILLION transistors in the core! That's about 2 times the amount of transistors in a Pentium 4 (non extreme edition). It's very complicated to make a GPU with that many transistors and not have it be flawed. It all boils down to supply and demand. I confess, I...
  33. R

    VIA / ApeXtreme Gaming Console

    The amazing thing about this thing is there doesn't seem to be anything from stopping you from installing whatever you want on it. And who cares about adding more storage. It's NETWORKED, so you can just pull stuff off from other computers in your house. For $300 bucks, this thing...