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  1. S

    Quick-switch between Extended Desktop and Surround?

    NVSTogglePlus has been updated for the latest version of Nvidia Surround Toggle. It now requires you to rename (or copy) Nvidia Surround Toggle v*.exe to NVSToggle.exe and place it in the same directory as NVSTogglePlus.exe. I ran into some issues with Nvidia Surround Toggle v11.exe being...
  2. S

    Quick-switch between Extended Desktop and Surround?

    I had the program searching in the directory for the exe in case it was named something else. I hard coded it to look for ".\Nvidia Surround Toggle v10.exe" now. Give this a shot. If its still not working, here is a PowerShell script to the do the same thing. GitHub - s33d1ing/NVSTogglePlus
  3. S

    Quick-switch between Extended Desktop and Surround?

    I created a wrapper program to apply the bezel corrected resolution after Nvidia Surround Toggle has run. Simply put NVSTogglePlus.exe in the same directory as the Nvidia Surround Toggle exe, then run it. It runs the Nvidia Surround Toggle exe then, it adjusts your resolution according to the...