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  1. U

    Taxes on Cryptocurrency

    That's actually pretty convoluted not straight forward at all.
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    Warcraft III is getting a new patch to update the game for modern OS on March 15, 2016.

    After the disaster that was Starcraft II please don't.
  3. U

    Uncharted 4

    Meh...still waiting for The Last of Us 2
  4. U

    Sources: The Upgraded PlayStation 4 is Codenamed NEO, Contains Upgraded CPU, GPU, RAM

    Might as well make consoles upgradable at this point.
  5. U

    Dead Snake found in PS4

    No. That's just the new format Sony is going for. DVD Drives, Blu-Ray Drives....Snake Drives is the obvious next step.
  6. U

    XBOX One sales 18 Million

    The original obligatory Kinect might have something to do with it.
  7. U

    fav tower defense games?

    Ninja TD and Jelly Defense.
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    Red Dead Redemption 2

    Definitely not.
  9. U

    DOOM Doomed?

    Seems like any reboot of an original franchise are doomed.
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    Unreal Tournament 2004

    They need to go back to the arena-style shooter days.
  11. U

    Nintendo NX will crush XB1 and mame PS4

    No one cares at this point.
  12. U

    China's Tomahawk console ready to take on PS4 and X-ONE

    And what exactly counts as an original product? Actually it was e-cigarettes Hon Lik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia If you had a brain you would've known that.