Search results

  1. N

    FS: Summer Cleaning

    im interested in the computer and mac pro. pm me if u still got them
  2. N

    Intel C4040 ES [Only $800,000!]

    Some of u idiots need to learn more.. Down here in Northern California towards the bay area.. Houses here go for that much In the bay area, if you want a 1500sq ft house its around $600k If you want a 4000sq ft home its around $1.5-$2million So do some research before making fun of...
  3. N

    GTX460 2Win $169 after MIR

    Thanks man.. This is all the power u need for a single monitor.. It will max anything. Close to GTX580 performance, i dont see why to pay more. Love the deal
  4. N

    1/4" Liquid Cooling Tubing

    can u give me a link to the 1/4" pvc tubing?
  5. N

    1/4" Liquid Cooling Tubing

    Hi, I am trying to get 1/4" tubing for my old system, the tube teared a little... So I would like to know where I can find it, I looked over Amazon but they mostly sell 1/2, 3/8, 5/8.
  6. N

    Antec Kuhler 620 vs Corsair H80 Single Fan

    I have used both 620 and h80 and I have seen very minimal differences.. Just go with the 620 and save some bucks
  7. N

    1920x1200 small monitor?

    I think the lenovo 22inch is a good lcd monitor and it matches your requirements.
  8. N

    Antec Case & PSU Combo Lucky Draw!!!!!

    I like every antec case i had.. All the way from the antec 300, 900, 1200, p180 series and now the p280and 1100.
  9. N

    Why Microsoft Killed the Windows Start Button

    I hate windows 8 and I will also be sticking to windows 7 until windows 9 doesn't come out.
  10. N

    Asus P9X79 standard?

    I have been using this board in my main build and I love it... It has everything I need, I have my i73930k overclocked to 4.0GHz and its running flawless
  11. N

    WTB: Computer Parts in San Jose (Bay Area)

    Replied to all messages and ttt Still looking for more parts or gaming pc
  12. N

    Gaming - Intel i5 3570k, 8GB DDR3, 500GB, Radeon 7770, 17inch LCD

    Price dropped to $650 and ttt
  13. N

    WTB: Computer Parts in San Jose (Bay Area)

    replied to all pms. ttt
  14. N

    Just another computer built into desk build

    love desk builds.. looking to build one this summer. very sharp looking build
  15. N

    WTB: Computer Parts in San Jose (Bay Area)

    Not looking for monitor stands. Evening bump
  16. N

    [H]ot - ASRock Z68 Pro3 Gen3 - $44 shipped @ Amazon (3rd party seller)

    techcart ltd is a shit seller... they cancelled my $800 worth of orders and still havent refunded my money.
  17. N

    WTB: Computer Parts in San Jose (Bay Area)

    Replied to ur pm.. and ttt
  18. N

    Gaming - Intel i5 3570k, 8GB DDR3, 500GB, Radeon 7770, 17inch LCD

    nightly bump... sorry no parting out. and pick up only
  19. N

    [H]ot - ASRock Z68 Pro3 Gen3 - $44 shipped @ Amazon (3rd party seller)

    I think the company had a pricing error. They listed 7870 for $44 antec 902 for $33, 560ti for $62... now they cancelled out everything
  20. N

    Corsair Carbide 300r?

    I was thinking to mount the h100 if it will fit on the top. If not i will put a window panel.
  21. N

    Corsair Carbide 300r?

    I am looking to put a window side panel and a window on the top. I am also looking to find out if i can put a h100 on it
  22. N

    Corsair Carbide 300r?
