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  1. R

    EVGA GTX 980 SC high idle temps?

    What monitor and refresh rate are you running at? All, Could you please edit your post or add a new one stating what monitor/monitors your running, what refresh rates, and what cables your using to connect with? As well as, if this issue is affecting you or not. Lastly, state if changing the...
  2. R

    EVGA GTX 980 SC high idle temps?

    ***The nVidia rep is going to look at this thread, so be sure to report if 144hz is causing your issue*** I am separating this reply as it is pertinent, and will update as the information comes in. I have a dialog going with support over at nVidia. I wrote into them explaining the issue, as I...
  3. R

    Who bought GTX980? Post your impression.

    I don't typically use shadowplay, but I will try to remember to do so later when I get home and report back.
  4. R

    Who bought GTX980? Post your impression.

    Purchased the EVGA SC 980 and added a little more OC to it +80mhz on core, and +400mhz on mem. Had a few issues at first with the DP not working, and the card not idling correctly, but some driver re-installs and changes in monitor settings ironed all of that out. Once getting everything setup...
  5. R

    My system:

    My system:
  6. R

    EVGA GTX 980 SC high idle temps?

    I ran into this exact same issue, but was able to fix it for myself. I exhausted every single available option with the exception of OS re-install and RMA. My card itself has been running fantastically and has an additional 80mhz on top of the factory OC and 400mhz more on the memory as well...
  7. R

    Are Reference Cards OK?

    My GTX580 and 680 reference coolers were/are absolutely fantastic. Just had to set a manual profile for the fan, and temps max in the 70s with a mild OC and fan noise that isnt any more audible than my 120mm 1500rpm case fans. They arent silent, but they cannot be picked out of a crowd. That...
  8. R

    Intel Devil's Canyon Core Processor Presentation @ [H]

    I am certainly going to be in for one from MC. Been on this i7-860 @ 4.22 for too long! Already ordered/received: Rosewill Challenger, HX850w, 16gb Team Xtreme 2400mhz DDR3, H80i AIO, Asus optical drive, and an extra HDD. Going to reuse my current SSD, HDD, GTX680 and ASUS sonar. Once the...
  9. R

    Do AMD / ATI Drivers really suck??

    In my experience you will have less issues with nVidia drivers, and the "GeForce Experience" is absolutely fantastic. I had roughly 10 ATI/AMD Cards up to my 5870 with only 1 nVidia card mixed in at the time. I had a terrible experience, as someone who does not experience computer issues...
  10. R

    GTX 770 / cpu

    As mentioned, OC'ing will help. If you can get it to 3.6 or above (shouldnt be an issue), then you will probably see a 30% increase in performance with your new GPU (this is a very rough estimate, and possibly low). I am referencing the CPUs performance here, and what it is capable of feeding...
  11. R

    290x creating "Platform Bottleneck"

    It is not overkill if you play a multitude of games, and desire high frames for a longer period of time. The notion of overkill being an actual thing is ridiculous. Now, if you were building a system for a specific purpose such as maxing out Counter Strike 1.6 then yes, overkill could come...
  12. R

    AMD Radeon R9 290X Video Card Review @ [H]

    1% faster than titan on average at "all resolutions" for $450 less is pretty solid IMO. (TechPowerUp review always shows relative performance at different resolutions to other cards. Great for seeing % differences at your resolution as well as the average across all resolutions from generation...
  13. R

    What video card has served you the longest before upgrading?

    9700 Pro and X1900XTX both lasted me 3 years. All runners up were 2 years, which my GTX680 2gb is probably about to pull off. As a point of interest: Shortest was about 6 months, which was my 5870.
  14. R

    GTX 780ti coming mid-November.

    During the press conference nVidia mentioned that "after running benchmarks we would clearly see that this is their best card yet". Its possible they could be hinting at it edging out the titan (obviously contradicting the article). Guess we will just have to wait and see. Cheers! Edit: I am...
  15. R

    GTX 680 - Time to upgrade?

    I would be completely happy with my 680 if it had 3+gb of GPU memory. It was my only reservation about buying it when it released, but I went ahead and did. Unfortunately now even at 1920x1080 and no AA BF4 will run into hitches due to VRAM, and other games will certainly follow suite. I am...
  16. R

    NVIDIA Adaptive VSync Technology Review @ [H]

    Some games are just too unplayable with the input lag. Games such as CSGO, Tribes Ascend, and Quake Live are unbearable for me. I have tried several times, but just cant do it. What I want to know is how valve games manage to run at 250 - 300FPS without any noticeable tearing while I framerate...
  17. R

    Intel Ivy Bridge Processor IPC and Overclocking @ [H]

    Yeah its going to take more than this to pull me away from my air cooler 860 @ 4.2ghz, which I have had since launch. That is the most staying power a component has ever had for me. The only way I would move to something else would be if there was a very good deal on a setup with an SLI...
  18. R

    GTX680 Vs 7970 : BF3 / Single Monitor

    I can tell you that I play the same games at the same res and just ordered a Galaxy GTX 680 over getting a 7970. I literally had about a 30 second window on the egg to get it ordered.
  19. R

    Just a little props to Galaxy

    Just ordered mine from newegg with rush processing and next day shipping for $520, looking forward to it. First time buying a Galaxy.
  20. R

    680 vs 580?

    I sold my 1.5gb for $325 (not bad for a reference PNY day 1 release model that I paid $499.99 shipped for) and plan on getting one, but more so for the extra frame buffer, adaptive vsync, and like others have said better noise/cooling, but I dont think I would have done if I had a custom 3gb...
  21. R

    SuperBiiz EVGA GTX 680 in stock

    Hello all, I have never heard of SuperBiiz, nor do I feel like paying $80 over MSRP for a reference card, but I thought some people might be interested. Best, RC3
  22. R

    Bring on the non reference GTX680 Monsters!

    I am certainly looking forward to something. I just sold my GTX580 on saturday night. I dont know if I will have the patience to wait for a non-reference if they dont appear soon. I have just about every reference card on auto-notify at the moment waiting for them to come back in stock. Until I...
  23. R

    GTX 680 In Stock Thread

    This site can be helpful for finding them when they are in stock. I am now waiting as well as I just sold my GTX580 (sold within 1 hour of posting on craigslist), now I am rockin the GTS360m in my laptop until I can get my hands on a 680. lol...
  24. R

    Feeling kinda underwhelmed with my 680 SLI

    Here is another:,3162-5.html
  25. R

    I don't get why people are declaring the 680 the winner already??

    Though it may be slight, and I am not getting either card, I would call a card that is cheaper, runs cooler, runs faster, and uses less power a pretty clear winner. Overall Performance at all Resolutions (Techpowerup): That...
  26. R

    7970 owners, are you upgrading to GTX 680?

    Must be nice, my OC'd GTX580 cant even do that.
  27. R

    OMG you guys made me do it

    Yeah, tough decision with Ivy so close, but the ES chip, like others have said, was somewhat unimpressive. Just curious to see what it might do outside of the Z68 chipset with a release chip. Though hitting 30c higher temps, even as an ES sample, is very discouraging.
  28. R

    OMG you guys made me do it

    I am so very close to doing the same thing, but dont have a huge need. I want an SLI board and dont have one, but my i7 860 @ 3.8 serves me pretty well. I just dont want to buy a new board without getting the CPU lol. My antec 300 is also due for a change, and since I just got my SSD in and am...
  29. R

    We're all gonna love Kepler.....but ask yourself this : Do we really NEED Kepler?

    My GTX580 cant handled BF3 with max settings 1920x1080 at a MINIMUM of 60FPS, so if I want that, then yes, I need something different what is currently available.
  30. R

    Worth ditching my 6870 for a 480?

    I would highly recommend it. I know it may sound odd, benchmarks not being a factor in my decision, I went from a 5870 to a GTX470 (not kidding), and did not regret it one bit. Granted at the time, I sold my 5870 for $10 more than I paid for my GTX470. Semantics aside, I was very pleased with...
  31. R

    Us Enthusiast Hate Energy Saving Features That Make Our work Slower!!

    My i7-860 has only ran below 3800mhz for about 2 hours of its life. I always disable those features, even on the old P4's. One of which I still have clocked at 4.4ghz on the stock cooler at my parents house...still runnin like a champ ;) If I am not on a device that is powered by a battery...
  32. R

    Will you buy Ivy Bridge?

    I am a bit undecided. I dont feel much need to upgrade my CPU from my current i7-860 @ 3.8ghz, but I have been itching to SLI my GTX580 or SLI Kepler, and when I originally built this system it was with a HD5870 with the intent to crossfire it, thus, only a crossfire motherboard and not SLI...
  33. R

    GK104 = GTX 680 (confirmed), paper launching soon [SA]

    Sounds good to me man, sign me up.
  34. R

    GK104 = GTX 680 (confirmed), paper launching soon [SA]

    Yeah well, that may be, but like you said, pretty much the same thing, especially with the slightly lower res. Hold all else equal, and I remain hopeful that those rumors are false.
  35. R

    GK104 = GTX 680 (confirmed), paper launching soon [SA]

    If the 680 is in between my 580 and the 7970 then color me unimpressed considering at my res (1920x1080) the 7970 is only 10% faster, if not slightly less. These benches are the overall results, and the closest resolution is 1920x1200 (obviously the distance closes the lower the res goes). It is...