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    Mad Dog

    I was under the impression that the T50RP was also a planar magnetic driver, but just in a really crappy housing/cups. It makes sense to me that a little bit of modding can give a lot of gains.
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I'm probably extremely biased because one of my best friends is an employee at zenimax working on this game, but I'm really excited for it and actually expect it to be a solid release. I was very doubtful at first, but over time - seeing videos, etc, I've come to think that this actually seems...
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    What is your primary audio configuration for gaming?

    My pc is right next to my tv and its gargantuan speaker system, so normally I just use that. However, I am looking at buying some headphones for when I am skyping and doing PC games that require positional audio cues.
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    NiGHTS into Dreams is now on Steam and other stores.

    If they released all of the Panzer Dragoon games (including the Xbox one) on Steam, I'd buy that pack so fast.
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    Analog or DAC?

    onboard is going to be worse than just about any dedicated solution, even just a soundcard. How much worse? Depends on how picky the listener is. If you think you're interested in improvement, though, then you'd probably appreciate the difference if you got some cool DAC.
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    Audiophiles: Power conditioning?

    i recommend an isolation transformer. Tripp Lite makes them for hospitals, you can find them on amazon very cheap. That's all the power conditioning you need. Bear in mind, they are ugly and extremely heavy. But they will kill ground loops and most likely give your gear a quieter noise floor.
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    Unholy Wars - Darkfall 2.0, Release November 20th

    I wonder if this will be cool? I might pick it up to see how it is.
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    Obsidian to announce new title

    Wow -- this sounds like a gaming dream come true. I'm going to check my bank accounts and see how much I can offer to this as soon as I get home today. Between this and beamdog's baldur's gate enhanced -- I think I'll be in a really great spot for RPGs.
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    The Official Guild Wars 2 thread

    ahhh, so excited! Too bad for me, though, I am currently moving between apartments. My Net is gone at Place A, and my destination place B doesn't get Internet until Saturday morning. Also, I need to buy a new desk and office chair.... This is a lot of trouble!
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    STAR WARS®: Knights of the Old Republic™ II on Steam.

    Never played this, but I like Obsidian and I heard that the writing quality and dialog is superior in KOTOR II vs KOTOR I. I'll buy it as soon as I get home.
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    Overkill? Asus Xonar STX + Beyerdynamic DT 990 600ohm edition

    DT990 cant be overkill. Overkill would imply that less would do the job just as well, and that you are going way overboard getting something beyond the realm of noticeable difference. Since there are headphones that sound and feel noticeably more pleasant even than the DT990, I don't think...
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    Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

    How would Jay Wilson & crew wanted Brevik to have responded to those questions? He may have been a touch condescending, but that's all that I will grant. Here is the guy who made the Diablo series into the classic that it has become. Basically the "worst" things he says are as follows: 1: he...
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    Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

    As a person who felt disappointed with D3, and disenchanted with most of Blizzard's other offerings, seeing this minor scuffle is just more bad PR to contribute to my overall opinion of the company. So, I care - to answer your question. They look completely foolish here. As a guy who had...
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    What could be done to improve MMOs?

    long rant about community stuff, anti "multi-server," pro "keeping servers separate," pro promoting player interaction on every level: THe first step in philosophy of MMO-design, that I think is critical for a great MMO? The meaning of a server (or shard or realm or whatever your game calls it)...
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    Why do gamers feel like they need to be "rewarded" to play games with Achievements?

    I love achievements and will occasionally go achievement hunting. However, I think it's really very crucial that companies start putting in the option to hide achievement notifications. If I am not trying to go for achievements, then seeing those pop ups and progress counters is just so annoying.
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    Why do gamers feel like they need to be "rewarded" to play games with Achievements?

    Here's what I want as a standard in every game with achievements: the ability to hide and never display achievement notifications. If I want to see them I can go to my achievements menu. Otherwise, I personally usually don't want to see popups while I play a game.
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    Baldur's Gate and Badur's Gate II Enhanced Edition officially just announced

    DA:O wasn't amazing but it was certainly the best game of its type in what felt like forever. I'd like more party-based RPGs with deep rule systems, more BGII than DA:O, though. But it was good gameplay, good graphics, good controls. Let's see a high resolution BGIII with handpainted backgrounds...
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    Remember Me

    I have a lot of dontnod wallpapers. It's cool stuff, consider me excited for this. I also loved Oni.
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    The Official Guild Wars 2 thread

    I'm replaying skyrim while I wait. Should keep me busy for a little while. I really can't wait though, I'm very excited.
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    Mass Effect 3 SPOILERS THREAD

    I've played ME1 4 times, ME2 twice and ME3 I completed once, but it took me 3 months to do it because I wasn't enjoying much of it. Here's my disjointed rant that I'll type up because I'm in-between projects this afternoon: ME1 - best dialog-writing, best main story, most interesting...
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    Who would like to see retro shooters like Quake?

    Give me a shooter with crazy fast pace, varied weapons, dodge-jumping, massive skill cap, a billion gametypes and maps on release, free ability for anyone to host servers and make mods and custom maps in a dev toolset -- aka UT2k4, but call it UT2k13. Sure, use Unreal 3 or 4 engine, but keep it...
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    Audio out using HDMI or Optical?

    Very true. Only use optical if you are doing it for a 2 channel stereo system (not including subwoofers). PCM over optical is as much as lossless 24bit, 192KHz and is perfectly adequate for everything. If you use a dolby or dts thing to do surround sound via optical, then you are dealing...
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    Audio out using HDMI or Optical?

    HDMI if you are doing surround sound. Optical if you are doing 2-channel. But really, either will be pretty much fine for either scenario.
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    Reinstalling Skyrim with Dawnguard -- Mod me

    I feel like Morrowloot is really cool. Changes leveled lists and handplaces all of the really good stuff throughout the dungeons of the world, makes it so you can only craft up to like, steel and other "common" stuff with blacksmithing (but can still temper/improve the exotic stuff if you have...
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    Dawnguard is out for Skyrim.

    Thank you for the warning. I don't really want to do the main quest again so I'll have to think of a method to avoid it, while still enjoying Dawnguard. Unless they're so linked and intersected that Dawnguard just doesn't make sense in isolation from the MQ, I guess. Worst case scenario I...
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    Dawnguard is out for Skyrim.

    I just got dawnguard last night and started playing through Skyrim on a new character for first time since I "beat" it (main quest and a couple guilds) at launch. Playing Adept difficulty, working to max out alchemy/enchanting/blacksmithing/1h. It's hilarious how overpowered you can get if you...
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    Denon: New headphones previewed

    The old Denon D5000, D7000 are some of the best-looking and most comfortable, luxury headphones around. Why would they change so drastically to this? It all looks so gaudy in the pics.
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    What do you love in PC gaming?

    I love that I have full power over my own experience. As a person who enjoys tweaking things and playing with things, the potential of the pc is basically limitless. Just last night I was sitting in a recliner chair with an xbox controller playing skyrim on my HDTV and enormous stereo...
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    Your LAN secrets

    I'm that guy everybody knows at least one of, who has an iron stomach and eats/drinks anything --- so that's probably not far from the fact of the matter.
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    Your LAN secrets

    Funny, I always thought guinness tasted like water.
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    Which kind of gamer are you?

    I immerse myself in the game and try to feel like I share my character's perspective and experiences. Whatever character I make, I try to have it exemplify or exhibit some trait that is of myself - if its an RPG, I'll usually make dialog choices that I find personally agreeable, and use a...
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    Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

    I can't read the Y axis of your graph. Can you check it and reupload? I'm curious to see...
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    PC Gamer survey of which games are getting worse/better

    I wonder what "getting better" really means. For example, I think that Morrowind is the best elder scrolls game. However, I also Skyrim is a good step up from Oblivion. The series is getting better relative to the second most recent title, but overall it is still worse for me than a specific...
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    Need help for selecting a gift for audiophile

    buying a gift for an audiophile is very tricky. For example, hypothetically, let's say there are 5 very good $150 amplifiers. However, each one has a slightly different style of sound, each with - for sake of argument - one strength that it really expresses. one is more "forward" one is...
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    Have you ever not played a game because of the graphics?

    For a 3d game, I am 100% satisfied with unreal 2 engine era stuff and higher, and I don't mind stuff from the Unreal 1 engine era, really, either. Basically, if you can put a game beside Unreal Tournament 2004 and say, "this looks as good or better," then I will have no effort suspending...
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    The Official Guild Wars 2 thread

    Scree shake can be immersive -- if you are really engaged in the game and there is an in-game earthquake and your screen starts shaking, you feel all shaken up just like your character would be. That's the point, anyway - appreciation of the effect may vary among players.
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    PC Audio Suggestions Please

    There's no such thing as overkill when it comes to luxury, audio, etc. It is definitely possible to have a video card way more powerful than necessary to allow you to max out your games and run at good FPS. Same with CPU and other parts. But audio stuff is not the same. It is not as if...
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    Steam Summr Sale 7/12-7/22 What's your damage? any regrets? Surprises?

    I picked up that Carpe Fulgur 3 pack that includes Recettear, the game where you manage an item shop in an rpg world. Seems really cool and potentially very fun, but have not yet installed it.
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    Diablo 3 Now features Godmode for wizards

    If this was an exploit people used in PvP to ruin other peoples' games, or in a progression-PvE game to get world-ranked kills on stuff, it'd be a big deal. Honestly, I doubt most players of D3 will ever even feel the effects of this exploit. A surplus of new items might cause prices to...