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  1. M

    WTT $25 Visa Debit Card code for WoW 60 day prepaid Card

    Whats up hardforum! I will trade the code, exp date, and security code of a $25 visa debit card for a WoW 60 day prepaid card! PM me asap!
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    xlr + 1/4 sound card?

    Are there any sound cards with xlr and 1/4 inputs on the market? I've been searching, but I havent found any luck. If there aren't any, can someone lead me to a good alternative or a good overall audio recording sound card? Thank you so much in advanced!
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    iTunes for Linux

  4. M

    The Unix Kernel

    :) really cool recommendations, i'll definitely check them out
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    The Unix Kernel

    I won't be happy with an OS until its made exactly the way i want it :D
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    The Unix Kernel

    Thanks :)
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    The Unix Kernel

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    The Unix Kernel

  9. M

    The Unix Kernel

    Is there a book that you guys would recommend to start learning the Unix Kernel? I would like to know Unix well enough to create my own Linux distribution. I know this is going to take a LOOOOONG! time but a list of resources and books to learn Unix would be a good addition to the section, IMO...
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    Call of Duty 4 Lag issue

    I never had a problem with fps in CoD4 UNTIL... i installed BO. No joke. I still havent found a solution and will be looking at this thread in case solution pops up
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    Programming lessons?

    no? thats what i read up
  12. M

    Programming lessons?

    Objective-C and C are very similar though.
  13. M

    Programming lessons?

    I'm prolly gonna try out C cuz like vsboxerboy said a few posts up, i'm gonna try and make something for my ipod touch which is C based according to apple. not only that but i was thinking about doing C anyway. This has been such a great thread guys. Thanks!
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    Programming lessons?

    would anyone else recommend me to do this?
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    Programming lessons?

    Thanks so much for this great amount of information :D Just so you know the class is going to be Java-oriented but I heard that languages such as C++ are good to learn before Java. Also since I will be learning Java anyway might as well get in on a different language in the mean time.
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    Programming lessons?

    Hello! I'm a high school student in the Chicagoland area and I was wondering if there was such a thing as Programming lessons. By this, I dont mean college or university summer school courses for teenagers. If they do exist, can you help me find someone in the Chicagoland to do this with? One of...
  17. M

    Intel Sandy Bridge 2600K and 2500K Processors @ [H]

    awesome ztt ty for the warning. i wasnt planning on getting it until i see some good bundles at microcenter :) and i was leaning towards the 2500k + ssd anyway
  18. M

    Intel Sandy Bridge 2600K and 2500K Processors @ [H]

    I'm primarily going to use my next build for gaming and maybe some video editing and audio production. Primarily gaming. What would you guys recommend, a 2500k with a 60gb SSD, or a 2600k without an ssd?
  19. M

    Contemplating a Sandy Bridge Build

    Hello! I really need to upgrade and I wanted to ask the Hardforum community how to get the most bang for my buck I am going to need to upgrade to the 2600k, a motherboard, and (4gb+) ram. The motherboard doesn't have to be fancy, but has to be able to take me to adleast a 4.6ghz overclock...
  20. M

    New SB build up and running.

    I cant wait to upgrade from a [email protected]....
  21. M

    Need recommendation for gaming headset

    +1 to the Sibera V2s I have used $200+ Bose headphones and these are definitely in their ballpark.There's a USB version and an analog version. They're also really comfort for extreme sessions of gaming (8+ hours) Great buy!
  22. M

    AMD Unlocking

    Oh I see.. now I understand why and how this happens. Thanks!
  23. M

    AMD Unlocking

    Everyones heard of x2 unlock into a x4 and x3 into a x4. Even x4 into x6(google it). Is it possible for an x6 to unlock into a x8? Another question, why isnt this possible with Intel CPUs? Thanks for your time!
  24. M

    Steam sales have started

    I got the Valve Complete pack for $50 List of games that come with it: CS CS:CZ CS:CZ Deleted Scenes CS:S Day of Defeat DoD:S Deathmatch Classic Half-Life HF Deathmatch:S HF: Blue Shift HF: Opposing Force HF:S Half-Life 2 HF2: Episode One HF2: Episode Two HF2: Deathmatch...
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    How to host a Lan Party

    Thanks so much! :D I was thinking something along those lines but i just needed somebody to confirm for me.
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    How to host a Lan Party

    Whats up guy? I'm new to the Lan Party scene and i wanted to host one for me and my buddies. What will I need to host this event? Money isnt a huge problem but try to keep it on the low side. The Lan Party will have, most likely, <15 people.
  27. M

    Chicago LAN/Gamers

    I believe that FPS lans are dead in Chicago (:mad::mad::mad:), but if you're into fighting games, heres a little group that does lans and meet ups. Thread has a bunch of info. I'm not...
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    Sandy Bridge vs Bulldozer

    What do you guys think will be more worth it in the end? I'm definitely getting the highest end of one of these (from Microcenter :D) and I want to know which one do you guys think will be the better deal in the end? As of now, I'm thinking Sandy Bridge for sure.
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    The Ultimate Computer Desk - 2 Built-In Computers

    This is sweet! I would definitely consider getting one
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    C Programming Books?

    No no. I only received a Java book to learn a computer language, not because i want to program in Java
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    C Programming Books?

    Thanks for the book recommendations! Im learning C first because to my understanding, C is a bit harder than Java so I'd want to learn that first.
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    C Programming Books?

    Whats a good about i can get about the C language? decided to give my java book back to the teacher i got it from and learn some C. Could use some recommendations. Thanks!
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    Preperation for College

    i agree with cat's post above
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    Preperation for College

    im not completely anti social guys cmonnn im just saying that education is more important atm. i put education in front of my girlfriend hahah
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    Preperation for College

    yeah im starting to control lets say "the craving" (lol) for women. Education is now, women will come later.
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    Preperation for College

    Lol I love you all xD But I agree about the social thing. I'm not anti-social and i have a lot of friends. I'll be fine in that department :D
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    Preperation for College

    yeah man I totally get you with everything you said.You were reiterating what i was thinking. I'm also expanding my horizon to more than MIT. It was a bit closed minded of me to just want to go to MIT. There are a bunch of other colleges that are also good options. fk women :P
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    Preperation for College

    I spoke with my school's AP computer science teacher today and he gave me a book to start Java. Good stuff xP
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    Preperation for College

    Yeah. Educational extracurriculars and Community service (which I will be doing for sure) are going to be a part of all of this. I love this website. So much information hahah. But anyway, I realized the desire isnt that I want to get into MIT, I just want to go to a good college on a...