Search results

  1. R

    Has anyone tested a Fury X on Windows 10?

    I couldn't get the drivers to even work on windows 10, had to revert to an older version of windows.
  2. R

    Windows 8 Network File Transfer Issues

    Enabling Jumbo frames seems to have fixed this. Thanks for the help ^
  3. R

    Windows 8 Network File Transfer Issues

    Cleared my search index in windows, that didn't help, then I disabled it, and that didn't work either. Everything (drivers, etc) is up to date. The server I'm pulling from is running Server 2012 (which is also up to date). IGMP is already disabled.
  4. R

    Windows 8 Network File Transfer Issues

    Bumping this because I still haven't found any solution.
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    Windows 8 Network File Transfer Issues

    I need a little help here because I've run out of ideas. I've recently run into a problem with my windows installation. I perform a lot of file transfers over my network, and have several mapped drives over my network. My internet speeds are fine and so is every other service except for when...
  6. R

    Robocopy Issues

    I'm attempting to consolidate a large list, and exclude a pre-determinded selection of folders. This is what I'm trying to fun: robocopy "C:\Source\Folder" Destination\Folder /MIR /DCOPY:T /XD <large list of folders> I used to have no issues, until my list of folders to ignore jumped...
  7. R

    Corsair Giveaway - Force Series™ GT 180GB Solid-State Hard Drive

    Those OS boot speeds >.> would have posted sooner if my PC booted up faster!
  8. R

    Crossfire & Refresh rate issues

    I don't even get 60fps with my dual 4870s in BF3 ;)
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    Crossfire & Refresh rate issues

    I've had the same issue since the official BF3 launch (didn't happen in the beta). Running Dual 4870s in Crossfire on my NEC EA231EMi On 11.10 and Cap 4 My game defaults to 60Hz,but displays as if its interlaced so I'm forced to do 50Hz (59Hz does the "interlaced" view as well) Every time a...
  10. R

    XFX Radeon HD 6990 Drawing!

    I'll "wuss out." I ride my bike pretty often, until this (maybe nsfl) happened last week. Now I'm in a knee brace for a month. pity points?
  11. R

    Corsair HS1 Gaming Headset Give-Away - 5 Sets!!!

    Simple. Dat 8bit soundtrack in Minecraft bro.,
  12. R

    Hackers Have at Google TV

    O_o this kid sounds like he's 10... D: hacking really has lowered its standards nowadays.
  13. R

    L4D2 DLC: The Sacrifice-Now Loading

    I have the same issue. 4870s in crossfire. 1st map i get avg 40fps 2nd map about 60fps 3rd map about 200+fps
  14. R

    TF2 "Mann-Conomy" Update.

    Even after reading the FAQ, I'd say the same thing. Items are no longer a symbol of how lucky you are or how much you've played; its a symbol of how much money that 15yr old kid's mom gave him.
  15. R

    Anyone have a G1 running Android 2.2?

    It is not good on the G1. (Ran CM6.0 on my G1 when it was first released) Performance takes a huge hit. Just be warned if you try it. Source: Http://
  16. R

    IBM Ships 5.2GHz Chip, its Fastest Yet

    But the question is: Will it blend?
  17. R

    HTC Incredible OTA update

    Try not to get too excited... Its not mind-blowing performance like on a PC. <n1 user>
  18. R

    MSI - Metro 2033 - GTX 460 Giveaway!

    DONT RIDE THE METRO... Because you might accidentally sit in someone's vomit. True story... sadly...
  19. R

    London Times’ Paid Online Readership “Disappointing”

    *spoiler* disappointed... "that they tried." you've just been... incepted.
  20. R

    Can't root to my motorola droid

    IMPOSSIBRUUU! Just browse the XDA forums and you're set. Usually its a matter of unlocking the bootloader --> recovery --> custom ROM
  21. R

    Looking for feedback on an Android App

    I love this game... runs well even on CM6 RC1 (N1 ofc) The responsiveness really impressed me imho. Hope to see more features soon!
  22. R

    Google Launches Leanback

    I can't wait to sit around my tv with all my friends endlessly watching short clips of people crying about their favorite celebs! /sarcasm I never really thought youtube was for much other than sharing/quickly uploading videos to send to people...
  23. R

    Quakecon 2010 August 12 - 15

    Any word on how the new registration process will benefit the line speed? For 1) pre-reg can't hurt the registration process can it? Even if it doesn't guarantee a spot... at least you have hardware listed/a handle ready And 2) I don't see how the line will go any faster... because...
  24. R

    George Lucas Threatens Laser Maker

    Considering a model light saber costs ~ $200 (one that lights up and looks legit in the dark) Might as well buy one before they've got a George Lucas brand on 'em and cost $400
  25. R

    Remote XP installation

    She's not afraid to torrent windows XP, but she's afraid to install it? New GF IMHO. But no, no possible way to remotely install it... Could just ask for a little webcam time ;)
  26. R

    What are your favorite andoird apps and why?

    Astro File manager + Astro SMB Module Great file explorer + great networking abilities :)
  27. R

    iPhone 4 Data Package, Can I Run a N1 on it?

    Thats what I'm currently doing. Same phone...
  28. R

    Looking for clarity

    Pinouts match,... im sure of it... i wouldn't force anything :|
  29. R

    When will EVO get official 2.2 update ?

    Of course? Its like having a laptop with bloatware vs bareminimum... NTM modded roms are often faster (like CM's stuff)
  30. R

    Looking for clarity

    I borrowed two 6pin cables from a friend of mine to power my crossfire build (because i didnt have any extra cables) and somehow i fried my motherboard using them (thats the only extra component I used)... Do modular PSU cables differ in someway? And WHY would it kill my mobo... of all...
  31. R

    Getting Married in 5 hours What should my last single game be?

    Wow guys... he's single for the next 6 horus... Tomb Raider...duh
  32. R

    When will EVO get official 2.2 update ?

    I'm don't know because I'm not running it... But I'm pretty sure someone has figured it out by now...
  33. R

    When will EVO get official 2.2 update ?

    They already have ports of the AOSP version of Froyo for the Evo... just search on the XDA froums Just hope you're rooted and don't mind fake Sense (which is gross anyway imho)
  34. R

    Quote of the Day

    So why isn't sharing college textbooks between friends a felony? We all know they cost like 2 gold bars... and thats why they do it... Then reselling books isn't a crime... but reselling movies is... Mindfrak.
  35. R

    Get a Virus, No Web for You!

    Ohhh those Aussies and their crazy upside-down/backwards ideas.
  36. R

    IBM and the Jeopardy Challenge

    I can't answer that question for you, Dave.
  37. R

    can the evo play divx files?

    xvid is such an old codec and not made for mobile use... hardware decoding support would be lulz... software decoding would rape the cpu...
  38. R

    can the evo play divx files?

    i'd be surprised if any new phones support such a crappy and old codec
  39. R

    The Droid X

    damn secksy phone... although i'd like more specific hardware details... and for a 4.4" screen... 854x480 is kind of small
  40. R


    I find the game miserable because 90% of the time i find a hacked server (if i even can connect), and the other 10% of the time im in a game with someone purposely frakking with their connection causing my ping to go up to 300ms... takes too much effort to nuke hackers...then be called one...