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  1. T

    Is it Common for Windows to Misidentify the Multiplier?

    Ok, thanks. Has anyone ever had what looked like a voltage hog q6600 at first, but actually found out later that there was some other setting that was holding them back? As far as I can tell, no other settings make a damn bit of difference on this g0 I just bought. Anything less than 1.39V...
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    Is it Common for Windows to Misidentify the Multiplier?

    Yeah, it runs at 3GHz no matter what.
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    Is it Common for Windows to Misidentify the Multiplier?

    Windows is telling me I have a cpu at 3.375 instead of the 3.00 that it is. Apparently it thinks this q6600 is on its default multiplier of 9 instead of 8. I know the odds are against it, but I'm hoping that this might be part of the reason why I can't OC any higher...maybe?
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    Any Surefire Way to Get a Low VID Q6600?

    What kind of Core Temp readings do you have on that cpu? If I go beyond 3.0 it takes so much voltage that my cores will be in the 70s. Just doesn't seem worth it. This makes me want to get a q9550, but only if the early ones tend to be better than the late ones, as appears to be the case with...
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    Q9550 E0 Stepping - Where can I get one?

    I don't think these steppings make much of a difference if the batch isn't good as well. I have a g0 q6600 that will not OC past 3GHz. I'm sure there are a lot of b3s that can do a lot better than that. I'm waiting to see if the first e0s are actually good before I buy.
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    Q9550 E0 Stepping - Where can I get one?

    Looks like the dude below that one got one as well. This is getting kind of tempting.
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    Q9550 E0 Stepping - Where can I get one?

    Is it true that these 45nm processors are really temperamental with overclocking? Nothing could be worse than my 1.325 vid q6600 I just bought, but I would prefer to not go through this disaster again.
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    Any Surefire Way to Get a Low VID Q6600?

    After struggling with this 1.325 g0 for so long and only being able to get it stable at 3GHz with 1.39V, I'm considering picking up another one and sending this one to my brother, who currently has a stock e6300 and who could just drop this q6600 in for a good upgrade at stock speeds. I...
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    The Official P45 Asus P5Q Motherboard Thread

    Is it just me, or is the only setting that actually matters for a q6600 the vcore? I've been messing around with this crap for days and my 1.325VID chip won't be remotely stable at 3.2 unless the vcore is set to 1.475.
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    What's an Upgrade from a Scythe Ninja?

    Hmm, that's really interesting. Thanks a lot for letting me know that there are other ones out there. Do you mess around with any of the other voltages? My case is a Centurion with an 80mm and 120mm intake and a 120mm exhaust. It seems like it should be able to do the job. Maybe I need to try...
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    The Official P45 Asus P5Q Motherboard Thread

    I can't OC my q6600 for shit with my P5Q Pro, but I think it's just a result of my high VID retail chip. I will say that this is the first system that I have ever built that booted perfectly the first time, though this may just be due to me not being as much of an idiot as I used to be.
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    What's an Upgrade from a Scythe Ninja?

    Well that's the thing...I could probably hit 3.2 or so, but it would take a lot of voltage to do it, which would make my temps rise by quite a bit. If a new heatsink could reduce it by 5C, it might be doable. Good to know that I am at least at safe temps currently, though.
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    What's an Upgrade from a Scythe Ninja?

    I apparently angered the computer gods and received a 1.325 VID g0 SLACR and am running pretty hot temps as a result (currently 62-6 62-6 60-3 60-3) core temp after a couple hours of 4 instances of prime95 at 3GHz (1.376V under load in Windows). That's with a Silverstone fan on the heatsink at...
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    The Official P45 Asus P5Q Motherboard Thread

    This q6600 is killing me. It can do 9x334 at 1.39V but requires a ton of voltage to go higher than that, and the corresponding temps are just too high for me to accept. I might get a new cooler, but it seems like a scythe ninja with a silverstone fan on max should be acceptable for this. It ran...
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    The Official P45 Asus P5Q Motherboard Thread

    OK, I went to 334x9 with the ram at 668 and cpuz is reading the vcore at 1.384 under load. I set most of the stuff in bios to auto except for the crucial ones, so I think this should be less annoying. Prime95 has been going for about 20 minutes and I'm going to let it run overnight. The temps...
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    The Official P45 Asus P5Q Motherboard Thread

    I'm having some serious trouble with a g0 q6600 on a P5Q Pro. The CPU has a VID of 1.325, but I'm not even able to get it to 3150 even at 1.43V, so I'm thinking that I must be missing something here. I have a Scythe Ninja, so the problem isn't heat. My corsair memory allowed me to OC an e6300 to...