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  1. M

    Laptop help

    I am having a hard time making a descision. I game and do the ussual office task on my computer. I am leaving for an extended period of time and need a desk top replacement type laptop. I have looked into the ASUS G72. As much as I hate Best Buy the local one hase put together some bundles for...
  2. M

    DFI DK P35

    Question concerns the PCIEx16 slot. Will a PCIE 2.0 video card work in it? Thanks.
  3. M

    Video card selection

    Need a little help with the selection of video cards. Because of the new cards coming up I cant decide if EVGA is the better choice over ATI. So these are my proposed builds with the video cards. They are almost Identical Q9300 DFI DK X38 Mushcan DDR 800 (2X2) HD 3870 x2 850 wat...
  4. M

    Should I......

    Pull the trigger with 2 3870 video cards or wait for the 4xxx line. My problem is I am returning from a deployment and have a wad of cash to build me and my wife new rigs. I come back in early June and don’t really want to wait but may be willing to do so if the cards drop relatively soon. Do...
  5. M

    Been asked I am sure

    This has probably been asked a lot but, Q9300 or Q6600? I do plan to overclock. I primarily use my computer to game on. Also with the price drop on the Q6600 is pretty tempting to be begin with. Thanks for all the help.
  6. M

    Help with the Intel x38 and x48

    Kind of a noob here since this is my second build. I have one question. Do the Intel X38 and X48 motherboards support crossfire if they have 2 PCI x16 or more slots even if it is not stated in the features of the mobo? Thanks.