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  1. B

    Help picking a phone for the wife (Sprint)

    I think she might like the Pre if she used it a little more but she is used to a physically larger screen and she really didn't like the small keys on it. We saw the Incognito but it got put back down right quick by her because it looked "cheap". Might be worth a second look. I'll get her to...
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    Help picking a phone for the wife (Sprint)

    Well that sucks. i'm not against getting her whatever she wants, I just wanna make sure she likes it. She hates the HTC Touch she has now.
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    Help picking a phone for the wife (Sprint)

    OK. Sprint only please. Here is a list of her requirements: 1) Full QWERTY keyboard. The nicer the better. She was underwhelmed by the Pixi and Pre keyboards (also screens which brings me to 2) 2) Nice large screen. She would prefer a touchscreen, but that isn't a requirement. Just...
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    AMD's ATI Radeon Eyefinity Performance Review @ [H]

    I would really like to see how the 5750 stacks up with the 20-22" monitor range. I know that is more in line with the budget that card is aimed at. $450 for three 22" screens and 5040x1050 seems like something that card might be able to handle a little better.
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    Streaming music to my WinMo phone?

    Yup. Own one already (although I paid a lot more than $7 for it). HTC has announced that ll their upcoming handsets will have a 3.5mm jack on them. Sucks for me I guess.
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    Streaming music to my WinMo phone?

    Yeah, my case is a bit special since its an HTC Touch. Stupid 11 pin USB adapter dongle thingie. And I'm stuck with the tape adapter. I'd love to get a new head unit for my car but since its a 99 Maxima, I can't just go out and buy one. The head unit doesn't provide any power to the...
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    Streaming music to my WinMo phone?

    Yeah, but I use my phone in my car through the tape adapter. I need that 3.5mm jack. Headphones are all well and good, the phone even came with a half decent set with integrated mic for when someone calls. The radio stations in this town suck donkey dicks and I'm tired of listening to the...
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    Streaming music to my WinMo phone?

    I hate mobile phone manufacturers that insist on using a dongle or putting a 2.5mm jack on the handset for headphones. Or worse, like in my case, a dongle that has a 2.5mm jack.
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    Streaming music to my WinMo phone?

    Tried Pandora. There is something wonky about WinMo 6.5 it doesn't like. Nothing shows up when I run the program, just the blank background. No login no nothing. Anyway, I'll give a try, thanks. Any other suggestions? Last.FM was great till they pulled support for third party apps...
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    Streaming music to my WinMo phone?

    I'm looking for any way to stream music to my Windows mobile phone. Commercial apps, free apps, interwebs radio, etc. I'd even like to look into streaming my home MP3 collection to my phone. FYI, I've got an unlimited data plan on my phone. Any help is appreciated as the radio in my town...
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    World War Xeon! Or, help me pick a server CPU.

    I'm somewhat overwhelmed with the selection of Xeon CPUs on the market right now. Should I stick with the less expensive route and pick the Kentsfield or Yorkfield based socket 775 CPUs? Or should I go with the slightly higher performing Wolfdale and Harpertown socket 771 CPUs and open the way...
  12. B

    CPU support for ASUS barebones server?

    That's what I get for going straight to Asus' website instead of trusting Newegg. :rolleyes:
  13. B

    CPU support for ASUS barebones server?

    Thanks. I don't know why I couldn't find that on their site. The main product page didn't link to there for whatever reason and was somewhat vague on the subject of anything not "Xeon". Thanks again.
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    CPU support for ASUS barebones server?

    Would this barebones server support a Q6600 CPU? according to the manufacturer, it only supports actual Xeon CPUs. Other motherboards I see using the Intel 3200 chipset support C2D CPUs. I ask because I happen to have one lying around and want to be sure. If not I'll just pick up a Xeon...
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    Server 2008 running out of space

    You sir, are my new hero of the week. Bravo.
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    Server 2008 running out of space

    Sad part is, I AM the IT guy. I set up something, sorta like "Hey, what do you guys think of this new software found? Don't get too attached to it. It isn't a permanent system. I just want to see if it is useful." Three weeks pass and I decide to take it offline one night since I haven't...
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    Server 2008 running out of space

    Nope. Just a single drive.
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    Server 2008 running out of space

    Yeah, the server has kind of grown from a "lets play with this to see if we like it" to a "OMG I can't live without it!" sort of thing. All sorts of stuff that I normally do to a production server didn't get done.
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    Server 2008 running out of space

    I took Chris' idea and moved the 2.5GB swap file to the empty drive. Most of the storage is on the RAID array in the server so I figured not much space would be needed on the C: partition. Guess I was wrong.
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    Server 2008 running out of space

    I've got a Server 2008 box running on an 18GB 15K SCSI hard drive. It is nearly out of space on the drive. I've got an identical 18GB unpartitioned drive in the machine right now. Since it is a server, reinstalling is pretty much out of the question. How can I use that extra drive space on...
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    What aniti-virus / blockers do you use?

    Thank you for your insightful and well reasoned reply :rolleyes:
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    What aniti-virus / blockers do you use?

    Kind of like hookers! The idea sounds great on the surface, but in the end you just end up with warts on your junk.
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    ASUS Eee Keyboard PC Coming Soon

    Wireless HDMI? I'd be worried about lag on the screen. And pushing an HD stream over HDMI would probably kill battery life (if it had a battery). Sounds really neat, but I'd rather they just gave me the keyboard and touchscreen and let me have the HTPC hooked directly to the TV.
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    What aniti-virus / blockers do you use?

    Take that with a "wink wink, nudge nudge". Everyone pirates something. But he's right about lots of false positives. He's ALSO right about never knowing if the keygen is dropping all sorts of crap onto your machine. Try running your keygens in a virtual machine which you can just wipe and...
  25. B

    Smartphone server admin software?

    So far that is the only one I've seen available. Looks pretty good. And they've changed their licensing, so that instead of per server, it is per admin.
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    Smartphone server admin software?

    I was wondering if anyone here uses their smartphone to administer servers while they're out of the office? If so, what software? I was without my laptop this morning and the Exchange service needed a restart and couldn't do anything till I was back in the office. I currently don't own a...
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    What aniti-virus / blockers do you use?

    Untangle in bridge mode behind a pfsense firewall. And I know a lot of people will bemoan the fact that I have been playing with Microsoft Forefront Client Security and like it.
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    Video conferencing, with a twist

    Or maybe it's something that has been possible for a while now, I don't know. What I'm looking for is a video conferencing system that is capable of doing normal video conference duties just like anything else, but also capable of standard video input and displaying that as well. Say for...
  29. B

    CPU support for this motherboard?

    Cool, thanks. That's what I thought. I wouldn't try putting a quad in there, but I've got a ton of socket 775 P4s lying around, many of them dual core.
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    CPU support for this motherboard?

    Found this little gem on Newegg and I was wondering...945 there any reason it couldn't support say a 3.2GHz Prescott CPU? Or an 805D? I know the product specs only state newer C2D style CPUs (including Celerons), but I know for a fact the 945 chipset is capable of more. What does...
  31. B

    Local system account doesn't have write privileges?

    Here's the exact line that isn't working in the batch file. svn log %WORKING_COPY% --verbose -r "%REV%" >> "%DIR%"\email.txt Basically, the svn program is called, getting the log contents of a specific revision and then dumping that into the file. The weird part is the command that creates...
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    Local system account doesn't have write privileges?

    According to Process Monitor, NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM is the user who calls the post-commit.bat file. Looking directly at the file, a WriteFile operation comes back with a result of FAST IO DISALLOWED. Not sure if that's what is breaking. I can delete the file and the file gets recreated, but...
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    Local system account doesn't have write privileges?

    Yes, the SYSTEM account does have full access. Inherited from higher up.
  34. B

    Local system account doesn't have write privileges?

    We're not talking about a network here. The file I'm trying to write to is on the same machine as VisualSVN.
  35. B

    Local system account doesn't have write privileges?

    Right now, our Visual SVN server is set to run under as Local System. I've got a post-commit hook that writes something to a file on the server and then emails that file. For whatever reason, that account cannot write to the file. If I change the service so it runs under my login, the file...
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    Not wanting to give up my FastTrack SX4000

    Yeah, I just don't want to buy four 500GB drives and have the damn thing not work.
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    Not wanting to give up my FastTrack SX4000

    So I've got this server I decommissioned and in it was a FastTrack SX4000 lite. Great four channel RAID adapter with XOR support. Problem is, it's PATA. The largest PATA drive I can find on Newegg is 500GB, which is great, but the product page states the max drive size is 250GB, or a max if...
  38. B

    From a workgroup to a domain: transfer settings and desktop environment?

    Oh, I see. Kind of a little registry magic to make the machine use the old MACHINENAME\ACCOUNT profile when logged in as the domain user. Neat trick. Thanks.
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    From a workgroup to a domain: transfer settings and desktop environment?

    Sadly its not SBS. I'll give that a shot.