Search results

  1. J

    Disney to Acquire Marvel Entertainment

    FYI Cap America story starts out pretty sick, then well...................Red Skull nuff said!!!
  2. J

    Helpful/fun Apps for iPod touch?

    More on the lines of productivity, I just got out of the military recently and plan on going back to college to further my education. The games are more of a productive way to waste time lol!
  3. J

    WoW -- Lower FPS / slow alt tab lately?

    +1 I think this is the only way to do it IMHO, makes life easier and you don't have to deal with what I call ghost problems!
  4. J

    Helpful/fun Apps for iPod touch?

    I just got one of these things, and I love it but there are a trillion apps available for it. Does anyone mind suggesting a few helpful ones or some good games? I did a search but putting apps or best in there results in overload of threads. Oh I got the shopping list app, works great for...
  5. J

    4GB to 8GB performance increase?

    Yes it is, once you get it going you will love it, did this awhile ago when I ran across a thread on [H] about it. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. J

    Is it worth upgrading from a E8400 dual core to a quad core?

    I cannot comment much on a quad core system, I have only dealt with the one my buddy has. I currently run the E8500 with a moderate OC (thanks heavily to teh knowledge of the [H] Folks around here), and its smoking fast for me. I thought about upgrading to a quad for a tad of future proofing...
  7. J

    Busted By YouTube

    Because they do not have safety in mind and 160mph is not something I would have 3/4ths of the people around me do. I have built cars MADE to go that fast on the circuits in Japan, I have built motorcycles that were built to do that on the tracks but to be honest I have went to several...
  8. J

    Judge Says Its Okay To Taser You For DNA

    Yes but under this law could they deny you the right of legal council by just tasing you? That in itself could be lawsuit central and someone is getting rich!
  9. J

    How Microsoft Stole the Show At E3

    Honestly I got rid of my 360, I prefer not to have a fire in my house. I know all systems have issues but for me the 4th 360 to overheat was the straw that broke the camels back. I will continue playing the Wii and PS3, networking on the 360 is meh due to the fact I have the [H]ard folks...
  10. J

    Missing HD

    Little story, bought a E8500 had MSi P6N SLi Fi, to get the CPU to work I would have had to mail the MB back to MSi. Instead I bought eVga 750i SLi FTW MB and just went to town from there, I only have one problem. Its only seeing 1 HD when 3 are installed. Is it possible that 3 of the 4...
  11. J

    Intel mobo dead...switch from q6600 to X3 720 AM3? Should I?

    Wow just wow Previous post about mobo dying has me rolling, if that was the case man I would have tons of dead parts by now. I have seen dozens of boards die out, rarely and I do stress rarely have I ever seen it take the CPU and all other components with it. If you just want an AMD system...
  12. J

    FS: 160Gb Velociraptors

    YGPM Bump for Juu
  13. J

    To many choices need new MB

    Thanks for the suggestion, I read the [H] review and this board looks really solid. I researched around and everything I have found says your spot on. As for my monitors I am running 2 Samsung SyncMaster 941BW, but I am going to upgrade one of them to a 26". Looks like eVga is in my...
  14. J

    So intels prices drops, what are you getting? Q9550 or Q9650? (not sure myself)

    Well if thats the case lower prices should be considered greener pastures if your in the market for a new CPU. Luckily for me I picked up an E8500 for a real good deal so I can wait.
  15. J

    To many choices need new MB

    I am currently in the market for a new MB that will support the E8500 and DDR2 800 Ram that will support SLi and have good OC capabilities and atleast 4 Sata connections. There are so many boards out there and so many being talked about here, I am a bit nervous on biting which board to get...
  16. J

    Best Game EVER?

    FF series, I enjoyed all of them Double Dragon Narc (Yes I loved this game) Ring King (Cause knocking your opponent across the ring is teh AWESOME) Super Mario Brothers Legend of Zelda NES Diablo 1 & 2 Half Life Delta Force Land Warrior just for overall dont give a crap about rankings
  17. J

    MSI P6N SLI-FI / Platinum (650i) Thread

    I bought me a E8500 CPU updated my bios on my MSi P6N SLi fi and yet the thing still will not post, no matter what I do it wont post with the E8500 in there. I have tried just about everything I can do. It still works like a champ with the E6300 but slap the E8500 in there and it just sits...
  18. J

    WOTLK launch = WoW numbers jump to 11.5 million

    I build a spacecraft. And then what I killed a bunch of respawning dudes on a small war torn map. And then what I ran around and beat the game in every mode possible. And then what Seems this works with every game ever made, dont get me wrong I play WoW like 11 mil other people, but then I...
  19. J

    Do I need to enable Memory Remapping with 8GB of RAM?

    ^^ Confuses me, I strapped 8g in and the system recognized it immediately. What is this issue, you speak of? Vista Ultimate 64 is the OS
  20. J

    For those that say going from 4gb to 8gb is only slight performance increase

    I can neither confirm nor deny any system performance increases, going from 4 to 8g. The only reason I really went 8g is A) its cheap, so why not and B) I was hitting 97% on 4g (on rare occasions) so I thought the extra head room would be nice.
  21. J

    Thank you [H]ot Deals

    +1 for this, I joined a little over a year ago paid for access and now am whole heartedly addicted. I may not post that much around here, but with the search function and great write-ups by staff and forum members alike I find all the answers one could ever need.
  22. J

    FS: 2 Windows Vista Ultimate Copies

    Bump for great price and good seller.
  23. J

    Dumb Vista Question

    I own it and I didn't get it for free, still trying to figure out how I am a poser? The seems a little out of line for [H] rules. Personally I got Ultimate because I got a great deal on it, but I still don't see how that makes me or anyone else here on [H] a poser.
  24. J

    Japanese Wagyu beef

    It doesnt have to be exported from Japan anymore, the guy sold some to an American Ranch and then came over here for several months to teach them how to properly raise and care for the tasty things. On a side note smoked gyu ton is also quite tasty from these bad boys.
  25. J

    Official World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Litch King Thread

    Been playing a warrior for 4+ years now (yes sad I know), before you start whining try playing a class that every nub in the country tells you to duct tape a healer to your back if you want to PvP, lets not even talk about pre BC where if you were not in a super raiding guild you were not...
  26. J

    Vista tips, tricks, and tweaks, redux

    Thanks for this one, I was about to ask and thought to look at the FAQ section first. Answered all my questions as I am about to make the jump from XP to Vista Ultimate 64!!
  27. J

    E6300 @ 2.7GHZ VS e8400 @ 3ghz

    Thanks for the advice, I will look into upgrading the Mobo then.
  28. J

    E6300 @ 2.7GHZ VS e8400 @ 3ghz

    Yea I am on the edge of doing a upgrade again just thinking I should wait till I move all my stuff back to Japan, right now I am running the MSi 650 SLi Fi board, as for the cooler I am running a Zalman. I really think its the board, which has been really solid for me, not one real issue to...
  29. J

    Time for Fun! P6T Deluxe / Core i7 965 / 12GB RAM / GTX 260 Core 216 SLI / on WATER!

    That is one insane build right there, keep updating I am curious to see if you can get the temps down if you change blocks.
  30. J

    E6300 @ 2.7GHZ VS e8400 @ 3ghz

    I wish I could be so lucky, my E6300 hits a brick wall at 2.4Ghz and absolutely will not go past it no matter what I do!!
  31. J

    Wii Fit

    If this game gets people in the habit of actually excercising, then I can imagine there are no down sides to it. Hell even parents could have kids do this before they are allowed to play regular games. We do have a weight problem within this country, anything to start trimming off some fat...
  32. J

    Wii Fit

    I think this is a sneaky little plot by Nintendo for the unsuspecting, to get you into a habit of doing excercise everyday. IMHO, the game is conditioning your daily routine to want to exercise, which to me is a good thing.
  33. J

    Top 10 most terrifying enemies

    I dunno about babies in Silent Hill but I was in Japan playing the Japanese version. They were cute little teddy bears, with knives for claws and you could kill them but they were so short you couldnt see them till they were right on you!! Definately on my list!!!
  34. J

    WoW Players

    Its not that they are bashing it persay, more like there are to many people that cannot control themselves or are weak and it becomes an obession. Alot of people have seen their family and friends turn into mindless zombies over the game and that causes alot of people to hate it! I like the...
  35. J

    WTB Desktop Memory

    Looking for 4g of DDR2 800 memory, preferrably matched. Corsair GSkill
  36. J

    WoW Players

    Emerald Dream >[H]orde>Daunted or Fathoms Guild = Forsaken Order
  37. J

    PS3 overtakes 360 in Europe

    Read Top Gear's Story on GT5: Prologue. This is why the PS3 sales are skyrocketing right now, I mean come on who wouldn't want to get a shot at running in a No BS race car and get a legit license!!!!
  38. J

    Kojima upset with Metal Gear Solid 4 and the PS3

    ROFL This has seriously turned into a Kojima bashing fest, and the more an enviroment is interactive the less graphic eye candy will be available. Shooting at a wall and just leaving a black spot is not what I call interactive. But then this is comming from a guy who thinks anyone...