Search results

  1. M

    Anyone seriously considering the 4070 TI

    I'm buying a new card (The Netherlands) Which one should i get the RTX 3090 used or the RTX 4070 ti new if i could get them at the same price?
  2. M

    New build advice needed.

    Nice to be back on forum again. Im planing to build a new PC for gaming and wmware. 1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc Gaming and VM 2) What's your budget? 1000 /1300 euros 3) Which country do you live in? If the U.S, please tell us the state and city...
  3. M

    Upgrade for under 800 Euro's.

    Thanks for the reply. Would 8GB RAM be enough? thanks
  4. M

    Upgrade for under 800 Euro's.

    FIXED Sorry and thanks for the heads up.
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    Upgrade for under 800 Euro's.

    Hello guys, I've been out of the hardware markt for a while now and i want to upgrade my old looking to buy Motherboard, CPU, RAM, and video card also PSU if my current corsair HX620 is not enough. I would like to be able to play Titanfall and BF4 in decent sittings with good frame rate...
  6. M

    Will an SSD help with TF2 and Planetside2 load times?

    TF2 loads faster for me since i installed SSD.
  7. M

    What do you love in PC gaming?

    Keyboard &Mouse. Alt+Tab so i can look something up on internet when im stuck or lost in the game.
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    Recommend me a first person shooter.

    Picked up Borderlands GOTY after work today and installing now:) Think i will be getting Serious Sam 3 as well thanks for the tips guys.
  9. M

    Recommend me a first person shooter.

    I have been away from gaming for about two years now (Kids,work and study) now i really feel like playing a good first person shooter that has a good single player. I picked up Rage a few days ago and i like it so far. Now im looking for 2 or 3 more. I dont really want to play war games ATM. And...
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    Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

    Hey guys i can really use a guest pass if anyone have one. thanks.
  11. M

    What current titles you can't go wrong with?

    Kingdoms of Amalur.
  12. M

    What are your top 5 FPS games of all time?

    Halo 1 TF2 BF2 Bioshock CoD UO
  13. M

    Looking for 5.1/Dolby wireless headphones for movies.

    any idea if razer chimaera 5.1 would be good for movies?
  14. M

    Looking for 5.1/Dolby wireless headphones for movies.

    Thanks for the info guys that was really helpful. Now i think im going to pick one of sony MDR--DS6500 and sennheiser RS 180. What do you think work best with my recive/sound card?
  15. M

    Looking for 5.1/Dolby wireless headphones for movies.

    I can't find any wireless 5.1 Sennheiser :(
  16. M

    Looking for 5.1/Dolby wireless headphones for movies.

    My budget is 200 Euro's (i live in The Netherlands) so its around $250. I like the pioneer headphones but i can't find them anyware here. as for Beach X41: its a headset so i wonder if it will be any good for movies. @skeeder yes i have a pioneer VSX-1021 in the living room. and i have X-Fi...
  17. M

    Looking for 5.1/Dolby wireless headphones for movies.

    Still looking :rolleyes: some help would be great. Thanks
  18. M

    Starcraft II: anyway to enable higher lighting on this laptop?

    I play SC2 on my desktop most of the time with no problem. But when I'm not home (working nights) I play it on my laptop. It runs fine but the only problem is the lighting. I can't change it into medium or high. It says my hardware doesn't support higher shades. I have dell Inspiron 9400 with...
  19. M

    Looking for 5.1/Dolby wireless headphones for movies.

    I'm looking for 5.1 wireless headphones for movies and for some gaming. I would like it also to have optical-in option so i can use it with my Apple TV . I'm not sure if it exist so i hope you guys can help me out. Thanks
  20. M

    Most overrated game of all time...

    HL2 Crysis Counter-strike Oblivion Halo 2
  21. M

    Windows 7 + WoW?

    +1 :D
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    Heroes of Newerth beta

    i need a key please :p
  23. M

    Street Fighter IV PC

    I dont have the game yet. but will PS2 controller + adapter be good enough?
  24. M

    Section 8 Closed Beta

    USA and Canada only. WTH?
  25. M

    Street Fighter IV PC

    indeed, but i have no problem with a little delay because i dont know what controller to get yet. beside i just saw it in a local store here in the netherlands for 50Euro's :eek:
  26. M

    Street Fighter IV PC

    i just ordered it from it was only 23Euro's with Free Delivery :p
  27. M

    Best Game Music Tracks

    Halo 1
  28. M

    Win 7 Build 7127 runs very slow on AMD X2 en 2gb of RAM

    so far there is no windows 7 drivers for the MB so i tried xp and vista drivers. im thinking to install windows 64BIT and see if it helps:rolleyes:
  29. M

    Win 7 Build 7127 runs very slow on AMD X2 en 2gb of RAM

    I just installed Win 7 Build 7127 32BIT on my 2nd PC with AMD 5000 x2 @ 2.6 GHz with 2 gigs of ram and ASUS M2A-VM and onboard Radeon X1200 and it runs really like crap. mouse lag everything runs in slow motion . i even reinstalled windows tried different drivers ,no luck. is there anything i...
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    Any good and new Non-1st_Person Shooter Game?

    battlefield heroes.
  31. M

    Signature in smaller font

    how can i do that?
  32. M

    Is there a way to reset TF2 achievements?

    dude how long is the weekend where you live :p
  33. M

    Good MMORPG without monthly fee.

    I played Warhammer online for a few months . but now i don’t have that much time to play more the one hour or two a week, for me that’s not worth paying a monthly fee, so im now looking for some MMORPG without monthly fee. i have already GW . so any ideas?
  34. M

    Windows 7 on a low end laptop

    It runs fine on my ASUS R2H tablet PC with celeron 900Mhz!!
  35. M

    GTX260,keep it or sell it?

    i would but i live in The Netherlands.:p