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  1. O

    Is there such a thing as Photoshop basic training DVD

    Seconded. I learnt a lot from their "Enhancing Digital Photography with Photoshop CS2" course. From what I remember, it has a basics chapter which runs you through the interface and how it all works. It should mostly apply to version 5, you just wont be able to use some of the features.
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    Bought a house in Oblivion. Now what?

    Go and sleep in the bed and see what happens ;)
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    Please Critique (Photographs)

    Nice work, I like your composition. The best way to get feedback on your pics is to sign up on an art/photo comunity website and get a gallery started there. I post my stuff on
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    1600x1200 and up resolutions

    True, you can also do it all at once with the DPI setting in Display Properties -> Settings -> Advanced
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    NEED HELP!!!!!

    The headphone socket on your soundcard is an output. Connect the ps2 to an input such as the "line in" or microphone socket and you should get sound.
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    Oblivion: Anyone else just get bored of gates and just run?

    Yup, I just turn myself invisible and walk past everything.
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    Ultima 9 vs. Oblivion

    The main thing that annoyed me about u9 was the fog. You could stand right in front of a huge building and not see it, take one step forward and it poped out of thin air. In oblivion, I can see for miles :D
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    Arrow of Extrication

    Is this the corridors behind the secret door in his room? I don't remember having to get a key for any of the doors, see if there is a way around it by going through a different tunnel. I remember I had to go underwater for a bit there.
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    ut 2007

    Why not just make 10 louder?
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    PS3 Interface Revealed

    True, I'm not going to be using a games console to play dvds. Especially if I'm going to be putting a lot of money into a good hdtv and speaker setup.
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    PS3's gyro officially added week and a half before E3!

    Depends on how the gyro ends up getting used, but I think I'd have preffered it if they had paid/invented something to keep the rumble.
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    PS3's gyro officially added week and a half before E3!

    yup, I type too fast :)
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    PS3's gyro officially added week and a half before E3!

    Why do they have to pay immersion? Can't they just come up with a different mehtod of making the controller rumble?
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    PS3's gyro officially added week and a half before E3!

    Pet hate: The phrase is "could NOT care less"
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    PS3's gyro officially added week and a half before E3!

    That's true, I think it was a bbc article which described the ps3 controller as also having position sensing capabilities. The ley person is just going to presume that they do exactly the same things.
  16. O

    PS3's gyro officially added week and a half before E3! :D
  17. O

    Oblivion: Wine Cellars

    When I was doing the theives guild quests I cleared out the alchemy shop in Skingrad. That got me enough fenced to get all the quests. I've not found any big wine cellars though.
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    Oblivion sluggish

    Are you running the 64bit version of windows?
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    Oblivion: Easy monsters to raise hand to hand?

    yup, it's what I did to get my blade up.
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    Time played, Oblivion

    Alchemy is the first skill I've got up to master. It's gone up really quickly for me, esp once I found the garden in the arcane university. Most of the potions I've made I sold immediately, but my mercantile is nowhere near as high.
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    houses, worth getting?

    Which is the best of the houses? (In oblivion :p)
  22. O

    attributes to raise when i level

    I don't bother with speechcraft anymore, as soon as i got to the arcane university I made myself a charm 100% spell. It only lasts a few seconds so it's cheap to cast, but time stops while you talk to ppl so the length doesn't matter.
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    oblivion: cheydinhal mages guild recommendation problem

    Theres a bug in this quest, from the moment you first go down the well you only have three days before the body disapears taking the ring with it. I had to use the item spawn cheat to get around it, after spending 15 mins searching pointlessly. I don't see why the ring would have disapeared...
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    Mods to improve C&C2 graphics?

    Not sure about making it prettier, but there was an ini file which allowed you to play at a higher res which I'd reccomend finding.
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    How do I get The Longest Journey workin in XP?

    You're not wrong there, its a classic! :D Enjoy it!
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    Ipod video video converter

    I use videora, its very easy to use and the quality's fine for the ipod screen.
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    Oblivion: where and how can i buy a house??

    The mansion for 5k is in Anvil, but there's a catch... ;)
  28. O

    Where to find ectoplasm in Oblivion?

    There's a boat in the Anvil harbour which has become haunted. Go kill the ghosts there and you should have plenty of ectoplasm.
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    "Deviant Art" thread
  30. O

    Who bought a new computer just for Oblivion?

    Nope, that wont run it. I'd be happy to swap it for my 2800+ with 768Mb of RAM and a 9800pro though as that should run it at max settings no problem. :P
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    Post your pc screen shots!

    You can get windowblinds to ignore some applications, so it wont skin them and that should stop the problem. To do this, add a "per application" listing for cs and set it to "ignore this app and do not skin it". Hope this helps!
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    why are photos automatically going to 300dpi

    Isn't the dpi something photoshop applies so that pics can be printed? It doesn't affect the actual digital image at all as far as I know.
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    HTML Desktop

    What do you want on it? I've not seen many active desktops recently, I think most people use stuff like samurize or konfabulator.
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    I am thinking of buying this lens to take family shots

    It's perfect if you can't stand family get togethers : :D
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    Revolution Unveiled!!! E3 2006?

    QFT I'll be getting a revolution whenever it comes out. I'll prob get a 360 soon as well to get the best of both worlds.
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    Nintendo systems (GC/DS/GBA) upcoming release lists = Pathetic.

    As long as one of the 24 for the cube is the new zelda, I'll be happy :)
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    converting a Bitmap image into some other format?

    Check out the GIMP, it's an open source photoshop clone:
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    Show off your best pics!

    If all you want to do is rotate it a bit, Picasa has a very easy to use rotate feature. + It's free :D
  39. O

    Beautiful high-res images

    Just a guess, but couldn't they carbon date the paint?
  40. O

    hmmm 9ghz xbox 360 vs new comp

    360 better than my PC? So I'll be able to run photoshop on my 360? Theres a lot more to PCs than just games.