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  1. P

    Technology FAIL of the Day

    If the missiles were produced on a larger scale, surely the price per missile would come down. I think it's a promising idea. We've really only begun to find out how GPS technology can simplify our lives. :p
  2. P

    Vista SP2 Results in Increased Free Disk Space?

    Let's have a big argument about it. If you had better reading comprehension, you'd know I wasn't saying Superfetch is a bad idea. I like the idea of putting memory to work to make things load faster. But I'm telling you: my drive was pinned half the time caching LARGE files that usually...
  3. P

    Vista SP2 Results in Increased Free Disk Space?

    The fact that your hardware may support Aero doesn't mean it's a good idea to enable it. This doesn't affect me anyway -- I just think "regular" users could benefit from better default settings. If you want it to cache vmware images regardless of how often you use them, then go for it...
  4. P

    Vista SP2 Results in Increased Free Disk Space?

    I'm not against Windows Search in general - if you use it even occasionally it should pull its weight. Vista is running great on this 1000HE so far, but I did have to disable Aero to get the best performance out of it. A lot of users may not think to disable it, and it can make a real...
  5. P

    Vista SP2 Results in Increased Free Disk Space?

    I installed SP2 but didn't keep track of the difference in disk space. I just installed vista sp2 (and ubuntu 9.04) on an asus 1000HE (atom N280 w/ 2 GB). It's quite usable - performance is at least up to my expectations. Aero is supported, but after testing some 720p x264 playback I found...
  6. P

    Wiretap Theater [complete]

    Oops - I'm lazy and I "skim/skip" too much sometimes :p 6 inches sounds about right - just a little elevation would go a long way. Even if people in the back can already see OK (which is surprising to be honest, based on looking at the pics!), the elevation in the back seats would be another...
  7. P

    Wiretap Theater [complete]

    This is definitely one of the nicer home theater rooms I've seen -- really nice work! Only one suggestion comes to mind: what do you think about elevating the rear seats? Maybe I'm misjudging the angles, but it looks like people in rear seats could have a tough time seeing the screen...
  8. P

    Man Burns Down House in Net Feud

    Let this be a warning to all of you.
  9. P

    XP vs Vista: Redux @ [H]

    Goodness gracious! If the TOPIC has been neglected, your post certainly does nothing to revive it, since it only contains a complaint, and no comments relating to the TOPIC. Anyway I don't see how it was a "threadjack", since the relative stability / reliability of Vista had been under...
  10. P

    Doctors Want Video Game 'Addiction' Recognized?

    It seems clear enough to me that for some people, video games really are way too important. For someone really addicted to gaming, it's actually a mental health issue. My impression is that some people are "addictive personality" types, and if they weren't addicted to video games, they'd find...
  11. P

    XP vs Vista: Redux @ [H]

    I've heard of issues on AMD platforms with 4x1GB that can be "worked around" by over-volting the memory and/or CPU core (which has an integrated memory controller). Also you could try clocking the memory down to 667 (just for testing!), or better yet swapping in 2x2GB (if you can borrow it)...
  12. P

    XP vs Vista: Redux @ [H]

    I can understand there will be some bugs in a new OS - I was more annoyed by the fact that the patch didn't show up in Windows Update, since I would have actually avoided having any headaches with 4 GB if they just put the bloody patch in there... It just seems silly to me - I'd love to know...
  13. P

    XP vs Vista: Redux @ [H]

    That patch worked for me. If the patch doesn't work for you, I guess the only conclusion we can draw is that there's some other problem that prevents you from booting with 4 GB. A few questions for you: other people with 4 GB on the same mainboard are not having the same problem ? memtest86+...
  14. P

    XP vs Vista: Redux @ [H]

    I'm actually not interested in what you do. I just don't think you know what you are talking about when you say Vista is "nowhere near as stable as XP".
  15. P

    XP vs Vista: Redux @ [H]

    I've been using Vista (64-bit) for a few months now. In that time I have had zero unexplained crashes. And no, I'm not just picking my ass web-browsing all day... The crashes I have had turned out to be from these causes: bluescreen when booting with 4 GB (fixed with patch) bluescreen...
  16. P

    Blizzard Announces Starcraft 2

    LOL - yeah I'm definitely buying a copy too :) I just can't see how it won't be worth playing. Good news :)
  17. P

    Vista Sales At 40 Million Already

    Windowblinds is OK, I used it for years, but it's really no match for Aero, in terms "eye candy / effects" or in terms of overall polish.. I'm not saying that Aero is *the* reason (or even reason enough) to get Vista, however... As for Beryl, I can't comment because I haven't tried it, but...
  18. P

    Vista Sales At 40 Million Already

    Wow that's a lot of anger! I posted my thoughts about it, if you disagree that's fine, but you can take your personal attacks and shove them up your ass!! Good day to you sir !! :p
  19. P

    Vista Sales At 40 Million Already

    My experience with Vista has been positive overall - it's proving to be quite stable, the problems are generally driver-related (esp. video and sound) and application compatibility related. It just needs more time to iron out these issues - but I see no indication at all that Vista is crap or...
  20. P

    PirateBay Hacked

    It looks like proper measure were taken to hash/encrypt the passwords, so I'm grateful for that. Still, it's a wakeup call for me to stop using the same usernames and passwords all over the place. I have a program to keep track of passwords (TurboPasswords - also runs on PalmOS), and I've...
  21. P

    Rebuilding the Beast

    That's a really nice build. I've put together a similar spec. system a few months ago, except that I did go with the eVGA 680i board. I did have to RMA my 680i because the PS/2 ports were buggered. Thankfully, the new board seems to be 100% functional, I would say that 680i has ultimately...
  22. P

    PC Club Sabre @ [H] Consumer

    LOL yeah there's always some dumbass who wants to argue about something stupid like that... that reminds me of an experience I had at a local store (in Saskatoon, SK, Canada), where a balding 40+yr old floor person quickly "corrected" me for saying "firewire", when it really should be called...
  23. P

    K8N-DL setup worth it? has a big thread about the K8N-DL: It's a budget board, but AFAIK if you run the latest BIOS, and use decent reg ecc memory with it, you should be alright. Checking out that thread would be a good idea though. -prof
  24. P

    K8N-DL setup worth it?

    It won't perform like a more expensive system of course, but that hardware for that price... yea that's not a bad deal I'd say. That setup would be fine with Vista, another 2 GB or memory might not hurt, but 2 GB is decent, and it will perform just fine, especially if you run lots of...
  25. P

    Quad - AMD vs Intel

    Yeah it's good that you can wait a bit - we'll have to see how AMD's newer products will perform. Personally I'm optimistic AMD will soon close the gap with Intel (even if they may not re-take the lead they enjoyed for so long). We'll see... but for now AMD only makes sense from a "value"...
  26. P

    R.I.P. Clippy

    You could turn Clippy off... but yeah Clippy has a special place in the annals of bad UI history. I once had a funny experience where I closed an office app, and Clippy waved goodbye to me, and as Clippy was disappearing into the background, the application "encountered a problem and had to...
  27. P

    BitTorrent Implies Guilt?

    Well, let's see... I have 2 DVD burners, which I use to commit piracy on a fairly massive scale. I run Linux, and I am a hacker (in the proper sense of the word). I don't have TrueCrypt installed, but then again I'm not a perv. who's into child porn... I'm just playing devil's advocate...
  28. P

    Vista Follow-Up Likely In 2009

    MS did make choices in the 64-bit version of Vista that make it more secure than the 32-bit version, but there's no inherent reason why 64-bit computing is more secure. MS is implementing a smart strategy: continue supporting legacy stuff as much as possible in 32-bit Vista, while breaking...
  29. P

    Singer Sues Man With Same Name Over Website

    Exactly right - so why should Keith Urban have to change, when Keith Urban is the one who SUCKS. Seriously what a douche... the other guy got the domain name first, so just deal with it, you no talent ass clown. :p
  30. P

    msdn vista

    I bought the MSDN OS subscription. I've only activated Vista Ultimate on one machine so far. I did read on their site, that you could activate up to 10 PCs with a single key, but unfortunately I'm not sure whether that means a) upgrade your computer 10 times, or b) actually use 10 computers at...
  31. P

    How much ram are you using with vista rigs?

    A lot of that is stuff that could be swapped out when the system is under memory pressure. So, despite that measurement, the extra 2 GB may not help you much in terms of actual measured performance in games and apps. OTOH, 4 GB does seem like a good lifestyle choice, doesn't it?? I have to...
  32. P

    How much ram are you using with vista rigs?

    I have 2 GB, and that's working just fine with Vista Ultimate 64-bit... 2 GB is really where you want to be - I wouldn't want less, but I don't think it's necessary (for the vast majority of ppl) to get more either. If you're running vmware or something like that, sure you could easily use...
  33. P

    Windows Vista Arrives @ [H] Consumer

    Vista has a bigger memory footprint, but if you have 2 GB (which is common on newer systems) you're in great shape for gaming. DX10 seems to be the main reason for a gamer to install Vista - a relatively small O(1) increase or decrease in performance with existing games is not really...
  34. P

    Windows Vista Arrives @ [H] Consumer

    Even when the drivers have been well optimized, there could still be a penalty of a few percent that comes from the relocation of the driver code into user-space. I'm sure they'll do whatever they can to minimize that penalty, but there may be a small price to pay for the added stability...
  35. P

    Windows Vista Arrives @ [H] Consumer

    Let's wait until the video drivers for Vista mature a bit more, before making judgments about that. In principle, once the drivers are better optimized, the DX9 games should be able to run just about as fast as on XP. Also, we have yet to see what DX10 brings... You can argue (as Carmack did)...
  36. P

    Windows Vista Arrives @ [H] Consumer

    That's how I feel about this editorial also. I can agree that waiting a bit before jumping on the Vista bandwagon is a smart move, especially if you depend on your computer for your work. If it ain't broke, maybe just leave it alone! I do get that - what I don't get, is where does the need to...
  37. P

    36 bit VS 64 bit drivers for graphics card?

    I'll offer a few words about it: The word size of a machine (ie 32- or 64-bit) is the size of a basic unit of data. If your word size is 64-bits for example, then your pointers are going to be 8 bytes in size, which means the size of your address space is 2^64. Also the largest unsigned...
  38. P

    NVIDIA & Vista Driver News

    It's a subjective thing, but I'd agree it seems to run smoother, and stability seems good for me so far (Vista Ultimate 64-bit). Still, XP SP2 was quite stable for me overall, so I'm more keen on Vista b/c of the lovely UI (yes, I admit it!), ability to use 4+ GB ram, play DX10 games (which are...
  39. P

    Movie Piracy From Canada

    I've never understood how people can watch those crappy threater-cams.. or even screeners that go to black-and-white occasionally... I agree with what someone said earlier here - that what they should really be afraid is high quality, decrypted copies or re-encodes of their properties floating...