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  1. H

    For those of you who play the Total War series: Rome or Medieval II?

    Get Medieval II. Rome had too many bugs and the squalor function sucked.
  2. H

    Alma Has Returned

    Words cannot describe how wicked awesome that looks! Plus, I bet my face is going to be frozen in a permanent :eek:
  3. H

    Galactic Civilizations

    I have one word for GalCiv II - addicting. You know how some MMOs have little warnings that you have played for too long? GalCiv has the opposite. You are playing for a few hours. When you hit "Quit Game", a notice pops up: Aw, com'on, a few more turns wouldn't hurt.... You find sureself...
  4. H

    Escapist pwns EVE

    True. You could fill an encyclopedia with all the info you'd need for Eve. Also, there is little documentation to begin with, and the forums suck. You prettymuch NEED to play with other people to learn about the game.
  5. H

    Bloons Tower Defense 3 is out

    Wow... That is fun!:eek::cool::D
  6. H

    Escapist pwns EVE

    Go back to WoW!:p Nah, I love Eve and still agree with him. You have to play with other people or that game goes to hell fast. 14 hour mining op: Bad 14 hour mining op while BSing with a bunch of friends on Vent: Priceless
  7. H

    MMO's and sever segregation, why do they do it?

    Go play Eve-Online. I have played with people from all over the US, Iceland, England, Scotland, Russia, South America, and Australia, just to name a few.
  8. H

    Supreme Commander just got it, find it extremely boring...

    FA had many balancing changes made. It also completely reworked the interface, making it smaller and easier to use. The explosion graphics now actually look like real fire instead of white flashes. Some units, such as the UEF cruiser, now more closely resemble what they original alpha and...
  9. H

    Stalker Oblivion Lost - Is there a Flashlight?

    It should be L. Check the controls under options. Try binding to another key. Very unlikely, but no flashlight could be a graphical glitch. I get weird shadows with the lights with these mods.
  10. H

    PC Gaming is Soooo not dead

    Stalker: Clear Sky
  11. H

    Remakes: Is anyone tired of them?

    Hmmm..... I agree that COMPLETELY original games now are almost nonexistent. There's only so many ways to use a computer or console. I guess the Wii is something new and original, but I haven't actually used one. Until methods of interacting with the game improve, I bet you won't see very...
  12. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    Oh, he'll die... it takes several well placed grenades or several mags of headshots, but he'll die.
  13. H

    Hey you OFP lovers!

    Ah, shit.:eek::(:mad:
  14. H

    Insane Limbo of the Lost plagerism.

    They stole directly from 19 different games. Funny (or pathetic) part is the game has been in development for 17 years.
  15. H

    Insane Limbo of the Lost plagerism.

    Wow.... That is amazing. :eek::D
  16. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    Lol - well thanks for using your 10 seconds.
  17. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    I think 1.0006 might be the World version, not US. I know there were several releases. Can someone confirm this?
  18. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    They look better live than as static screens.
  19. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread (Shadow of Chernobyl / Clear Sky)

    The bandits tend to wear black, gray, or brown and the Loners (friendly Stalkers) tend to wear tan, white, or light gray. You'll learn how to tell them apart after some play time. The other way is to approach them until you see them on your map. Red is bad and yellow is good. The stashes...
  20. H

    cod4 framerate questions

    Why do you want or need to go higher? You do realize that you monitor probably only runs at 60 or 75 Hz anyways, right? This means that going above 60 FPS makes NO difference at all. You might as well turn the graphics up.
  21. H

    EVE-Online a good game ??

    Ya, I don't mean to tell people it should be played 23/7. RL does come first, and there are also other things to do in RL and games. You can play Eve on and off - I've taken breaks that have lasted anywhere from a few days all the way up to 1 1/2 months. However, The commitment to play for...
  22. H

    EVE-Online a good game ??

    I'm sure it's already in here somewhere, but here's a good description of the Eve learning curve: By all means play the game, but only if you want to put in the time and effort it deserves.
  23. H

    EVE-Online a good game ??

    I absolutely love Eve, but I'd have trouble recommending it if you were only playing for the summer. It's a long term game. If you are going to play it, you should commit to playing it strong for 6 months. That's not to say you can't play other games, but you cannot fully appreciate Eve if...
  24. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    Oh.... ya, you may have broken it. Did you get the second key from the bandit dude in the HUGE bandit warehouse/base? If you didn't get the key but went straight through the lab, you may have screwed it up. I suggest either getting that key and seeing if it fixes itself (you may have to run...
  25. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    Even towards the end of the game the dogs are some of the most annoying enemies since they are small, fast, and a pain in the butt to kill. Best solution is to find where the edge of their "territory" is. They always turn around at a certain spot. You stand just beyond there and shoot at them...
  26. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    I don't remember that section. I actually never found the exoskeleton when I beat vanilla. I have not had any glitches with OL, other than a few lighting and graphic glitches from the other mods.
  27. H

    Bioshock activation limits removed *COMPLETELY*

    QFT - I think that sums it up nicely.
  28. H

    Any "fun" LAN games?

    You might try an old game called Savage. It's a cross between and RTS and a RPG/FPS. I've only played it once or twice, but it was incredibly fun. I think they made a Savage 2, but I can't vouch for how good it was since I haven't played it.
  29. H

    I'd wish MMORPGs would go away.

    Eve-Online: Going strong since 2003. 'Nuff said.
  30. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    Why don't you try reading the whole thread first? The links are highlighted in yellow.:rolleyes: float32 1. S.H.A.R.P.E.R-Textures 2. Oblivion Lost 3...
  31. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    I'm hoping to learn Russian in college if I can get in the class. It'll be fun to see how much I can understand as I play, and it'll make playing Clear Sky more interesting too.
  32. H

    my Cod5 Dream

    I want Vietnam. Vietcong still kicks most games in the ass in terms of gameplay.
  33. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    Yeah, it just took me around 4-5 sittings to finish X18 since I was so scared. When I finally made it back to the gate, I had 5-10 mutants swarming me and 20% health. Then there was a blowout 15 seconds after I loaded the Cordon, so I had to run like hell for shelter. BTW, I want to pull...
  34. H

    Video Games - The Ultimate Art Form

    I read the entire thing. Very nice.
  35. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    The missions "respawn" every day or so. Also, artifacts spawn after blowouts. I use those and guns I pick up to sell from enemies to make my money.
  36. H

    Not impressed with COD4 multiplayer after all the hype ive been hearing..

    The game is only OK. The maps are too small and there are usually only two paths to take to get to the other side. "Cramped" is the word I'd use. Too much nade spamming and camping hurt the game badly. The nade dropping is called martyrdom and it is annoying as hell. It nearly guarantees a...
  37. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    Ya, I don't even know if I installed them 100% correctly since I have limited experience with setting up mods and they don't exactly come with installers or step-by-step instructions. I simply ran the float32 program. For Sharper, I copied the textures folder into the Stalker textures folder...
  38. H

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. + Oblivion Lost mod = pwnage!!!

    I have the SHARPER and Float 32 installed, and I'm getting something similar to the shadows shearing. Light sources have trouble loading for me. Lights won't load until I am very close to them, and the also partially load, meaning they light up some tiles but not others. It's gamebreaking in...
  39. H

    CoD4 + my profile = HELP....

    Shoot, I was wrong about EA - my bad. But what I said still stands - they should have set up online servers to have handled the profile info.
  40. H

    CoD4 + my profile = HELP....

    I do not understand why it would have been so incredibly difficult to store an online profile tied to the CD key. EA could have easily set something up. Course, that's EA for ya.