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    GTX 960 at 1080p

    Hey guys, thanks a lot for your insights. I'm more inclined now to get a 970 instead, for the sake of 'future proofing'.
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    GTX 960 at 1080p

    Hi guys, based on your experience, will I max out the 960 if I exclusively play at 1080p only?
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    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    I read somewhere that those are the same tweeters that Monitor Audio is using for their flagship Platinum line (not confirmed though?). Usually, MA also gets those comments about sibilance or sharpness. Well, it's really a matter of preference, isn't it? I'm a MA user myself, by the way.
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    you guys were right

    As a general comment, your master volume is jacked up to maximum, and this will introduce distortion too. Set it at around 75 to 80 percent, and compensate somewhere else (logitech controls) if you need to.
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    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Handsome set-up kniff! How do you find the ribbon tweeters of your XTZs?
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    i7 Cores in Windows xp64

    Hmmm.... 8 penguins! :D
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    Dolby Dig/AC3 & DTS from Creative X-Fi Fatility

    Make sure you have selected 'SPDIF Passthrough' as your setting in the soundcard.
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    Need advice on getting into the sound game...HT speakers for PC gaming?

    If ever you'll get a new receiver, I'd recommend one with multichannel inputs. This will give you the chance to compare for yourself SPDIF vs. multichannel analog outs. 1. Soundcard SPDIF Out or Digital Coaxial out -> Receiver SPDIF in or Digital Coaxial In -> Speakers/Sub 2. Soundcard...
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    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Handsome MA GS.. :cool: Mine's RS6, and it's connected to my PC as well.
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    How do I stop the speaker hum?

    Before trying any of the more costly possible solutions, try using another cable. It could simply be shielding issues.
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    I hate creative

    Set as 'use S/PDIF' in VLC, and set as ' S/PDIF passthrough' in your Soundcard.
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    choosing file transfer connection

    Hey thanks! That's precisely my concern.. speed. And also, it's always good to know your options.. something new to learn everyday isn't bad at all. I'll check that out, thanks again.
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    choosing file transfer connection

    Hi all. My two computers are both connected to a LAN, and directly to each other by firewire. During file transfers between the two computers, the transfer always goes through the LAN by default. Is there a way to choose the firewire connection without disconnecting the LAN connection of...
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    audigy 2 plat and DTS

    So, your speakers are directly connected to the PC huh? That means it's correct that you chose internal decoding on the soundcard. Make sure you also select SPDIF on your playback software, it's usually under the speaker configuration menu. I hope this helps.
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    audigy 2 plat and DTS

    Do you have your speakers directly connected to your PC or does it pass through an external decoder (receiver, etc)?
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    Either a new Video card or new monitor, can't do both

    Since something must be going wrong with your monitor (softer images), go for the monitor.
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    What size display/resolution do you use?

    Same here.
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    Computer audio screwing up

    Does it happen randomly? It could be a driver issue. You could try reinstalling your soundcard drivers for a start.
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    Sound Card output ?

    I can only speak for Creative's Audigy2 ZS Platinum (my soundcard), which simultaneously outputs signal to both analog and digital ports. Just make sure you uncheck the "Digital Output Only" option.
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    Need Quick Answer about Ohms!

    That's right. And just to add, impedance (ohms) ratings are just nominal values, it also varies while the speakers are playing.
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    New Motherboard, Couple Questions

    I've had a similar problem before, and the culprit turned out to be the graphics card. I even bought a new PSU then, thinking it was the problem. Just something to look into at as well. Good luck.
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    Signs of a dying mobo?

    Hard disk checking has completed, and bad sectors were repaired by Western Digital's HDD utility. Now I've just completed a reformat, and windows reinstallation. Data transfer rate seems normal now... and stuttering's gone.. my system's looking good once more. :D I'll be observing this...
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    Signs of a dying mobo?

    Alright, voltages are normal and steady at 12.08 and 5.10, respectively. I'm running WD's HDD utility right now on my PC, and it says test will be finished in 24 hours. As for the other tests you mentioned, I've been through all those, with the same results. Thanks for the tips again, and...
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    Signs of a dying mobo?

    Lol, I wasn't reading carefully.. :D Oh well.. the best way to know I guess is to do a re-format and see how things go. From there I'd be able to move on to other options. It's an old system of more than 3 years, consisting of an Intel 915PGN mobo, a Prescott 3.2Ghz processor, with 4...
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    Signs of a dying mobo?

    I see 3 slightly bulging caps.. is it enough to affect performance at this point, like the way I described in my o.p. ?
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    Signs of a dying mobo?

    That sounds pretty scary.. do you mean it bricked your other components or just made them unusable until you got a new mobo? :confused:
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    Signs of a dying mobo?

    Thanks a lot for the input. I've recently replaced a failing hard drive, which means both my main drive and windows installation are quite fresh. I'll still be checking the hard drive though, since it's possible that I got a lemon. As for the audio, I've tried switching between my...
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    Signs of a dying mobo?

    1. cracking sounds when streaming audio 2. cracking sounds during windows startup 3. slow data transfer rates from a sata hard drive to another sata hard drive 4. slow data transfer rates from a sata hard drive to an external usb hard drive 5. stuttering when opening applications, and...
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    New Monitor Break-In

    Just use it, lol.
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    I want to start a stereo system.

    I find these to be excellent for their price (Monitor Audio BR2). For the price range you're looking at.. my suggestion is to get the maximum possible amount allocated to the speakers, and the rest for the electronics and interconnects.
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    Foobar2000 or Winamp?

    I've been using Foobar since about 4 years ago, after discovering the flac format.. :cool:
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    Share speakers between PC and laptop

    You would only need to select that aux input in your soundcard software, and it's good to go.
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    Share speakers between PC and laptop

    If your desktop soundcard has an aux in, you can feed your laptop output to it.
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    chkdsk or hard disk sentinel

    Oh wow, I totally forgot about the WD tool... thanks for the responses.
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    chkdsk or hard disk sentinel

    Hi all.. I've a new WD 500Gb HD. When I run checkdisk on it, it shows no errors, but the software 'hard disk sentinel' shows it to have 2 bad sectors and several weak sectors. :confused: Is windows checkdisk reliable? I think I'm more inclined to believe the 'hard disk sentinel' is more...
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    Powersupply Requirements are Overstated

    I'm well pleased that my 400W non-branded PSU, with only 18A rating on the +12V rail (although it's not one of those lightweight PSUs that come with the casings) can drive my rig with no problems. ;) I'm running an 8800GTS (G92), with 3 Sata HDDs, an old Prescott P4 3.2 CPU, an Audigy 2 ZS...
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    Should I turn up fan speed on 8800 GTS 512?

    I keep mine at 60% all the time.. it idles at 43C and peaks at around 58C while gaming.
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    Disapointed in the 8800GTS (92)

    It would have been interesting if they utilized a 384-bit memory interface for the 8800GTS (G92).
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    Video Card Swap leads to lockup

    Bad card perhaps?
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    Redesigned 8800GT - Gigabyte GV-NX88T512HP

    I got lost somewhere along this thread... are there now 2 versions of this card using the Zalman cooling fan? :confused: Plus the original version with the stock cooling making it 3 versions all in all?