Search results

  1. L

    SeaSonic M12II Power Supply Lucky Draw

    I have never used a Seasonic product, even though they have been recommended from time to time when I've asked for help on a new build. Perhaps all I need to be convinced that I should buy Seasonic is to get the first try for free :). Nice giveaway by the way! I am from Colombia, so I am...
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    The Laser Turns 50

    Gould didn't invented the Laser, he stole the technology from the ancients. P.S.: This has to be the geekiest comment I have ever made in my entire life. Damn you Sci Fi and your Stargate reruns!
  3. L

    HP Computers Are Racist

    Jejeje... Sounds like an episode out of "Better of Ted" ... Actually, it's exactly like an episode from the show... Quite funny on a comedy series, not so funny in real life :)
  4. L

    New Privacy Policy Adopted at Facebook

    Actually I am one of those (responsible) users myself... but I know A LOT of people who use facebook indiscriminately... even with simple status reports, since their twitter account is linked to facebook... Now a days people are living a narrative where every instance in their daily lives is...
  5. L

    New Privacy Policy Adopted at Facebook

    Using the words privacy and facebook in the same sentence is a contradiction in terms... What part of facebook do people think is "private". People add friends to thier facebook account like it were a popularity contest. 500+ friends is a joke. You might know 500 people but they are not your...
  6. L

    Hanes Underwear Ad: Uncomfortable on Any Level

    I was going to post something of sorts... but then I read all the replies so far and decided against it...
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    Quote of the Day

    After reading what the guy actually said, it doesn´t sound that bad... I actually think what he meant to say is that they tried to make win7 more graphical and easy to use, like how people feel about Mac OS, not that they actually copyied the competing OS... I just think he probably used the...
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    Quote of the Day

    Actually, I had to Google Joe Biden to get it... I'm not from the US...:D
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    Quote of the Day

    Save to say he won't be involved in any aspect of any Microsoft product ever again... And for good reason. People need to excercise a little constraint. Saying something like that which would obviously be controversial, you better be sure you are right and your company is ready to admit it...
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    Quote of the Day

    "Unfortunately this came from a former Microsoft employee who was not involved in any aspect of designing Windows 7."
  11. L

    Alternate Sites' Color Scheme Suggestion...

    Hello, I've been a forum member for over 3 years, and a [H]ardOCP reader for over 5 years. I have very few complains about the site itself, and the content within it. Visually, I've always liked the sites' layout and colors. However, I would like to make a suggestion regarding the current color...
  12. L

    NVIDIA Dictates Advertised Video Card Pricing

    To "Inglix_the_Mad" : Yes, many companies bully others into doing what they want, but its usually the BIGGER company in a particular market that does this. nVidia does it, but not AMD GPU division, because nVidia has a larger market share on enthusiast GPUs... Same goes with Intel and AMD...
  13. L

    NVIDIA Dictates Advertised Video Card Pricing

    To nVidia: I don't really need an extra 5 -10 fps on my games... You can't afford to piss me off, 'cause I'll go with AMD in a sec... To AMD: This is your chance, my loyalty is for sale. You don't have to make a better performing product, just win me over as a consumer...
  14. L

    NVIDIA: Consoles Don't Threaten PC Gaming

    Regarding the U3 / CryEngine 2 graphic engines, this is the same case we say with the Doom3 Engine and the Half-Life 2 Engine. They are just diferent Engines. They both look really good doing what they do. But I would not imagine trying to build a game like UT3 or GoW with the CryEngine2 and I...
  15. L

    NVIDIA: Consoles Don't Threaten PC Gaming

    Anyone who suggests Consoles will bring about the end of PC Gaming are not PC Gamers. Why? Simple. Decent Video cards today cost as much and more than any Console System. And thats just the Video Card. When you add up all the components a Gaming PC needs to Perform, you see that PC Gaming is...
  16. L

    Unlimited Polygons A Reality?

    Two things... 1) First, If anyone was to buy this technology it would be intel. Two reasons support this theory: a. Intel has way more money than nVidia. b. Intel would actually benefit from the technology since its business comes from integrated video. 2) As good as today graphics are...
  17. L

    Free Raffle from and MicroTemp

    I want one of those... temp measure thing-is .... :)
  18. L

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    I throw my name in the hat... You owe me cause you didn't pick me for the AMD 5000 Black Edition... Lets work the odds... 20 posts a page, 116 pages so far, thats 1 in 2320 ... and theres still one week left for entries... Come on 7!!!
  19. L

    AMD's ATI Hybrid CrossFire Sneak Peek Exclusive @ [H]

    To me, the biggest deal is having this technology applied on laptop computers with low end dedicated GPUs and integrated GPUs... Also, if ATi can be on top of this technology over nVidia, it would probably raise ATi´s value with AMD and theres a lot to espect from that....
  20. L

    How's PNY Doing this days ? Good Quality??

    Aside from having de original reciept, (wich is no problem since I have it on my email account, sent by the e-tailer), the RMA was a good deal... I remember once, a friend bought a Ti4400, but they went Out of Stock, and they sent him a Ti4600 ... lucky son of a %$&...
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    How's PNY Doing this days ? Good Quality??

    I don't get why Video Cards with bundled games are more expensive... The whole point of having a bundled game is to feel like you are getting something extra for the SAME price, or for FREE... If you are going to charge you for the game (XFX/eVGA cards with company of heroes/Quake Wars are 30 -...
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    How's PNY Doing this days ? Good Quality??

    Well, like I said, I wont be stepping up, nor will I'll be using the lifetime warranty... the GT is great but I doubt it'll be enought to hold its own any longer than the 5 years I get from PNY... I just asked because some companies order specific parameters or I don't know... Didn´t think...
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    How's PNY Doing this days ? Good Quality??

    This is out of personal experience or what you've read, or you just wanna make me feel bad after I already bought it :D ?
  24. L

    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    Canceled my DELL order... Apparently it might be delayed... Got a $250 PNY 8800 GT Shipped instead... Haven't heard a whole lot of PNY lately... Hope they still mantain a good reputation, as they did several years ago...
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    How's PNY Doing this days ? Good Quality??

    I got the PNY ... at 250 Shipped, MSRP sounds like a great deal these days... Canceled my DELL order which was delayed to get this...
  26. L

    How's PNY Doing this days ? Good Quality??

    Hello, I remember back in the day (5 - 6 years ago), PNY was a very good, talked-about, makers of Video Cards. But lately its all about XFX, eVGA, ASUS, and on lesser scales MSI, Chaintech, Gigabyte, etc.. (Sapphire and Powercolor and Visiontek for ATI only ) I hardly ever see PNY on any review...
  27. L

    Need help new build/scrap parts

    Budget ???
  28. L

    Help me Decide

    Any serious gaming laptop would be at least 17" , which if you´ve ever carried one, you know anything above 15,4" is not really portable, but moveable... So if you travel a lot, I would recommend a true mobile computer and a gaming laptop as a Desktop replacemente in my opinion is a waste of...
  29. L

    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    I Edited the post, The DS3L is actually Rev. 2.0 ... The only difference I could find between this and Rev. 1.0 is the 4 extra USB ports... anyone know any others ? Anyway, chose this one over the Rev. 1.0 from newegg and also got the CPU from clubit for its G0 Stepping over newegg...
  30. L

    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    Mine says December 10TH ... I hope its on schedule, cause it absolutetly needs to arraive before the 19TH ... If it doesn't, I'll have to cancel the order and hope I can get another at a retailer near by at a decent price... 'cause there won't be any time to order from any e-tailer.
  31. L

    Message For [H]ardOCP Staff: Holiday System Build Guide...

    Ok, just finished ordering my new build... this is how it came up ClubIT (+$16 Shipping) CORSAIR 520HX = $99.99 Gigabyte DS3L = $85.70 E6550 2.33G G0 Stepping = $176.99 DELL XFX Geforce 8800GT 512MB = $251,99 Shipped Newegg (Free Shipping) G.Skill 2GB(2x1024) 800MHz = $49.99...
  32. L

    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    Ok, just finished ordering my new build... this is how it came up ClubIT (+$16 Shipping) CORSAIR 520HX = $99.99 Gigabyte DS3L Rev. 2.0 = $85.70 E6550 2.33G G0 Stepping = $176.99 DELL XFX Geforce 8800GT 512MB = $251,99 Shipped Newegg (Free Shipping) G.Skill 2GB(2x1024) 800MHz =...
  33. L

    MSI 8800GT $208 @

    Just pulled the trigger... Estimated Ship Date: 12/10/2007 XFX GEFORCE 8800GT 512MB DDR3-600M DUAL DVI PCIE Total Charges: $251.11 (FREE SHIPPING) Funny thing... Getting the card at MSRP is considered a *HOT DEAL* ... well not hot, but good enough... I really don't think it'll get any...
  34. L

    Zipzoomfly != free shipping.

    My first online transaction, of any kind, was a video card I purchased from . I remember I found it trough and the reason I chose it was because it had free shipping... And off course it was cheaper because of it... I really think its a Holyday thing... Free...
  35. L

    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    The RAM is actually the cheapest part of the computer, and also the most important regarding general and game performance... 1 GB might do, but it would stumble in games, even thought Crysis has shown no improvement by adding the second Gb, other games surely will...
  36. L

    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    And when are they scheduled to come out? Cause if its a couple of weeks, then great, if its more then I'll just go ahead and buy the $300 card that comes with Crysis when they are in stock. At least I can feel like I'm actually paying $255 for the card and $45 for the game...
  37. L

    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    Yeah... I realized that 2 seconds after I posted... jeje;) BIG questions is: If I still have a couple of weeks, should I wait and hope for a better deal? or is that not likely in that time frame ???
  38. L

    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    Wanna go at it again? :p jeje... I can get the combo for 86 the mobo and 119 the CPU... thats 14 bucks less... plus shipping is 10 bucks (florida), comes down to a 5 dolar savings... Should mention that with free shipping and all considered, the shipping on everything bought on newegg...
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    AMD Phenom & Spider & Intel QX9770 Comparo @ [H]

    Sure the AMD Phenom might have been disapointting, but as you said, I too would have liked to see a performance comparison between similarly priced CPUs... I personally dont care that a 800 - 1000 dolar intel CPU beats AMDs offering, and I never will. I'm still getting a 150 dolar CPU this...
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    Help me shave 50 - 100 bucks from this build...

    I posted the $300 OC version, cause it was the only one in stock at the time, briefly... The CPU I selected is the cheapest C2D in stock anywhere online I've checked...