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  1. P

    Ryzen choices

    I hope this is in the right section. I don't post a lot, mostly a lurker. So, after a long time on an FX 6300 I have the opportunity to upgrade (I'm very excited). For the last 5 months I've been reading everything I can get my hands on, watching endless YT vids (some of questionable...
  2. P

    I think somethings wrong

    I checked on 3 different computers across a couple of ISPs and I still see this. Thought it was me at first but now I'm not so sure. I'm in the USA (Illinois) btw.
  3. P

    OCing Intel

    Greetings First let me apologize if this is the wrong section for this. I figured since I'm asking for OCing advice this would be a good place. Ok, like many here I'm jumping ship and going (actually already gone) Intel. Thing is, OCing intel seems a tad more complicated than my old AMD...
  4. P

    Little confusion

    I hope I put this in the correct section since this stems from my interest in Conroe. I've been an AMD user for quite a long time and haven't really paid a whole lot of attention to intel (the billion chipset types give me headaches). Now that I'm actually considering picking up a Conroe I...