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  1. S

    Software based crash/power off?

    OK, I'm troubleshooting the WEIRDEST problem I've had with software/hardware in 15 years. Basically, when using two separate pieces of software (google chrome & neverwinter nights 2) my machine will, under certain circumstances, simply power down, like I pulled the power plug. No BSOD, no...
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    Antec Neopower DOA?

    OK, just went down to Frys and picked up an Antec Neopower 480. Connect it to everything, using the 24 to 20 pin adapter (using a DFI Lanparty 865PE), recheck the wiring twice, and NOTHING. The motherboard status light won't even turn on. I put the old PSU back in and everything runs fine...
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    KVM w/ 5.1 sound & Mic port

    Hey guys, I am in the market for a very specific piece of equipment: A KVM (digital or analogue video), boxed shape, with ports on the rear (possibly 1 KB & 1 Mouse port on front), and I'm hoping for it to have 5.1 sound & mic capability, if possible. One last requirement: I HATE the loud...
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    FS/FT: Sapphire 9800pro R360 $110 Shipped

    EDITED TO ADD: SOLD Hey guys, I had a thread for this card a few weeks ago, but didn't receive a reasonable offer until AFTER I ebayed it. Then it turns out that some asshole from Singapore decided to last second bid on my "USA ONLY" auction without contacting me first, then wanted me to...
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    FS/T: Sapphire 9800pro w/r360 core

    The card was bought to test with a linux system, but the ATI drivers didn't play nicely with Mandrake. I tested it with win2k to make sure it wasn't the card, and it ran flawlessly on a windows machine. With a silencer on it, this one will hit XT speeds with adaquate cooling. It is the r360...
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    notebook AC adapter and external HD BAD

    So, my niece is plugging in my external HD enclosure to her desktop machine, but grabs the wrong power brick out of the bag, plugging in a 19v notebook adapter into the 12v HD enclosure's power inlet. Fried a 300GB seagate PATA drive.....with lots of media files on it. The enclosure still...
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    Intel chips maybe NOT "only good for apple"

    Now, as a preface, I own three Intel P4 based machines, and like them. Having said that, the idea posted on the main [H] page today that moving to intel chips will only be good for apple is perhaps a bit glib. I was just talking to a Japanese Apple distributor based not too far from Tokyo...
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    Prescott cooling

    OK, I've got a P4E 3.0 w/HT, and it is WAY too hot. I've switched cases, swapped out the cooler and generally done everything possible to make the little fvker cool down, but the on-board temp sensor is hitting the mid-70's (C) in the summer heat. Currently running 2x120mm case fans, 80mm...
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    Rosewill 512mb PC2100 Bad memtest 86?

    OK, my mom's computer has been occasionally rebooting itself. It's an old Sony Duron based system, and the inside of it was filthy. I cleaned it out and figured it must the the CPU overheating, because of a dodgy sounding fan and the gunk. I ran memtest on it, just to check the new RAM I had...
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    WTT Powercolor 9800pro + cash for 6600gt agp

    I'm looking to trade a Sapphire 9800pro I just picked up for a 6600gt. I love the card, and it OCs great. 9800xt speeds using an arctic silencer rev3. The only problem: Driver issues on the linux box I am going to put it in. I've had it less than a week, and it rocks compared to my...
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    Where can I find benchmark comparisons P4-A64?

    I've been doing some looking around, but can't seem to find any benchmark comparisons for an A64 3000+ 939(Winchester) vs Prescot 3.0w/HT. I will soon have the A64 to replace my linux box/server, but am considering swapping roles for my main frankenbox. I do a lot of multi-tasking for work...
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    OK, I give in, system build review

    OK, as much as I hate these threads, I'm still pretty new to the AMD world, despite my sempron fileserver. I am going to be putting together a frankenbox for my sister, now that her Pentium 233 has died. She needs something to do email and a bit of web browsing, so it doesn't have to be...
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    Rosewill PSU reliability?

    I've got a rosewill optical drive and some rosewill RAM, as I don't feel these are critical components (If they blow, they are unlikely to take out my entire system with it). I'm currently looking for a budget power source, and saw a deal for a rosewill 450watt PSU. Is this thing going to blow...
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    Thermaltake Shark mini-review

    Hey, for all those who were reading the Sonata vs Shark thread I started a couple weeks ago, or those who are interested in perhaps buying the shark, here's a mini-review I wrote up yesterday and today, complete with pics. You can find it here:
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    Sonata Vs. Shark Quick Answer ASAP

    Hey guys, I need a quick answer on this one: I currently have my prescott system stuffed into an Antec Sonata, and while my temps are liveable (barely) I was hoping to upgrade to a Thermaltake Shark, and stuff my sempron 2200+ fileserver in the sonata. My question is twofold: Will...
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    Prescott Stock Cooler a Hoover?

    Sorry, just had to share: A couple weeks ago I took off the arctic cooling heatsink I had been using for my P4 3.0 prescott. When I saw my temps spike at 81 I nearly went through the roof! I stuck the stock prescott cooler on it, and a few days later my wife started complaining about the...
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    205fsb OC causes SATA HD to not show up in BIOS/Boot?

    I have a DFI Lanparty 865PE sporting a HT Prescott P4 3.0ghz. 1 gig of Kingston Valueram at 3-3-3-8 (dual channel) WD2000-JD 200gb SATA drive I was recently swapping out the aftermarket cooler for the original boxed one (saw my temps getting a little higher than I liked), and a fresh coat...
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    ATA-33 compliant Mobo with newer drives?

    Hey, I am thinking of purchasing a P3 system that only supports ATA-33 on the motherboard (intel 440bx chipset). I have a couple of 160gb drives (5400 & 7200 rpm respectively). My question is this: Is it likely that those drives will be recognized on the mobo, and if not, would adding a...
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    WTB: Older hardware for file server

    If anyone has uneeded old hardware, I can pay you a small sum and put it to good use. I need to put together a simple file server for my music and other files. I also want to utilize any spare cycles (90%+ of the time) for folding. It doesn't need to be particularly fast, just enough to...
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    4 stick dual channel help

    I am putting together a P4 system on the I685PE chipset(dfi lanparty). Now I have two Kingston 512 valueram sticks that I want to put in dual channel. My question is this: if I succeed in getting them to run in dual channel(bought together, so should be ok), can I later buy 2 more and still...
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    Powercolor 9800SE softmod to pro/xt

    I just picked up a powercolor 9800se as a budget card, and was hoping that someone could give me a step-by-step for the softmod or a link to the same. Thanks. --Sunborder