Search results

  1. E

    3 sticks of RAM and dual channel

    With RAM prices so low I am tempted to buy more, to put it up to 4GiB (2GiB currently). Currently, the two 1GiB sticks are in dual channel, and as I only have Vista 32bit, I was thinking of just getting one 2GiB stick. Would the dual channel still operate on the paired 1 GiB, or will...
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    Below 20 inch 1080p monitors?

    I like high DPI, so I was curious if there are any 20 inch or less LCDs that support 1080p resolution, or its 16:10 aspect ratio cousin? From my casual searches, you need at least 22 inches before you can get 1080p, and was wondering if there were any other options that I have missed.
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    GPU-Z odd

    I got a new Asus Radeon HD 4850, and the clock speeds are showing up properly in ATI's overdrive in CCC. However, GPU-Z reports a super high GPU clock for some reason, and just says "ATI Radeon HD 4800 series" generically. Is there something wrong with my system? (Catalyst 8.9, Vista Home...
  4. E

    Power supply for Radeon 4850

    I've decided that I want to upgrade to a Radeon HD 4850 so that I can upgrade resolution on my games, and actually use AA at the same time ;) My power supply currently is a weak 305W without any PCI-E power connectors. My setup is a 250GB seagate SATA drive, a DVD+R drive, Core 2 Duo...
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    PCI-E 6 pin power from 4pin Y adaptor

    I plan on getting a geforce 9600gt. My powersupply only has one 4-pin power connector. Is it ok to only use one half of a Y connector? This is to change the 4-pin into 6-pin PCIE.
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    Changing username?

    Would it be possible to change usernames? Mine is too long and I'd like to shorten it.
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    disabling restore points when patching?

    When I use WU to update my new XP install, it freezes at the "Creating restore point" level. Is there a way of disabling restore points for patches? Preferrably globally so I won't need to install each piece manually afterwards :/ I used partition magic to resize my windows 98 partition, and...
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    Radeon 9550 turbo

    While shopping around, I found a "turbo" version of the 9550. its rates are 405/440. This would make it inbetween 9600 and 9600pro correct? Would it be worth it for around $75?
  9. E

    Radeon 9250 vs FX5200?

    The choice of value cards available where I live is very limited. Between the Radeon 9250 and FX5200, which is better? The radeon is $48, and the fx5200 is $57.
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    Best video card for a PIII 733?

    Since it is on old computer, i doubt getting a 9600 would be wise as it would be very CPU limited. What would be the best card for a PIII 733 before the CPU limit hits in? I'm looking at a Geforce2 MX400 at the moment, what would be a better choice for about the same price? Second hand of course.
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    PQI or Kingston?

    I have an option to either get one stick of 512mb Kingston DDR333 RAM, or two 256mb DDR400 Kingston. Both come at the same price. Which one would be a better deal?
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    What happened to Matrox?

    In the Voodoo2 days there were 3dfx, Nvidia, ATI and Matrox. 3dfx is very dead, and Nvidia/ATI get all the press. Whatever happened to Matrox? The last I heard of them was the parhelia and that was a while back. What are they doing now?
  13. E

    Best driver version for 8500?

    With nvidia's drivers, after a certain driver there is no improvement in old cards as they're concentrating on their new models. Is this the same with ATI's catalysts? What would be the ideal version for the 8500? I looked at the performance of the 9000-9200 and was rather amazed to find...
  14. E

    Price drops in the 9800 era video cards?

    When is it anticipated that the 9800s era cards will drop in price? Or will the manufacturers just stop producing them like the 9500s? In the present 9600 range is my preference, though I know that is highly unlikely! Whenever I think of upgrading there always seems to be something two times...