Search results

  1. K

    Regex + Mod_rewrite Problem

    So I'm trying to create a rewrite rule that allows a member on a site I'm creating to type in something to the order of: And have it instead go to: Simple enough in concept, simple enough in regex...
  2. K

    SQL Error in .NET

    I have a premade function that does my SQL inserts for me (has some validation), all I have to do is pass it an open connection, the columns, and the values. So a valid call would look like: InsertQuery(connection, "Column 1, Column2", "value1, value2") I currently have a call looking...
  3. K

    Loop with new Threads (almost)

    So I'm making a program (mainly just to test new things that I haven't learned yet) to receive enclosures from RSS feeds. I've gotten the program to parse the feed for all enclosures as well as their sizes and respective mime-types. The problem I'm having now is receiving multiples at once...
  4. K

    HTML Image Not Showing

    Not sure why it's not working, but for whatever reason one of the images on my page that I'm creating just isn't showing up. If you go directly to the image, it works fine. Nothing has changed with permissions to my folders, so I'm a little bit confused. link: It won't...
  5. K

    TIFF Data Parsing

    My current project involves reading a TIFF file and rearranging pages. I've downloaded the TIFF 6.0 spec from Adobe, but I'm having a little trouble with reading the bytes. I don't know if anyone knows the spec, but I'm going to explain it as if you do. The IFD entry's I'm scanning aren't...
  6. K

    Graphic Designer Needed

    I'm acting as a middle-man in this case, since my buddy isn't too knowledgeable about where to look for these kinds of services. He is looking to have a logo redone (basically scratching it, and starting fresh), and wants an estimate on how much it will cost. Now it's not going to be too...
  7. K

    VSNET 2003 & Programs

    Is it possible to make a program is VS .NET 2003 that will run on a computer that doesn't have the .NET framework? I have quite a few little desktop apps that I need to run on computers that don't have the .NET Framework, and I can't install the Framework on their computer. Any suggestions?
  8. K

    PHP Doesn't Make COM Object

    So I took up this new personal project. I'm creating a web interface to iTunes. Now when I try to make a COM object in PHP, it won't create it. It doesn't even return an error. My code so far is just debugging. <? echo "Creating object..."; $iTunes = new...
  9. K

    .NET Code/Logic Question

    I'm having a hard time thinking of how to come to a solution for my validation class. My class is similar to RegEx, except the syntax for patterns is easier, and has less functionality (I want to allow the people using the app to write their own validation patterns, so RegEx is out, too hard...
  10. K

    How modular is too modular?

    I have this HUGE project ahead of me, and I'm just starting the process of building the web app for it. I have my database designed and all, so now starts the ongoing hell of the web design, build, test, blah phase. My question to you is how modular is too modular? I don't expect there to...
  11. K

    AH! IIS 6 and .NET Help

    All my .NET apps are now returning the error: "Maximum request length exceeded." whenever there is a postback. What is going on? I have maxRequestLength set to 10mb (10487560 bytes) in the machine.config file, but they still return errors. All of the apps are just doing plain text...
  12. K

    DataGrid Help (VB.NET)

    How can I pass a special character in the DataNavigateUrlFormatString of a HyperLink column? I'm trying to make an interface to Microsoft CRM KnowledgeBase. I have the articles listed in a DataGrid, but I'm trying to pass the GUID (KbArticleId) in the URL as {guid here}, but I can't add the...
  13. K

    CSS +- HTML Question

    I'm trying to create a "tabbed" page. I use Javascript to dynamically update the content "frame" with preset data. The problem I'm having is that I'm trying to size the content frame the same width as the tabs part. Shoot me for using tables, but I am. The tabs piece uses a table to format...
  14. K

    OMR/OCR/Bar Code Recognition

    Are there products available that are relatively inexpensive that anyone knows of? Or if not, can anyone point me in the right direction to developing this type of application. I've been presented with a new project that involves receiving a fax and reading a bar code off it for process...
  15. K

    Regular Expressions

    I'm having trouble trying to perfect my regular expression. What I want it to do is find all HTML brackets that are not allowed (for my bulletin board). I want a select few to be allowed. This is what I have: <\/?[^b|i|u|s(trong)|br|a|em]> It works, partially. The only problem I have...
  16. K

    CSS Question

    I'm trying to make a "button", but using only a link as the button itself. I want it to look flat on the page, but when they hover over it, it puts a border around it. Here's the CSS I have, but the :hover part isn't working. What am I doing wrong? .wysiwygbutton { border-bottom...
  17. K

    VS.NET Woes

    Here's my scenario: Computer 1 - working machine, has VS.NET installed where I do 100% of my programming. Computer 2 - has Outlook 2003 open constantly, and SQL Enterprise Manager open like 75% of the time When working on computer 1 in .NET, about once every 1-2 hours my domain account...
  18. K


    Is that even a word? Dunno, but here's my troubles. For whatever reason IE and Firefox are displaying things all quirky like. I am making a discussion board (forum) for our site, and on my viewtopic.aspx page, when the message is short (in one instance it was '...' without the single...
  19. K

    Debug VB

    Can someone look over this and make sure it would work? I'm going to install this as a service on one of our servers and need to make sure it would work before I go installing it and breaking things. I know the actual file copy part works, as I made a quick program that did that. I'm not sure...
  20. K

    CDO.Message Error

    I need help ASAP. I have an ASP application that is LIVE and all of the sudden our server is returning the error: The line in question is Set eMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") How can I fix this, like now? I don't want to get hundreds of calls regarding not being able...
  21. K

    Paging in ADO.NET

    Is it possible to page records using ADO.NET? I have a list of 200 vendors right now and I want to page them to maybe 20 per page. I know with ADODB you can just set the PageSize property and have it page, but I can't find anything about paging in ADO.NET. Thanks in advance.
  22. K

    Back to .NET

    Continuation (sort of) from Okay, I've had a chance to put more focus back into my previous project. This time off has lead me to believe that my CountItem() function is not working properly. I think it's something to do with the items in a...
  23. K

    Java Question

    Fellow coworker is having some problems with Java. Here's the scenario: Goal: The user should start with an empty "domain" and "map" and be able to modify these values appropriately. Modifications to "map" should occur via the "add()" method you programmed last week. Your applet should...
  24. K

    .NET Woes

    :/ ...
  25. K

    .NET Error

    I have a module file that is going to store a bunch of functions that I will constantly use. One such function is a search function that returns a dictionary of vendor names and their associated IDs (set as the key, name being the value; yes the ID was converted from integer to string). I...
  26. K

    ASP and Search Engine

    I'm trying to create a fairly basic search engine for my company's website. There are 5 (4, 1 of them just holds the names) SQL tables I would be searching. Each table is a reference table. Table 1: Lender List - stores the names and address information for lenders. Table 2: State...
  27. K

    Stupid ADODB

    For a better part of the last four hours I've been trying to get a simple program I wrote to work on other computers. Easy enough, no? Wrong. It seems that I have to have the assembly file for ADODB installed on each computer that wants to use the program. Now I've tried creating an...
  28. K

    MS Works Database with VB.NET

    Is it possible to create a connection to a Microsoft Works database in VB.NET? Preferably the DSNless method. I've search Google for the past 2 days, and found nothing, so I'm thinking it's not going to be a possibility. Yes, I know it's horrible, but it's not my call. The only thing I...