Search results

  1. E

    New Laptops - HDD / Ram No longer accessible?

    So all these new laptops seem to be all in one machines, no easy access to the RAM, HDD. I've looked at the bottom seems like tons of screws now to get to anything.. Is it still possible to open it up and swap the HD from these? Any word on Acer's or Asus's accessibility to these components...
  2. E

    Windows defender - Can no longer be disabled permanently?

    With the anniversary update 1607 there does not seem to be any way to disable windows defender. I am using the Home edition and tried the previous registry "DisableAntiSpyware" keys that used to work. It no longer works. Also any attempts to change the key in the Services for "WinDefend" not...
  3. E

    KB3194496 Cannot complete install...

    Ok this KB3194496 has been trying to restart my computer for the last week or so.. I googled some references to attempt to fix it yet nothing seems to work. Apparently many people have this issue. On reboot it reports it's failed to install.. I tried one registry removal XMBsave or whatever...
  4. E

    Chromium? What the hell is this...

    What is this Chromium crap? It's everywhere and I can't even uninstall it... Where is it coming from? I am about to do the manual file deletion and manual registry removal...
  5. E

    Windows 10 Updates other computers on Internet...

    So our internet at work today was at a crawl, and surprisingly I traced it to one PC which appeared to have a virus but more digging revealed it was the Windows Update system uploading to external IP's outside the network. Apparently windows 10 by default allows the PC's to act as torrents...
  6. E

    Autodesk products now on subscription..

    Well if you missed it you can no longer buy Autocad anymore... It's now totally subscription based. Our company bought a couple more perpetual licenses last week as a precaution. Not sure how long it will last this way, I assume the subscription fees will just get lower over time if it's not...
  7. E

    Windows 8.1 Event Viewer...

    I must say the amount of crap one finds when looking through a Windows 8.1 Event viewer is awesome. Never ceases to amaze me the wonders of this magical place. It's like looking into outer space and finding new wonders.
  8. E

    Windows 7 - KB2993651 - Windows Update: Code 80246002

    Windows 7 - Windows Update: Code 80246002 With the latest update KB2993651 Aug 27, 2014 is causing error 80246002 on further windows updates. Apparently changing the DNS to solves this:
  9. E

    Down Clock on Idle?

    Just a quick question. Debating about a K series processor, however I want to make sure the CPU will downclock on idle. I don't need it running full out 24/7. Does the speedstep tech still work well when a system is overclocked? Thanks!
  10. E

    Windows 8.1 update

    Ok so this morning I am looking for the Windows 8.1 update. I am searching the store, nothing,searching updates nothing... Then I check out the store again and I see this: Lol someone forgot to update the image... After so many months you'd think they'd be ready..
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    PC for boss

    So building a PC for my boss, I want something durable, should I just go with the western digital 1TB Black drive or one of the intel SSD's with a 5 year warranty..
  12. E

    ASUS MX239H for Dual setup?

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this monitor for a dual setup? ASUS MX239H Monitor I am curious if the bezel gap will be an issue, look at the bottom bezel. Any other monitor suggestions / similar price / features? Thanks!
  13. E

    Idle Clock states

    My old ATI 3870 card downgrades to 300Ghz on idle (when in windows) Do the new cards such as the AMD 7770+ or the Nvidia 560+ downgrade the clock during idle as well? And if so can you post examples of what it does? These keeps the power consumption low so I am just curious, Thanks!