Search results

  1. L

    FS: Blackberry Storm 1 - Verizon

    Hello all! I have a Blackberry Storm I'm selling that works on the Verizon network. Phone has no scratches, comes with a screen protector (installed 2 weeks ago), cables, and official RIM Sleeve. I put it on my local Craigslist but the only thing that seems to reply are scammers. Looking to sell...
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    Baked my 360 and revived it...

    So in a desperate attempt to get my launch OG 360 (Xenon) back up and running i threw it in the oven last night. The system red ringed on me 2 weeks prior to MS announcing that they would extend the warranties. Me, having a dead box, opened it up and tried to fix it myself. Nothing worked so i...
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    New to HTPC - Critique/Questions

    Hello all! I am building my HTPC and I want your opinion. I also have a few questions that I would like answered prior to ordering the parts. I want to build a mini-ITX system and the case I've chosen is a little bigger than the Wii. Here are my parts: Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 (already own)...
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    Madden 2010 Next Week - Any Traditions Out There?

    Just wondering if you and your buddies have any Madden traditions? My brother and I always get together at my house, open up the new game, pop it in and play one game. This way we have no practice and we are on an equal playing field. That single game determains who is the bitch for the year...
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    Hard drive partition software for XP

    I have a pc i had to send back to the manufacturer. When I got it back my hdd was split into two partitions. I want to collapse them together. I know in vista you can do this thru the OS...not so much on XP. anyone know of a good free partition software I can get to do this? I don't need it for...
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    Quick Question Regarding Vista

    Good afternoon all, I purchase a copy of Vista Home Premium at launch. Some crazy stuff has been going on with my desktop here lately and I feel its time to format and start over. I pulled my Vista disk out last night to find that there is a scratch on it that runs from one side, across the...
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    Dreamcast - create iso's?

    Hi all. I have a TON (62 total) of disc based Dreamcast games. I recently got into the emulator scene as I have been traveling a lot and all i have is my laptop with me. Is there any way to rip the Dreamcast GD-rom to my laptops hdd? What is needed? I know the PS1 is just .iso files. I can't...
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    Killzone 2 Demo w/ Reservation @ Gamestop

    Anyone out there got their KZ2 demo code yet from Gamestop. All of mine around me have no clue as to what is going on. The website says you get a card when you reserve it. The stores are saying that they have no cards and that they email the code to you. Anyone?
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    Gears of War 2 - Six Weeks Away...Who's Ready!

    Just finished paying off my Gears 2. 6 weeks and counting...who else is ready!?!?! Also, just found out that my local GS will be doing a midnight release party. Never heard them say party before but thats what he said today.
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    How long is Crysis Warhead

    Not sure if I should purchase it now or wait until its $10 from How long has it taken you folks to beat it and is it worth the full $30?
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    Change wallpaper each time Windows starts

    Good day all! I was wondering- is there anyway to have windows load a new wallpaper each time it boots into the OS? I have a collection of about 7 wallpapers and i like all of them...but don't want to change them each time windows starts. I want it to do it automatically. Can this be done? thanks.
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    Battlefield BC - PS3 - Did they fix the sound issue?

    Did they fix the sound issue on the PS3 version of BF:BC? I reserved it on 360 due to the sound issue in the demo and the guy at Gamestop told me that I could swap it out for either version if I wanted. What format does it play sound in? DTS (the demo) or DD?
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    Battlefield Bad Company Demo...PS3 Version Sound Borked?

    I downloaded BF Bad Company on both the 360 and PS3. While playing the demo on the 360, the sound is in Dolby Digital 5.1 and the sound is really loud. I load the demo up on the PS3 and my receiver puts it in DTS. The sound is very low and there is no bass at all. I try to swap out of DTS and...
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    Crysis - Better Performance in XP or Vista?

    I currently have XP installed on my machine and Crysis is running flawless at 1680x1050 with everything on high and 4xAA. I have a copy of Vista that I had installed on my machine after it first came out, it caused me a few issues so I reverted back to XP. The reason I ask which one it runs...
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    Firewall and Vista - Recommend a good one

    I currently use CA's Personal Firewall with Vista and it is horrible. The XP version was great but the Vista version is full of bugs that will completely shut down internet usage, halt downloads, kill my connection speeds, ect. Can you guys give me a good Firewall that is Vista compatable...
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    Stop Vista from Auto Installing Drivers - How?

    I have an 8800Ultra. I did a fresh install of Vista and it automatically installed its windows version of the video drivers. How can I get it to stop doing that after loading a fresh copy of Vista?