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  1. 1

    GPU recommendations - been out of the market for a while

    Hi guys, I've been out of the gaming market for a couple of years now but just picked up a Dell 34" Ultrawide LCD and want to delve back into PC gaming. What GPU should I be looking at to drive this beefy 3440x1440 resolution ? Having done a little reading my instincts tell me a GTX970...
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    MKV Playback on Samsung Galaxy S tablets ?

    Hi all, With the release of the Samsung Galaxy S, I think I've found a tablet that will allow me to put my 3rd Gen iPad out to pasture. The only sticking point being that I use my iPad mostly for movie watching on the go, and use it to watch a lot of MKV files specifically (I find that even...
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    MKV Playback on Samsung Galaxy Tablets

    Deleted this thread
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    AC4 Black Flag on Xbox One

    Just a word of warning - after seeing how much better BF4 and COD ran on my XBOX ONE, I traded my 360 version of AC4 for the XBOX ONE version. The XBOX One version seems to be a very lazy port and it runs very poorly - it appears to be running 900p but at sub-30fps constantly.. worse frame...
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    Sony Store / Playstation account confusion

    Just picked up a PS3. Created a user account for myself and a sub-account for my daughter. My daughter can't play DC universe online so I told her to use my account, but every time I try to sign in (as opposed to logging in) to the store or DC universe the PS3 says " You can't sign in with...
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    PS3/PS4 "Trigger" buttons

    Hi all. I'm thinking about picking up a PS3 for gaming and bluray. One thing that has always bothered me about the PS3 is the placement of the main 'trigger' buttons on the TOP of the controller rather than underneath like on the XBOX 360 which seems way more natural. I've been gaming on the...
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    Korean 27" 16:9

    Thinking about purchasing a 27" 16:9 Korean panel from eBay. I want glossy, not matte. There are too many to choose from !!! Which one has the best reputation and picture quality ? 1000
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    29" Ultra wide displays for MMO gaming ?

    Hi all, The only games I play on the PC these days are SWTOR and other MMOs. Are the 29" Ultrawide displays good for these types of games ? Anyone out there with experience with these screens have any input ? I can get a good deal on the LG model..I use a 27" 1080p 120hz Samsung at the...
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    Yamakasi "tempered glass" models

    Hi all. I picked up a Dell 3011 but HATED the AG after using a Samsung clear panel and a imac for the last few years. It looked like crap so I sent it back, Now this has caught my eye...
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    GTX580 SLI - Instant Blue screen

    Hi all, My first adventure in SLI has not gone well. I bought a second GTX580 and threw it in my build tonight. It's a different brand card but memory sizes are the same. The moment I enable SLI in the Nvidia control panel, I hear the 'device disconnected' default Windows 7 sound followed by...
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    Multiple Drives and SSDs: Where to place swap file

    Hi there all. I have added some drives to my machine recently. I have: 1. Boot/Windows7 drive: OCZ Vertex 3 SSD 120gb 2. Games drive: OCZ Vertex 2 SSD 120gb 3. Storage/Misc drive: Seagate 1TB 7200RPM I have windows on the first SSD and all my games (MMOs etc) on the second SSD. The...
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    ATI 6990 vs GTX580 SLI

    Hi there all. I've just pulled the trigger on a Dell U3011 30" LCD and am seeking to upgrade my GPU power to drive modern games at 1600p. At the moment I have a single GTX580 (already tested with Rift, SWTOR etc.. it's NOT enough to run with high/ultra detail). Would I be better off...
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    Yamakasi 30" IPS 2560x1600 - Any Experiences

    I noticed that the following monitor appeared on eBay recently: Yamakasi 30" LEONIDAS 300 (2560x1600 IPS panel). They are going pretty cheap (considering how expensive the Dell and HPs are here in Australia).... I'm thinking about pulling the trigger. Has anyone heard of these before ...
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    Monitors: By far the most neglected component

    It just struck me while looking for an upgrade, the monitor really has been mostly ignored by PC manufacturers in recent years. I have a 27" Samsung 120hz model and was shopping around for some thing bigger and better and it doesn't exist. The 30" models are all 60hz, covered in anti-glare...
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    Single GTX580 vs 6970 crossfire

    Hi all, I'm tossing up getting rid of my GTX580 and replacing it with two 6970 cards in crossfire. I can't find a lot of benchmark data on the cards, can anyone give me an indicatin on whether the upgrade is worth it ? It will cost me maybe 100-200 bucks maximum to do it. I run 1080p...
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    SLI with cards containing different RAM sizes

    Hi there all. I have a GTX580 with 3GB on board and am thinking about adding a second card for SLI. There are some very cheap 1.5GB cards out there... if I get a 1.5GB card will it couple OK with the the 3GB card ? I would expect that I might be able to see only the 1.5GB of the 3.0GB total...
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    Best 27" 1080p gaming monitor

    I bought myself a second hand Dell 3007wfp and find that too many games need the detail settings dialed down.. Even on my GTX 580. I'm looking for a 27" 1080p monitor. What the best couple out there ? I also have an iMac 27" witht he glossy screen and the glossy doesn't really bother me so...
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    Onboard audio vs soundcard

    Hi all. I've been out of the PC hardware loop for a long time now but I just built myself a rig for MMOs. Because my knowledge is out of date, can anyone enlighten me in relation to onboard audio vs. dedicated soundcards in this day and age ? Specifically, does onboard audio still draw on the...
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    Dell U3011 input lag- is it really something noticeable ?

    Hi all. I built a PC for SWTOR, WOW and other MMOs. I want to buy a 30" LCD and naturally I'm leaning towards the u3011 ... Newer tech, multitude of inputs and great warranty. The only issue is this input lag issue I'm reading about. For those who have owned/used the u3011, is it REALLY an...
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    Watercooling GTX580 to reduce fan noise

    Hi there all. I've just build a nice rig, i7 2600k with a GTX580 3GB and I find the fans on the 580 a bit unbearable when gaming. I have the "triple fan" Gigabyte model and once the fans hit around 60% the noise is a bit off-putting. I have just explored water cooling for the first time with...
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    Upgrade from 27" iMac i5 4850m to i7 6970m ?

    Hi there all. Before I ask this question, I just want to be clear. I know that Macs aren't ideal gaming machines. With that out of the way, there should be no reason for the Windows crowd to remind me. I am thinking about upgrading my 2009 iMac (i5, 8gb ram, 4850m,) to a new 2011 i7 with a...
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    Worth installing Lion beta ?

    Hi there all. I'm registered as an Apple developer and was wondering if any others out there have installed the current build of OSX Lion. Is it worth installing at this stage or is it still a bit unstable, glitchy or otherwise to bother with ? I'm quite excited about the new method to...
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    Parallels: How does it work ?

    Hi there all. I have been playing around with OSX recently after years of being a Windows junkie. I installed Parallels the other day and am really enjoying being able to use both operating systems. I had one question though, when I start Parallels, obviously I am running Windows 7 in a...
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    iTunes library: Sharing Sync between Windows 7 and OSX

    Hi there all. I have an iMac 27" at home and in the past I have used Windows 7 excusively using Bootcamp, however, just lately I have started playing around in OSX and am beginning to use it more and more. I'd like to be able to have my iTunes library (and my iPhone) sync to EITHER Windows...
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    iMac and Windows 7 Bootcamp - non-native screen resultions not scaling

    Hi there all. I have an issue I cannot solve. When I select non-native resolutions on my iMac 27" using Windows7 (64 bit) I cannot get lower resolutions to scale to the full height and width of the panel (i.e. can't scale to full screen). When I select, say 1280x720 or 800x600, instead of the...
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    Ati 5770 at 2560x1600 with World of Warcraft

    Hi there all, Does anyone know if an ATI 5770 card is beefy enough to power WoW at 2560x1600 with all settings on fairly high (except shadows) ? I have a 5870 which I think it a bit of overkill and I'm seriously thinking about selling it and getting the 5770 card which is quieter and more...
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    Upgrade from 30" monitor to 40LCD TV ... viable ?

    With LCD TVs getting better in terms of quality and with smaller panels reaching 1080p resolution, is it now becoming viable to purchase a 37" or 40" LCD TV at 1080p for gaming, general windows use etc? I have a 30" Dell 3007 at the moment and see a lot of very good deals currently for great...
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    Asus Maximus III soundcard vs. Audigy 4

    I got a add-in PCIE soundcard with my Asus Maximus III board and was wondering whether it's a better card than my trusty old Audigy 4 ... I hear that the add-in cards you get with the Asus boards are not much better than on-board sound. What am I better off using ? 1000
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    Creative X-FI Series and hardware acceleration

    Hi there all. I have a Creative X-FI model (cheapy one) that I'm told does not do any hardware acceleration ("extreme audio" I think), also have the ASUS ROG III motherboard that came with a small PCI-E sound card that I'm told also doesn't do any hardware processing. I was left wondering...
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    Updated BIOS on ASUS ROG Formula III now can't boot with Raid 5 array enabled

    Hi there all. I noticed that ASUS posted a beta BIOS 1009 to their site for the ROG Formula III motherboard the other day and it claims to fix problems with some USB devices, so I thought I'd update to it to see if it fixes the problems with the iPhone. I installed it via EZFLASH2 and...
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    HAF932 Case with Zalman 1000w PSU

    Hi there all. I'm getting rid of my Nine Hundred Two and getting a HAF932 after seeing how much roomier the HAF really is (I have 6 HDDs and am planning to get another 5870 for crossfire etc). The only possible issue is with the 24Pin on my Zalman 1000w... it's quite short and getting the...
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    P55 chipset: What is C-State and what does it do ?

    Hi there all. A short time ago I purchased a i7 860 and a P55 mobo (Asus Maximum III). I had all types of trouble connecting devices to the USB ports, particulary my iPhone. I could not maintain a connection to the iphone for more than a minute or two and could not sync, update or do...
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    Image retention on my Dell 3007 LCD?

    Hi there all. something strange is happening to my Dell 3007 LCD, it's starting to suffer from image retention !!!! I thought this was impossible for an LCD but it's happening. I can see the icons that sit on the desktop have burned into the panel. Turning it off for a few minutes and back on...
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    Are my i7 860 temps too high idle ?

    Hi there all. I have a bit of a funny situation here. I just changed from a Gigabyte P55 board to the new Asus Maximum III P55 board because I got a great deal on it and it's a much better board all round. Under the old Gigabyte board, my i7 860 CPu idled at between 22-26c which was just a...
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    Overclocking i7 860 with safe/mid-range voltage

    hi there all. I am about to start experimenting with an overclock on my i7 860 CPU. I am going to aim low to begin with, say, 3675mhz (21x175). My question is what voltage should I apply to the CPU ? Further, what is a safe/reliable temperature for the i7 860 range of CPUs ? I have a...
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    HUGE mouse cursor in World of Warcraft: Catalyst Driver to blame ?

    Hi there all. Since upgrading to a 5870 card, whenever I play WOW my mouse cursor increases in size to about double the normal size. If I turn off HARDWARE CURSOR in Wow it goes back to normal.. funny thing is that when I quit to windows 7 it still stays larger than normal. I tried installing...
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    Overclocking i7 860 and Gigabyte P55-DS4

    Hi there all. First up, I am a complete newbie to overclocking and apart from a little bit of tinkering with my old E8500 I've never really been a serious overclocker and don't know a whole lot about it. I've just picked up a i7 860 and want to try to push it a little, say, from the 2.8ghz...
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    Upgrade from P45 and E8500 to P55 and i7 860

    Hi there all. I've just taken the plunge and bought a Gigabyte P55 socket 1156 board and a i7 860 CPU. My old board is a Gigabyte P45 board running an E8500. My question is this; will I need to reinstall Windows 7 64bit.. or are the chipsets and generations close enough that I can trust W7...
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    WOW and 5870 cards.. Crossfire or not ?

    Hi there all. I am a WOW fanatic, it's pretty much all I play apart from a bit of Aion and CS:S these days. I have a GTX280 now which runs pretty well, however, with AA, shadows and high quality textures in WOW I do get moments, particularly in Northrend (I won't even mention Dalaran which is...
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    Card/s for World of Warcraft at 2560x1600

    Hi there all. I've got a Nvidia GTX280 1gb in my machine at the moment for running WOW at 2560x1600. WOW is pretty much the only PC game I play these days. I have the opportunity to get a VERY sweet deal on Radeon 4870 1gb cards. Here's the question; would I get a benefit if I sold the...