AI Accelerator Cards in Desktops?

If this can improve my Stable Diffusion renders without me having to buy an entirely new videocard (and the cost is reasonable) i'm absolutely for this.
I doubt that'll happen though.
I welcome the change if I can use a solution on the motherboard vs a gpu for Camera image inference on my Blue Iris servers I am game.... Right now I use video cards for inference and if the power draw is lower than a video card doing the same task and is just as fast or faster I am all in.
I welcome the change if I can use a solution on the motherboard vs a gpu for Camera image inference on my Blue Iris servers I am game.... Right now I use video cards for inference and if the power draw is lower than a video card doing the same task and is just as fast or faster I am all in.
Right now I am more interested in the idea of using them for procedurally generated conversation trees.
Even the slowest NPU’s are multiple times faster than most CPU’s on a fraction of the energy. And it’s not something developers want to load onto the GPU because of memory limitations. It opens the door to some interesting load shifts from CPU and GPU to the NPU at the requirement of needing more RAM.
Right now I am more interested in the idea of using them for procedurally generated conversation trees.
Even the slowest NPU’s are multiple times faster than most CPU’s on a fraction of the energy. And it’s not something developers want to load onto the GPU because of memory limitations. It opens the door to some interesting load shifts from CPU and GPU to the NPU at the requirement of needing more RAM.
100% agree the onboard AI has the chance to change alot of things for the better.
100% agree the onboard AI has the chance to change alot of things for the better.
Like make Siri not pause my ESPN stream every time I get in the car to play “baby sleep white noise”?

Seriously, I don’t care that I’ve played “baby sleep white noise” for 20,000 hours, there is no situation ever where I want to play it as soon as I get in my car.
MS needs to improve their on-screen text reader. Seems like an AI voice model would be a good way to do that. I helped a blind employee today and completely relying on that thing has got to be awful.